Yesterday, I arrived at my favorite hang-out spot (not the Empath's Guild) to find another empath there. I don't know her well, but we've had enough interaction for us to know that each other are empaths. For crying out loud, I use Genie and extensively use color-coding to help me identify what guilds players are associated with, and I color-coded her as an empath some time back!
At any rate, I observed this other empath lay hands on at least two non-empath characters without asking and just taking their wounds. I can't rule out the possibility that she spoke to them via whisper and asked if she could take their wounds. At one point, the alt of one of the 'regulars' in my hang-out spot noticed this and said that when his main character came back, he wanted my empath to take his wounds, and he told this other empath "That's only fair". This was other empath was present, though I can't say definitively whether she heard that or not. My sense of fairness compels me to acknowledge that she may have just been in her thoughts when he said that.
I needed to step away to run an errand, and while I was doing that, I received a ring message from the main character saying he was back at our hang-out spot. I told him I had a few more things to wrap up, but that I'd be there just as soon as I got done. He said his wounds weren't serious, and to take my time. However, when I returned to the hang-out spot, I discovered that this person had no wounds. I asked him what had happened to them, and he said that this other empath had simply taken them without asking.
I could have maybe taken this experience as just one of those things that happen when this other empath says something about him having a bleeder, but then she says, "I was bad." Only she doesn't say it in apologetic kind of way, she sayd it in more of a challenging 'and what are you going to do about it?' obnoxious kind of way. I very nearly slapped her across the face right then and there for her cheekiness, but I knew that that would only make the problem worse, so I left to cool down a bit, and I stated clearly that I was leaving to find wounds because it seemed to me that this other empath doesn't really believe in sharing.
One of the things I did after I cooled down a bit was to search ePedia to make sure I wasn't grossly out of line in thinking her behavior was pretty crappy. I was gratified to find a page in ePedia that explicitly stated that good empath etiquette involves both asking others if it's okay to heal them before you do so and taking turns with healing when other empaths are present.
I've played an empath for long enough to know that healing situations aren't always black and white, certainly not as black and white as they sometimes appear from the outside looking in. Empaths can't expect day-to-day courtesy during invasions because the main goal is to get everyone healed as soon as possible. It's possible to have an arrangement with other characters where you can heal them without having to ask first. (I myself have a very small number of friends with whom I have this arrangement, and certainly to someone watching that from the outside, they might conclude that I don't practice empath etiquette.) Additionally, my favored hang-out spot has an unofficial leader, and sometimes he asks me to heal others even when other empaths are present, and that could also lead to a perceived violation of empathic etiquette on my own part. That's a place I probably need to take a closer look at in terms of making sure I'm respecting other empaths. Then there is the ever-present need to balance the needs of the patient with a given empath's ability to take the wounds in a timely manner without overhealing themselves and unnecessarily creating a corpse to clean up.
One thing I do want to do is ask this other character just how serious his bleeding was. If it was moderate or higher, perhaps I again need to give this other empath the benefit of the doubt.
All of that being said, what I want to know is this - how do those of you who have played empaths for a long time deal with empaths who heal patients without asking first or give other empaths a chance to practice their healing skills? Are you aware of anything that seem to work particularly well? A couple of things that were suggested to me were having an entire room of people set their demeanor toward the violator to cold and using SHUN/CURSE. I'm still looking into what exactly SHUN/CURSE does, but the demeanor cold isn't a bad way to go. If an offender can't touch anyone in a room to heal them, there's not a lot of reason for them to stay around.
Even if I end up not doing anything in this current situation that just happened, I think I'd like to be better prepared to deal with this in case it happens again in the future. From what I've seen out here in the lands, it's just a matter of time until it does.
Thanks so much for any insight and suggestions you can offer!
How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 01:56 AM CDT
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 03:05 AM CDT
>>Nkstroud: how do those of you who have played empaths for a long time deal with empaths who heal patients without asking first or give other empaths a chance to practice their healing skills? Are you aware of anything that seem to work particularly well?
I don't do a lot of stationary healing these days (except as triage). Speaking generally, this is how I handle "greedy" Empaths:
Firstly, I lead by example. If other Empaths are in the room, I make it clear that I am taking turns with patients, which reminds them to take turns. For example, if I healed the previous patient, I might say to the other Empath, "Since I healed the other patient, do you want to heal this person?" More often than not, this subtle approach works. (If the Empath seems to be new, I sometimes take a moment to OOCly explain common etiquette in a "guild/stationary healing" setting.)
