Maining an Empath on 06/08/2016 02:36 PM CDT
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There was an inciteful post in the necro folder that led to a dicussion on some of the difficulties and hurdles faced by those who main a necromancer. I'm not saying empath limitations are anywhere near the level of necro limitations, especially in social interactions, but this has led me to wonder if there was a correlary with empaths and their limitations. I have my thoughts, but I'd like to hear from other players who have played (especially mained) empaths.

So a few questions:

1. Do you consider your empath a main, alt, or mule?

2. Was this always the case, or did it change after you had played the character a while?

3. How often do you interact with the combat system on your empath? Put another way, how many empath mains have made an alt solely to hunt for their empath?

4. Do you wish that you had a way to interact with the CvC/PvP systems, spars, or tournaments?

5. What, if anything, would you (temporarily) give up to (again, temporarily) gain full combat capabilities on your empath? (ignoring for a second whether the GMs/lore could support this.)

6. Do you think absolution/constructs are enough to fill this need?

7. Do you enjoy paid quests on your empath?

8. Have you had others complain or critize your empath for hunting the same creatures as them, especially as it concerns spawn rates?

9. Do you think empaths need more combat spells or is sorcery enough?
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/08/2016 03:04 PM CDT
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>>1. Do you consider your empath a main, alt, or mule?


>>2. Was this always the case, or did it change after you had played the character a while?

Started off as a healing mule, and grew on me.

>>3. How often do you interact with the combat system on your empath? Put another way, how many empath mains have made an alt solely to hunt for their empath?

I hunt all the time, and quite enjoy it.

>>4. Do you wish that you had a way to interact with the CvC/PvP systems, spars, or tournaments?

I wish GS would get an overhaul so that it could be more effective outside of PvE. They're far to slow. Maybe we could be allowed to give them ranged weapons like zombies, that might help as a temp fix.

>>5. What, if anything, would you (temporarily) give up to (again, temporarily) gain full combat capabilities on your empath? (ignoring for a second whether the GMs/lore could support this.)

I dont't think it's needed. The current tools we have are sufficient I think, especially if the construct hunting ladder was fleshed out a bit.

>>6. Do you think absolution/constructs are enough to fill this need?

See above.

>>7. Do you enjoy paid quests on your empath?


>>8. Have you had others complain or critize your empath for hunting the same creatures as them, especially as it concerns spawn rates?


>>9. Do you think empaths need more combat spells or is sorcery enough?

I think there is a lot of redundancy in the empath spell tree, though as I sit here i'm at a loss as to what i'd replace them with.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/08/2016 03:57 PM CDT
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<<There was an inciteful post in the necro folder

The "Most Hilariously Appropriate Typo" award of the year goes to you.

Aside: I also expect to be as disappointed with the lack of Empath maiming as I was with the lack of Necromancer ones. :(

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/08/2016 04:16 PM CDT
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<<I also expect to be as disappointed with the lack of Empath maiming

Did you maim your post on purpose?
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/08/2016 04:58 PM CDT
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<<Did you maim your post on purpose?

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/09/2016 12:02 PM CDT
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<<1. Do you consider your empath a main, alt, or mule?>>

My Empath is my main and only character.

<<2. Was this always the case, or did it change after you had played the character a while?>>

He actually started out as an alternate, but pretty quickly took over to become my main as I found that I enjoyed it.

<<3. How often do you interact with the combat system on your empath? Put another way, how many empath mains have made an alt solely to hunt for their empath?>>

I've always been very heavily combat-focused, even back when we had very few tools for it.

<<4. Do you wish that you had a way to interact with the CvC/PvP systems, spars, or tournaments?>>

Not particularly. I'm much more interested in cooperative experiences with other players rather than that stuff.

<<5. What, if anything, would you (temporarily) give up to (again, temporarily) gain full combat capabilities on your empath? (ignoring for a second whether the GMs/lore could support this.)>>

Nothing, and in fact I don't think such an option should exist. I want combat to be a different experience for an Empath than it is for others.

<<6. Do you think absolution/constructs are enough to fill this need?>>

More than enough, really. I'm pretty indifferent to constructs and would be fine if they had never existed. I'd kind of prefer to have seen the ability to defeat undead done in more of a thematic way rather than just turning off Shock against them, but I'll take what I can get on the matter.

