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Empath Role Play Opportunity! on 07/01/2021 02:19 PM CDT
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Calling all Attendants, Sensitives, Wound Bearers, Field Medics, War Healers, and other form of Empaths, Gorteous has a deal for you! The Theren Guard is actively working to build a strong Traige team. The leadership has many fun and exciting events, games, and other opportunities for you to put your talents and skill to the test! Act now and we will waive the application fee! Okay, so we don’t have an application fee but we do have lots of fun and will work to provide opportunities for you to work your magic and skills. Please send me a direct message to Gorteous#5664 on discord to schedule a time to connect in game to learn more about the Theren Guard Triage team and see if it is something you’re interested in building and supporting with us!

- Felicini, Emeritus Advisor, Order of The Theren Guard
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