Patients (like your friend) can also ask Empaths to refrain from healing them without asking. It may simply not occur to some Empaths that a person might not want to be healed or might be waiting for a specific Empath.
However, there are some players who simply don't care about etiquette -- they don't ask before healing, and they don't care whether other Empaths in the room might be interested in healing. In that case, there is little you can do to change that Empath's behavior; you might just want to set up shop in a different location.
However, the patient can use AVOID !TOUCH and DEMEANOR COLD/RESERVED to prevent unwanted healing. This approach works particularly well if the patient wants to wait for a specific Empath.
>>Nkstroud: I needed to step away to run an errand, and while I was doing that, I received a ring message from the main character saying he was back at our hang-out spot. I told him I had a few more things to wrap up, but that I'd be there just as soon as I got done. He said his wounds weren't serious, and to take my time. However, when I returned to the hang-out spot, I discovered that this person had no wounds. I asked him what had happened to them, and he said that this other empath had simply taken them without asking.
If there are other Empaths in the room, but they are clearly unresponsive, I don't feel obligated to take turns. If patients are asking and not getting a response within a minute or two, I pick up the slack. If the other Empaths persist in being unresponsive for multiple requests, I may even stop waiting until they show signs of life.
If you aren't even in the room at the time, unwanted healing is an issue between the Empath and the patient, not you. As I mentioned earlier, players have tools to prevent unwanted healing. (Enough Empaths have tried to heal my characters without asking that I preemptively use avoids and/or demeanor.)
Keep in mind that even if the other Empath saw your friend's earlier request that you heal him next time, she may not have known if or when you were returning or that you were in communication with him.
That being said, with the exception of triage, death, and emergencies, I ask patients before healing them, because I recognize that people may have reasons for not wanting me to heal them.
In short:
1. Make your expectations known, and lead by example.
2. Encourage your friends who are specifically seeking your help to use avoids or demeanor to prevent other Empaths from intervening.
3. Recognize that while you are AFK or out of the room, other Empaths may not feel an obligation to take turns with you.
4. Finally, while there is a certain etiquette among Empath players, there is no rule requiring Empaths to share patients. In the end, you may have to resort to working in a different room or using another training method.
"Empathy doesn't make people nice." --GM Armifer
Empath new player guide:
Empath hunting ladder:
I don't do a lot of stationary healing these days (except as triage). Speaking generally, this is how I handle "greedy" Empaths:
Firstly, I lead by example. If other Empaths are in the room, I make it clear that I am taking turns with patients, which reminds them to take turns. For example, if I healed the previous patient, I might say to the other Empath, "Since I healed the other patient, do you want to heal this person?" More often than not, this subtle approach works. (If the Empath seems to be new, I sometimes take a moment to OOCly explain common etiquette in a "guild/stationary healing" setting.)
Patients (like your friend) can also ask Empaths to refrain from healing them without asking. It may simply not occur to some Empaths that a person might not want to be healed or might be waiting for a specific Empath.
However, there are some players who simply don't care about etiquette -- they don't ask before healing, and they don't care whether other Empaths in the room might be interested in healing. In that case, there is little you can do to change that Empath's behavior; you might just want to set up shop in a different location.
However, the patient can use AVOID !TOUCH and DEMEANOR COLD/RESERVED to prevent unwanted healing. This approach works particularly well if the patient wants to wait for a specific Empath.
>>Nkstroud: I needed to step away to run an errand, and while I was doing that, I received a ring message from the main character saying he was back at our hang-out spot. I told him I had a few more things to wrap up, but that I'd be there just as soon as I got done. He said his wounds weren't serious, and to take my time. However, when I returned to the hang-out spot, I discovered that this person had no wounds. I asked him what had happened to them, and he said that this other empath had simply taken them without asking.
If there are other Empaths in the room, but they are clearly unresponsive, I don't feel obligated to take turns. If patients are asking and not getting a response within a minute or two, I pick up the slack. If the other Empaths persist in being unresponsive for multiple requests, I may even stop waiting until they show signs of life.