<<7. Do you enjoy paid quests on your empath?>>

Yep, quite a bit. Quests are better when there's more healing to be done, but I always tend to have a good time.

<<8. Have you had others complain or critize your empath for hunting the same creatures as them, especially as it concerns spawn rates?>>

Nope, they're usually impressed. Of course, I also make a point to be considerate and Compel any extra creatures to go away instead of hogging them when applicable.

<<9. Do you think empaths need more combat spells or is sorcery enough?>>

I don't have much in terms of specific requests at the moment; I think our toolbox is pretty solid right now. I would like to see more of a support role develop, which I suppose means more Debilitation options.

That's the end of the questions, but I feel a need to mention that the biggest issue I have with playing an Empath character as my main is that healing opportunities are MUCH too few and far between. This isn't a new topic so I don't really think it's necessary to rehash all of it, but I will say that it has nothing to do with gaining experience in the Empathy skill (at all. Seriously.) since people always seem to bring that into the discussion. It's entirely about the gameplay experience and playing a particular role in the setting.

-Life Weaver Karthor
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/09/2016 08:00 PM CDT
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I think the main challenge with the Empath Guild was the decision several years ago to incorporate the new Necromantic Sorcery under the umbrella of the Guild. Yes, yes, I recognize the decision at the time had to do with the desire to have an option for more advanced players who wanted a challenge, and what could be more challenging than having the option to go down the pathway of being a purely evil character after circle after circle of restrictive development of an Empath. As Armifer said at the time, there was also the lore perspective of Necromancy and Empathy being two sides of the same coin, and Necromancy being a reasonable pathway for Empaths who had defied the Guild's structures to the point that Shock left them blind to the Transference, but still knowledgeably in the arts of anatomy and Life Magic without the compound of Empathy. What was the alternative? The full on development of a new guild? Maybe, but given the complaints people have about the competing needs of regular Empaths and Necromantic Empaths, maybe it would have been better to establish a new guild.

Oh, wait, sorry, which timeline are we?
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/11/2016 12:42 AM CDT
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>>1. Do you consider your empath a main, alt, or mule?


>>2. Was this always the case, or did it change after you had played the character a while?

I've bounced among empath, moon mage and ranger over the years. I came back after a break solely for the Hodierna Link. I've always enjoyed playing healing/support roles in other multiplayer games, and Hodierna Link seemed like the way this would truly happen in DR. I've mained the empath since then.

>>3. How often do you interact with the combat system on your empath? Put another way, how many empath mains have made an alt solely to hunt for their empath?

I hunt occasionally. I did make an alt moon mage, but the recent nerfs to debil and TM have made me enjoy healing others more.

>>4. Do you wish that you had a way to interact with the CvC/PvP systems, spars, or tournaments?


>>5. What, if anything, would you (temporarily) give up to (again, temporarily) gain full combat capabilities on your empath? (ignoring for a second whether the GMs/lore could support this.)

Nothing really. Like Karthor, I like that empaths don't fight conventionally.

>>6. Do you think absolution/constructs are enough to fill this need?

I suppose, for those who really need to swing at something ... or collect extra TDPs.

>>7. Do you enjoy paid quests on your empath?

Haven't done any.

>>8. Have you had others complain or critize your empath for hunting the same creatures as them, especially as it concerns spawn rates?


>>9. Do you think empaths need more combat spells or is sorcery enough?

No, instead I'd like to see empaths become paragons of group support.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/11/2016 01:03 AM CDT
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>>Derium: 1. Do you consider your empath a main, alt, or mule?

Sarkranis is one of my two main characters.

>>Derium: 2. Was this always the case, or did it change after you had played the character a while?

Sarkranis was always intended to be a serious RP character and not a mule. (I had acquired a low-level healing mule some months before and discovered that I liked the guild. I ditched the mule and created my own character.)

>>Derium: 3. How often do you interact with the combat system on your empath? Put another way, how many empath mains have made an alt solely to hunt for their empath?

I rolled Sarkranis in January 2007 with the intention of making her a combat Empath. I started hunting right out the gate, before constructs existed and before I had access to Guardian Spirit.

>>Derium: 4. Do you wish that you had a way to interact with the CvC/PvP systems, spars, or tournaments?

Although I recognize that conflict will sometimes result from my role-playing decisions, I am not that into PvP. I might be more interested if I had some shock-free options other than trying to force someone to stay at melee with my alfar warrior.

