The Empath spells have been updated on Test. There's a few minor changes along with adjustments to the castmods:
I cannot take credit for this! This work was all done by Melete and Grejuva.
Vigor: Allow casting on other players.
Nissa's Binding: Slots reduced from 3 to 2
Flush Poisons: Fixed bug preventing use when fully shocked and overly penalizing shocked Empaths
Cure Disease: Fixed bug preventing use when fully shocked and overly penalizing shocked Empaths
Heart Link: Slots reduced from 3 to 2
Raise Power: Increased to medium duration, changed to a non-battle area spell.
Aesandry Darlaeth: Fixed flag falsely indicating this spell could be group cast. Fixed bug that was not removing all web types.
Awaken: Fixed bug flagging this spell as both utility and warding spell, it is now correctly just a warding spell.
Guardian Spirit: Fixed bug mixing up the chain and plate armor templates.
As usual you can keep track of the current changes on Test here:
"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things