If you aren't even in the room at the time, unwanted healing is an issue between the Empath and the patient, not you. As I mentioned earlier, players have tools to prevent unwanted healing. (Enough Empaths have tried to heal my characters without asking that I preemptively use avoids and/or demeanor.)
Keep in mind that even if the other Empath saw your friend's earlier request that you heal him next time, she may not have known if or when you were returning or that you were in communication with him.
That being said, with the exception of triage, death, and emergencies, I ask patients before healing them, because I recognize that people may have reasons for not wanting me to heal them.
In short:
1. Make your expectations known, and lead by example.
2. Encourage your friends who are specifically seeking your help to use avoids or demeanor to prevent other Empaths from intervening.
3. Recognize that while you are AFK or out of the room, other Empaths may not feel an obligation to take turns with you.
4. Finally, while there is a certain etiquette among Empath players, there is no rule requiring Empaths to share patients. In the end, you may have to resort to working in a different room or using another training method.
"Empathy doesn't make people nice." --GM Armifer
Empath new player guide:
Empath hunting ladder:
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 09:26 AM CDT
I don't empath main, but in my experience adhering to empath etiquette in a static and busy location is an idyllic dream. It only works if people stay atk, their character's RP allows for respecting others and their players care to follow it. That's a lot of ifs.
If you're concerned about getting your 'turn' and chance at wounds, find a spot to call your own triage without the roulette wheel of other empaths around you.
If you're concerned about getting your 'turn' and chance at wounds, find a spot to call your own triage without the roulette wheel of other empaths around you.
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 11:59 AM CDT
Thanks for your thoughtful reply, Sarkranis. I'm encouraged because I'm already doing most of what you do, with the exception of having friends use avoids or demeanor cold/reserved. My friend told me that he was going to set this problem empath to demeanor cold, so hopefully if the problem empath comes back around she will get the hint.
I do have one question about demeanor. If I have someone set 'demeanor reserved empath' to be reserved toward all empaths, but then add their favorite empaths via befriend <person> warm or friendly, does the setting for the individual supersede the setting for the guild? Would those few empaths on the befriend list be able to heal the person?
If we were talking this happening at any other location, I'd most likely be willing to pack up and move to get away from an obnoxious empath. There are a number of times where something like that has happened and I've been happy to walk away and go elsewhere. However, my preferred hangout spot is one of the very few places in Elanthia where I am just NOT willing to be the one who walks away, not for more than a day or two. (for the record, the place I hang out is Pfanston's Grove in Crossing). I REALLY want the Grove to be a place where we respect each other. The spirit of the Grove is one where we try to help anyone who needs it, regardless of what form that help might take. One thing I really think that should mean is that people who need healing can receive healing, but empaths who want to be allowed to heal can have a turn in healing, or if I'm there and don't have a need to move around for a bit, I'm more than happy to teach some Empathy. One way or another, Empathy can be had by those who want it!
I do have one question about demeanor. If I have someone set 'demeanor reserved empath' to be reserved toward all empaths, but then add their favorite empaths via befriend <person> warm or friendly, does the setting for the individual supersede the setting for the guild? Would those few empaths on the befriend list be able to heal the person?
If we were talking this happening at any other location, I'd most likely be willing to pack up and move to get away from an obnoxious empath. There are a number of times where something like that has happened and I've been happy to walk away and go elsewhere. However, my preferred hangout spot is one of the very few places in Elanthia where I am just NOT willing to be the one who walks away, not for more than a day or two. (for the record, the place I hang out is Pfanston's Grove in Crossing). I REALLY want the Grove to be a place where we respect each other. The spirit of the Grove is one where we try to help anyone who needs it, regardless of what form that help might take. One thing I really think that should mean is that people who need healing can receive healing, but empaths who want to be allowed to heal can have a turn in healing, or if I'm there and don't have a need to move around for a bit, I'm more than happy to teach some Empathy. One way or another, Empathy can be had by those who want it!
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 12:35 PM CDT
Hehe - hey there Skaen - it's Kerenelle! It's too funny that one of my Grove buddies who is one of the very few people I heal without asking replied to my question not knowing who he was talking to. :D
If you saw my reply to Sarkranis, the place my problem happened is Pfanston's Grove. I WON'T be the one moving to set up a shop in a different location, except maybe temporarily if things should get really bad. The Grove is my Crossing hangout home, and I'm NOT giving it up so easily! I refuse to let either rude inconsiderate people or poor communicators destroy the wonderful cooperative spirit that exists at the Grove and makes it a place that people know they can come to for help, regardless of what form that help takes. People can be selfish at the Empath Guild, but I want the Grove to be a place where selfishness gets its sorry butt kicked as much as possible.