>>Derium: 5. What, if anything, would you (temporarily) give up to (again, temporarily) gain full combat capabilities on your empath? (ignoring for a second whether the GMs/lore could support this.)

Sarkranis is unwilling to sacrifice her empathy for full combat capabilities. Her ultimate goals require intact empathy.

>>Derium: 6. Do you think absolution/constructs are enough to fill this need?

Yes. Absolution is one of the best things that ever happened to the guild. It really helps, since there are gaps in the construct ladder, and most constructs aren't skinnable.

>>Derium: 7. Do you enjoy paid quests on your empath?

Although I attend Hollow Eve, I generally don't do paid quests at all. However, I had fun running Ulf'Hara with my Empath.

>>Derium: 8. Have you had others complain or critize your empath for hunting the same creatures as them, especially as it concerns spawn rates?

Only rarely. I try to be considerate of other hunters. My kill rate is actually decent if I am not just hunting the living with Guardian Spirit.

>>Derium: 9. Do you think empaths need more combat spells or is sorcery enough?

I would love to see more combat spells for Empaths. Sorcerous casting of targeted magic and debilitation is less than ideal due to the higher rate of backlash (due to more frequent casting in combat).

"Empathy doesn't make people nice." --GM Armifer

Empath new player guide:

Empath hunting ladder:
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/11/2016 10:23 AM CDT
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>I've bounced among empath, moon mage and ranger over the years. I came back after a break solely for the Hodierna Link. I've always enjoyed playing healing/support roles in other multiplayer games, and Hodierna Link seemed like the way this would truly happen in DR. I've mained the empath since then.

You know, I was SUPER excited about HoH when I first read about it, and ground my Empath hard to 80th to get it. I had been playing Rift, and one of the Cleric healing specs is called the Defiler, which heals by linking to up to 4 characters and automatically taking a percentage of the damage they take, which is then mitigated via a special self-healing mechanic. So HoH sounded awesome, because I too prefer support/healing roles in games.

Unfortunately, I've found I've rare had opportunity to use it. Most people hunt safely, and there's not much of a purpose to bringing in people who are vastly underqualified to hunt in a given area. I feel like HoH is a great ability and works as intended, but it's just sort of unfortunate that DR isn't really set up to support it.

>I would love to see more combat spells for Empaths. Sorcerous casting of targeted magic and debilitation is less than ideal due to the higher rate of backlash (due to more frequent casting in combat).

Yeah, this. My Empath isn't my main, so, preface with that, but I did use him as a combat character. He feels pretty potent, and I like the guild a great deal, but feel that if you don't use Absolution and hunt Undead, you're basically A ) very limited with what you can do in combat, and B ) penalized by the unfortunate TDP paradigm of needing to train all the things.

I think if there were more non-lethal Tactics maneuvers, additional spell options, and more ways to interact with GS, Empaths would be interesting enough to me want to main. Personally, I'd like to see some additional combat functionality to Empathy as well - maybe linking critters together so they take damage when the other does?

Ultimately, I want to say that I think the guild is a lot of fun, and very interesting, and what makes me want to put down my Empath in favor of other characters isn't really the fault of the guild, but a preference for seeing 20+ skills moving at any given time, and a frustration with how Tactics is somewhat limited.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/11/2016 10:46 AM CDT
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> a frustration with how Tactics is somewhat limited.

Tactics is AMAZING, if you're lucky. Let's review what the skill does.

On demand:
1. Restore fatigue - Bob.
2. General defense debuff - Weave.
3. Clears engagement, knockdown - Shove.
4. Balance debuff - Circle.

1. Armor debuff - Analyze.
2. Position debuff - Analyze.
3. Balance debuff - Analyze.
4. Increased stunn chance - Analyze.

And I'm sure there are some I'm missing. Tactics is good. The only thing missing is a benefit to lore primes (maybe less RNG with analyze) and the ability for empaths to use it effectively (non-damaging combos).
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/11/2016 12:05 PM CDT
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You misunderstood - Tactics is amazing, I don't disagree. Non-violent tactics maneuvers are limited, in that you really only have circle, weave, bob, and shove. My Empath in combat isn't spending fatigue, so Bob is kind of useless. He's always succeeding on Weave and Circle, so that really only accounts for ~10s worth of activity. I don't need to shove because of engagement issues with my GS, and frankly, I'm trying to kill stuff, not get it away from me. He's also not using weapons, which means the entirety of ANALYZE is basically useless to him.

