Parry stick and brawling skill on 10/20/2012 05:52 PM CDT
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Do parry sticks use your brawling skill for weapon ranks with parry skill providing a bonus? I use small shield and have equal skill in both shield and parry, low 50s, with brawling in the low 30s. I have always kept shield and parry at similar rank but it seems all the way up the chain of critters I can defend against three with shield but only one with parry. Adding a critter vs shield does not seem to make as much difference, 10 or 20 points more in evasion... but going from parrying one critter at say 60 100 x to a second critter at 100 100 x, I always get hit hard immediately. My multi and armor are also in the 50s. Brawling learns very slowly against non constructs I am almost tempted to give up on parry entirely and just use shield vs everything.

Does brawling need to be equivalent to parry for this to be a tenable defense? I don't understand why adding one critter makes such a huge difference when parrying but not when using shield. I am currently in dusk ogres but literally every step from goblins has been the same pattern.
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Re: Parry stick and brawling skill on 10/20/2012 06:55 PM CDT
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Parry is just terrible sub-100. Eventually it'll become less painful to train, I'm at about 150 ranks it's only slightly worse than shield.
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Re: Parry stick and brawling skill on 10/20/2012 07:42 PM CDT
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>Do parry sticks use your brawling skill for weapon ranks with parry skill providing a bonus?

More or less. According to an older post, Parry is badly balanced, using weapon ranks roughly as much as parry skill.

And yes, parry sticks count brawling as the weapon skill.

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Re: Parry stick and brawling skill on 10/22/2012 04:47 PM CDT
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Yes, I can attest to this. With Brawling at about 100 and Halberd at 180, I parry much more effectively with the Halberd than with the parry stick. I'd be taking 0-2/34 hits (based off of the Genie subs) with the Halberd to 4-5/34 with the parry stick. My parry is about 20 ranks higher than Halberd.

As Dyera said, parry sucks before about 100 ranks. I didn't train it for a long time because of how much it sucked (I'm an empath, I figured "What do I care about parry?") But before constructs, parry training a weapon was the only way to go so I back trained and much to my surprise, it became decent. Now I've only got about a 20 point difference between my shield and parry and they're both good.

Brawling can lock in about 15-20 minutes with bob, weave, circle, parry, shove. It locks for me just a little while after MO does. I train brawling exclusively on non-constructs. If I'm hunting constructs, I'm hitting them with the halberd.

I would think that all skills being equal, the parry stick should be better at parrying than my halberd is.

This is turning into a ramble but on another note, anything with an actual weapon (ogres, goblins, trolls, clay soldiers) seem tougher to parry than things with claws or tusks for weapons.

Player of Leech Farmer Nithhogr
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