The difficulty with empath etiquette is that there's a real need for some flexibility, because the young need to be nurtured in growing their skills and helped if they're assigned someone with a lot of significant wounds, but the patients also need to be cared for as quickly as possible. It really is a BOTH/AND. AFK empaths can be worked around - whoever is ATK and alert can heal the patient and the AFKers can be rotated in once they're alert and ATK again.
You're right that we can't change people or make them RP with respect for others. But we can be FIERCE about insisting that rude behavior won't be tolerated in a place like the Grove. We can tell them they can be like rude everywhere else in Elanthia if they want, but if they want to come to the Grove, we expect them to 'play nice'. (Issues with certain high-level bullies who shall remain nameless notwithstanding - but they aren't empaths, so out of the context of this discussion.)
Have a great day!
If you saw my reply to Sarkranis, the place my problem happened is Pfanston's Grove. I WON'T be the one moving to set up a shop in a different location, except maybe temporarily if things should get really bad. The Grove is my Crossing hangout home, and I'm NOT giving it up so easily! I refuse to let either rude inconsiderate people or poor communicators destroy the wonderful cooperative spirit that exists at the Grove and makes it a place that people know they can come to for help, regardless of what form that help takes. People can be selfish at the Empath Guild, but I want the Grove to be a place where selfishness gets its sorry butt kicked as much as possible.
The difficulty with empath etiquette is that there's a real need for some flexibility, because the young need to be nurtured in growing their skills and helped if they're assigned someone with a lot of significant wounds, but the patients also need to be cared for as quickly as possible. It really is a BOTH/AND. AFK empaths can be worked around - whoever is ATK and alert can heal the patient and the AFKers can be rotated in once they're alert and ATK again.
You're right that we can't change people or make them RP with respect for others. But we can be FIERCE about insisting that rude behavior won't be tolerated in a place like the Grove. We can tell them they can be like rude everywhere else in Elanthia if they want, but if they want to come to the Grove, we expect them to 'play nice'. (Issues with certain high-level bullies who shall remain nameless notwithstanding - but they aren't empaths, so out of the context of this discussion.)
Have a great day!
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 12:42 PM CDT
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 01:02 PM CDT
>Why is this thread even a thing?
My theory is that Empath players want, mostly, to be the helper/healer. 99% of DR's players are the hunter/damager. So healing is the basically the only way Empath players get to 'shine'.
A damage player gets to shine by killing monsters, and if you wander into his room and steal his critters he gets mad.
Same thing for a healing empath. It's not about the experience, as such. It's about the 'this is what I do' being stolen.
My theory is that Empath players want, mostly, to be the helper/healer. 99% of DR's players are the hunter/damager. So healing is the basically the only way Empath players get to 'shine'.
A damage player gets to shine by killing monsters, and if you wander into his room and steal his critters he gets mad.
Same thing for a healing empath. It's not about the experience, as such. It's about the 'this is what I do' being stolen.
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 01:09 PM CDT
Yeah, it's sort of odd to me that there are still Empaths who insist the only way to be an Empath is to sit at the guild and beg for patients. A lot of combat Empaths still 'shine', for whatever that means, as healers, they just don't do it sitting in hospitals all day.
>A damage player gets to shine by killing monsters, and if you wander into his room and steal his critters he gets mad.
Hilariously, I find this behavior to be just as obnoxious.
>A damage player gets to shine by killing monsters, and if you wander into his room and steal his critters he gets mad.
Hilariously, I find this behavior to be just as obnoxious.
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 01:12 PM CDT
>Same thing for a healing empath. It's not about the experience, as such. It's about the 'this is what I do' being stolen.
Huh, that's really insightful.
Re: Life mana Spell preps
You raise your hands in the air. You wave them like you just don't care. Somebody says, "Hey!" Somebody says, "Ho!" Somebody screams.
Huh, that's really insightful.
Re: Life mana Spell preps
You raise your hands in the air. You wave them like you just don't care. Somebody says, "Hey!" Somebody says, "Ho!" Somebody screams.