I'm specifically referring to how a non-weapon using Empath fighting the living, using a GS and Manipulate, is limited in what they can do in combat. My guys routine is support the GS, cast Lethargy, cast Paralyze, work weaving and circling around that, and... wait... Maybe grapple and circle repeatedly. Maybe not. NB is pretty potent for Debil training and keeping stuff unbalanced anyway.

I'm not sure what a reasonable solution is. Maybe add more non-violent tactics maneuveres? Maybe add non-violent ANALYZE routines? Maybe add additional Empath spells for combat use?
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/12/2016 09:15 PM CDT
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>>Unfortunately, I've found I've rare had opportunity to use it. Most people hunt safely, and there's not much of a purpose to bringing in people who are vastly underqualified to hunt in a given area. I feel like HoH is a great ability and works as intended, but it's just sort of unfortunate that DR isn't really set up to support it.

I agree. The Hodierna link wasn't the dawn of a new age of group combat healing as I thought it would be. That said, I've had fun with it recently with a hunting partner. I've had to find those fellow adventurers that like to go "off script" with their hunting and take on a challenge. Rare but fulfilling experience.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/17/2016 04:04 PM CDT
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> 1. Do you consider your empath a main, alt, or mule?

Alt. If I rank my characters, she is #4. (I did have an empath main character (non-combat) for about a year in, oh... 1999, maybe.)

> 2. Was this always the case, or did it change after you had played the character a while?

Always this way.

> 3. How often do you interact with the combat system on your empath? Put another way, how many empath mains have made an alt solely to hunt for their empath?

She was created specifically to enter combat with, and I seldom heal other players (cause I'm out hunting when I log her in, not because I avoid it).

> 4. Do you wish that you had a way to interact with the CvC/PvP systems, spars, or tournaments?

At this point, I have no way to deal damage (apart from taking shock) because I'm only about halfway to having GS.

> 5. What, if anything, would you (temporarily) give up to (again, temporarily) gain full combat capabilities on your empath? (ignoring for a second whether the GMs/lore could support this.)

Perhaps "healing"? Self-healing spells as well as healing by other empaths. Maybe only have a very weak version of Regen available, or a huge penalty to all healing overall. Like a version of Absolution, but to use on the living. Note: I super don't expect this to ever happen; just trying to imagine an answer for the question. Maybe a necromantic quest could be involved, for fun lore options.

> 6. Do you think absolution/constructs are enough to fill this need?

Probably. I've not reached the upper levels with an empath. But undead hunting helps amazingly much with ladder gaps.

> 7. Do you enjoy paid quests on your empath?

Given my experiences with the paid quests I've been on (almost all of them, some multiple times), I would never take my empath because my cleric kills via AoE and my thief kills far faster one-on-one.

> 8. Have you had others complain or critize your empath for hunting the same creatures as them, especially as it concerns spawn rates?

No, but partly because I check the HUNT command and try to help out (leave, kill faster, somethin') if I see someone nearby. 'Course, if they're out of range of my HUNT, I'm totally oblivious.

> 9. Do you think empaths need more combat spells or is sorcery enough?

I'd love to see more combat development.

My empath is an alt partly because it stresses me out, worrying about Absolution dropping without me noticing (even though I have sound triggers and everything set up), or worrying about hitting the wrong enemies in mixed areas. I also was overly ambitious and tried to train All The Weapons on her, but I'm cutting it down to three or four because I'd ideally like to be able to lock them all within one or two casts of Absolution.

I also keep debating with myself about shock: should I just hit somethin' so I'm tainted and get it over with? It's a weird thing to find myself fretting about, and I'd hate to shock my empath for what amounts to OOC reasons, but I might feel more comfortable playing as the character if it weren't hanging about in the back of my mind every single time I hunt.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 06/25/2016 06:54 PM CDT
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>>1. Do you consider your empath a main, alt, or mule?


>>2. Was this always the case, or did it change after you had played the character a while?

Started out as a main, but dropped to an alt when I got fed up with teaching reqs (all hail 3.0 and the death of the teaching skill). Currently the main once again.

>>3. How often do you interact with the combat system on your empath? Put another way, how many empath mains have made an alt solely to hunt for their empath?

I hunt all the time with my empath.

>>4. Do you wish that you had a way to interact with the CvC/PvP systems, spars, or tournaments?


>>5. What, if anything, would you (temporarily) give up to (again, temporarily) gain full combat capabilities on your empath? (ignoring for a second whether the GMs/lore could support this.)

Nothing really.

>>6. Do you think absolution/constructs are enough to fill this need?

I hope for the constructs/undead ladders to get fleshed out some more, but considering the current situation is heads and tails better than just 5 years ago, I'm not complaining.

>>7. Do you enjoy paid quests on your empath?

I will bring out an alt to be a killbot on a Riot, mostly it just depends on the quest itself.

>>8. Have you had others complain or critize your empath for hunting the same creatures as them, especially as it concerns spawn rates?


>>9. Do you think empaths need more combat spells or is sorcery enough?

Would I like some more combat options? Sure. Aoe TM/Debil cyclic hyrbrid vit/fat drain spellz. Go crazy.

A shadowy black death spirit says, "Give us the annoying one, and the rest of you shall live."
* Mudge was just struck down!
The cackling continues. "The Darkness is pleased with your sacrifice."
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/07/2016 12:14 PM CST
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1. Do you consider your empath a main, alt, or mule?

2. Was this always the case, or did it change after you had played the character a while?
I've always been fond of playing healers, but when i first started dragonrealms back in high school i started as a ranger and rerolled into a warmage (deathsblade) - i didn't take up the empath's mantle until later, but love it

3. How often do you interact with the combat system on your empath? Put another way, how many empath mains have made an alt solely to hunt for their empath?
Every so often I go 'dance' with critters, I don't actually hunt them (technically i do, but not rp wise) - My RP is the warrior protects me as well as the manipulated critters

4. Do you wish that you had a way to interact with the CvC/PvP systems, spars, or tournaments?
I do interact with them, i heal during them - if i wanted to do the other stuff i'd play another of my characters

5. What, if anything, would you (temporarily) give up to (again, temporarily) gain full combat capabilities on your empath? (ignoring for a second whether the GMs/lore could support this.)
I wouldn't my character's RP is he follows the old ways, no combat outside of stuff that wouldn't hurt the critters dead/construct/living/whatever (outside of things protecting him)

6. Do you think absolution/constructs are enough to fill this need?

7. Do you enjoy paid quests on your empath?
haven't done any - i'd probably like them, but tend not to have a whole lot of extra money to do things

8. Have you had others complain or critize your empath for hunting the same creatures as them, especially as it concerns spawn rates?
I have not heard, no one has ever said anything with me being in an area

9. Do you think empaths need more combat spells or is sorcery enough?
i wouldn't mind more combat oriented spells, provided they fit my empaths RP somehow - even if just to buff my GS
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/07/2016 11:15 PM CST
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1. Do you consider your empath a main, alt, or mule?

2. Was this always the case, or did it change after you had played the character a while?
Aislynn's always been my main, for 18ish years, now. :)

3. How often do you interact with the combat system on your empath? Put another way, how many empath mains have made an alt solely to hunt for their empath?
I rarely interact with the combat system, unless forced to.

4. Do you wish that you had a way to interact with the CvC/PvP systems, spars, or tournaments?
I do, but not how they currently exist... I would like to support in group vs group.

5. What, if anything, would you (temporarily) give up to (again, temporarily) gain full combat capabilities on your empath? (ignoring for a second whether the GMs/lore could support this.)
Nothing. My character refuses to cause harm to another being for roleplay reasons, and temporarily being able to do so doesn't make it any less wrong.

6. Do you think absolution/constructs are enough to fill this need?
Yes (more than enough).

7. Do you enjoy paid quests on your empath?

8. Have you had others complain or critize your empath for hunting the same creatures as them, especially as it concerns spawn rates?
Nope, cause I don't hunt often.

9. Do you think empaths need more combat spells or is sorcery enough?
I do, but not in the "cause injury" manner that most combat spells do... I really think empaths need more spells that can buff or support others in combat.

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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/08/2016 07:12 AM CST
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>I really think empaths need more spells that can buff or support others in combat.