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 01:38 PM CDT
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 05:35 PM CDT
>>Nkstroud: I do have one question about demeanor. If I have someone set 'demeanor reserved empath' to be reserved toward all empaths, but then add their favorite empaths via befriend <person> warm or friendly, does the setting for the individual supersede the setting for the guild? Would those few empaths on the befriend list be able to heal the person?
Yes. Your befriend setting will override your demeanor for that individual. (Keep in mind that characters on standard accounts are limited to 10 befriend slots, while Premium characters get 20 befriend slots.)
Order of priority (if your demeanor settings conflict):
1. person (BEFRIEND command)
2. race
3. guild (see below)
4. default
Guild demeanors only work on characters whose profession flags have been turned on (that is, their guild is displayed in the first line of the description). An Empath whose profession flag is turned off will be unaffected by this setting, so it might be better for you to use either a general demeanor (works on everyone) plus befriend settings or AVOID !TOUCH until you are ready to be healed.
>>Nkstroud: If we were talking this happening at any other location, I'd most likely be willing to pack up and move to get away from an obnoxious empath. There are a number of times where something like that has happened and I've been happy to walk away and go elsewhere. However, my preferred hangout spot is one of the very few places in Elanthia where I am just NOT willing to be the one who walks away, not for more than a day or two. (for the record, the place I hang out is Pfanston's Grove in Crossing).
Unfortunately, if you're attached to a particular location -- especially one with no built-in removal mechanics -- your options are limited.
If everything I said before fails you, a less subtle approach is to Compel the Empath out of the room (assuming you can win the charm vs. willpower contest and that you don't mind the PvP that may follow).
"Empathy doesn't make people nice." --GM Armifer
Empath new player guide:
Empath hunting ladder:
Yes. Your befriend setting will override your demeanor for that individual. (Keep in mind that characters on standard accounts are limited to 10 befriend slots, while Premium characters get 20 befriend slots.)
Order of priority (if your demeanor settings conflict):
1. person (BEFRIEND command)
2. race
3. guild (see below)
4. default
Guild demeanors only work on characters whose profession flags have been turned on (that is, their guild is displayed in the first line of the description). An Empath whose profession flag is turned off will be unaffected by this setting, so it might be better for you to use either a general demeanor (works on everyone) plus befriend settings or AVOID !TOUCH until you are ready to be healed.
>>Nkstroud: If we were talking this happening at any other location, I'd most likely be willing to pack up and move to get away from an obnoxious empath. There are a number of times where something like that has happened and I've been happy to walk away and go elsewhere. However, my preferred hangout spot is one of the very few places in Elanthia where I am just NOT willing to be the one who walks away, not for more than a day or two. (for the record, the place I hang out is Pfanston's Grove in Crossing).
Unfortunately, if you're attached to a particular location -- especially one with no built-in removal mechanics -- your options are limited.
If everything I said before fails you, a less subtle approach is to Compel the Empath out of the room (assuming you can win the charm vs. willpower contest and that you don't mind the PvP that may follow).
"Empathy doesn't make people nice." --GM Armifer
Empath new player guide:
Empath hunting ladder:
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 08/15/2016 08:36 PM CDT
>>Sarkranis: If everything I said before fails you, a less subtle approach is to Compel the Empath out of the room (assuming you can win the charm vs. willpower contest and that you don't mind the PvP that may follow).
I've thought about this. I love the Compel spell, but unfortunately Debil is my weakest magic by a fair margin below most of my other magics. It might still be enough, though, with this particular empath. I don't neglect charisma as a stat, and I'm pretty sure I'm a higher level than this other empath. However, I'm not particularly crazy about or good at PvP. Since Pfanston more or less 'owns' that spot, I think I'll talk to him and get his thoughts on how this might be handled. If some number of the regulars there would be willing to take on anyone who tries to PvP me if it comes to that for the sake of protecting the spirit of 'anyone who wants help will get help here regardless of what form that help might take', that just might work.
Thanks, Sarkranis!
I've thought about this. I love the Compel spell, but unfortunately Debil is my weakest magic by a fair margin below most of my other magics. It might still be enough, though, with this particular empath. I don't neglect charisma as a stat, and I'm pretty sure I'm a higher level than this other empath. However, I'm not particularly crazy about or good at PvP. Since Pfanston more or less 'owns' that spot, I think I'll talk to him and get his thoughts on how this might be handled. If some number of the regulars there would be willing to take on anyone who tries to PvP me if it comes to that for the sake of protecting the spirit of 'anyone who wants help will get help here regardless of what form that help might take', that just might work.
Thanks, Sarkranis!
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/03/2016 08:46 PM CDT
I play both ways, I sometimes ask and i sometimes steal wounds, even have a badge that says wound thief. Some of it falls on your friend, there are plenty of ways to break an empaths link if they try to take your wounds without permission even if they manage to initiate a link. If he were to leave the room the link would break. Unless said other empath has unity or something, that's a little faster.
But when i play around with other empaths I try to share patients (specially once i hit mind lock), but i won't wait around forever for them to respond to a patients request either if a min. or 2 goes by and no response I'm not going to make the wounded person wait.
I don't always steal wounds either, a lot of the time i will whisper to see if they would like healed, i pay attention to those that aren't empaths via perceive health and look for wounds actively (once sometime recently an empath even said that they heal a particular person and i broke the links i started before the healing began)
It's a tough call sometimes.
But when i play around with other empaths I try to share patients (specially once i hit mind lock), but i won't wait around forever for them to respond to a patients request either if a min. or 2 goes by and no response I'm not going to make the wounded person wait.
I don't always steal wounds either, a lot of the time i will whisper to see if they would like healed, i pay attention to those that aren't empaths via perceive health and look for wounds actively (once sometime recently an empath even said that they heal a particular person and i broke the links i started before the healing began)
It's a tough call sometimes.
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/03/2016 09:18 PM CDT
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/04/2016 05:18 PM CDT
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/04/2016 07:14 PM CDT
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/04/2016 08:55 PM CDT
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/05/2016 12:55 AM CDT
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/05/2016 04:07 PM CDT
> I always look at both empaths, and tip the one with matching wounds.
A good idea, but keep in mind, some of us keep a high-mana Regenerate up all of the time while we are healing folks. So by the time I've cleared your external wounds the slow way, Regen has pulses a couple of times, and those wounds are down to minor scars. Additionally, we have this redirect wounds ability, which can take critical wounds and scars from a vital location, and shuffle them off to an eye or a leg to pulse away without danger of overhealing.
IE, by the time you are done being healed, all of those wounds might be gone from an empath with enough magic and circles to learn and use Regen. :)
A good idea, but keep in mind, some of us keep a high-mana Regenerate up all of the time while we are healing folks. So by the time I've cleared your external wounds the slow way, Regen has pulses a couple of times, and those wounds are down to minor scars. Additionally, we have this redirect wounds ability, which can take critical wounds and scars from a vital location, and shuffle them off to an eye or a leg to pulse away without danger of overhealing.
IE, by the time you are done being healed, all of those wounds might be gone from an empath with enough magic and circles to learn and use Regen. :)
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/05/2016 04:12 PM CDT
>>IE, by the time you are done being healed, all of those wounds might be gone from an empath with enough magic and circles to learn and use Regen. :)
So, I guess I should clarify. :)
1) Pay attention.
2) If unable to see who healed you, check empaths for wounds.
3) If all else fails, tip everyone.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
So, I guess I should clarify. :)
1) Pay attention.
2) If unable to see who healed you, check empaths for wounds.
3) If all else fails, tip everyone.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/05/2016 04:19 PM CDT
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/05/2016 05:44 PM CDT
Re: How to Deal with Rude Empaths? on 11/06/2016 12:37 AM CDT
>So by the time I've cleared your external wounds the slow way, Regen has pulses a couple of times, and those wounds are down to minor scars.
Heh, I find my patients fall into 3 categories -
1. Patients I heal via Unity.
2. Patients I heal while the CD for Unity is still up, and use TAKE ALL. Rarely does this take more than two pulses of healing to get all the wounds.
3. Patients who are dead, who I take a tad more time on due to redirect or TAKE HALF.
An empath using regen and/or foc probably xfers wounds REAL fast.
Heh, I find my patients fall into 3 categories -
1. Patients I heal via Unity.
2. Patients I heal while the CD for Unity is still up, and use TAKE ALL. Rarely does this take more than two pulses of healing to get all the wounds.
3. Patients who are dead, who I take a tad more time on due to redirect or TAKE HALF.
An empath using regen and/or foc probably xfers wounds REAL fast.