Just a side point - I completely agree with you, and think it would be amazing if some sort of support class or option could be produced, but the way the game is built it would probably require a massive system rewrite. 'Support' in most games takes the form of letting the person being supported do the heavy lifting while you, the support class, make it possible for them. In DR terms, that'd be pretty hard to execute. I'd like it if an Empath could wade into combat way above their capacity, and do something to their hunting buddy that let THEM in turn also hunt above their capacity, but I don't see a reasonable way of implementing that that doesn't either just result in the Empath basically not being in combat (perma-Innocence? Paladin Protect?), or retreat spam.

IF some kind of Empathic combat link could be implemented that gave the Empath a portion of all XP learned by the person linked to, in exchange for the Empath sort of... I dunno, mind melding with them? and getting a tool to avoid engagement, while providing large buffs, that'd be sort of neat. Presuming of course the Empath then had some other things to do whilst along for the ride, maybe some sort of 'fighting inner demons' or something?

Anyway, while I love the idea, I think it's sort of simply not the way the game is built. You could always cast Vigor on your buddy, but most guilds can buff Agl or Str. You can always lethargy and grapple with the enemies, but then you're basically just hunting anyway.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/08/2016 08:35 AM CST
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First off, thank you to everyone who responded here. It really shows me how people who want to play empaths are actually playing them, and it probably matches what I would expect.

> Just a side point - I completely agree with you, and think it would be amazing if some sort of support class or option could be produced, but the way the game is built it would probably require a massive system rewrite.

I think there are ways to get this with the game as it sits. Some suggestions.

* New link ability that takes wounds in real time. If we have an empathic link, and someone would take damage, we take it instead. Give it a verb, "brace" that let's us (with RT) greatly reduce the total we receive while we're in the RT. That value is contested against stats and empathy. Give it a CD on usage. With timing, this gives empath a means of fending off boss attacks for an entire party. It would also give the empath a sense of strategy, knowing when to use it and when not to.

* More buff spells. Awaken is good. Vigor on GS is good. We should have something like a adrenaline spell that causes the target (even if just GS) to move much faster and do more damage. Our version of TM, but one that comes from amplifying the damage of another.

* Likewise a set of abilities that let us reduce or eliminate the duration of harmful status effects on others and ourselves. Burn, poison, acid, stuns, etc.. It would work like adaptive curing and be cleared after the effect is cleared.

* Non-combat buffs too. Scholarship buffs. Room wide outdoorsmanship buffs. Room wide blood staunch or heart link, maybe as an extension off the tree. Such as a self-buff heartlink that we automatically extend with touch.

* We can do more with manipulating life. A one-person cheat death, or coercing vines to trip something, or causing something's muscles to fail them (like lethargy but as a - offensive power, or dropped weapon), or granting a vampire like effect to someone.

Right now, it feels like we have one niche: healing. While it's a very important niche, it could still be so much more.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/08/2016 09:33 AM CST
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>New link ability that takes wounds in real time

You really did basically describe Hand of Hodierna. It's not in real time, but it's pretty damn close.

>More buff spells.

The problem is this is a rank based game. Empaths could buff literally every skill and stat, and it wouldn't make them 'non-combatant support staff', so to speak. They'd still need the combat ranks to handle the conflict, and at that point, they're basically just combatants.

>We should have something like a adrenaline spell that causes the target (even if just GS) to move much faster and do more damage.

You just described Vigor.

>Our version of TM, but one that comes from amplifying the damage of another.

You just described Paralyze.

>Likewise a set of abilities that let us reduce or eliminate the duration of harmful status effects on others and ourselves. Burn, poison, acid, stuns, etc.. It would work like adaptive curing and be cleared after the effect is cleared.

Good idea, though the only thing really missing right now from the ability to heal poison and disease is the ability to take acid, burns, stuns and immobs. Acid and burns are very rare. Stuns and immobs would be a neat addition to empathic healing to be sure.

>We can do more with manipulating life. A one-person cheat death, or coercing vines to trip something, or causing something's muscles to fail them (like lethargy but as a - offensive power, or dropped weapon), or granting a vampire like effect to someone.

I'd love to see yet more combat options for Empathy.

>Right now, it feels like we have one niche: healing. While it's a very important niche, it could still be so much more.

Er, well, yes, Empaths are the games sole healers, but i think they're very functional outside that niche too.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/08/2016 09:43 AM CST
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> You really did basically describe Hand of Hodierna. It's not in real time, but it's pretty damn close.

Yes, except it would be real-time, and you can execute a risk/reward cooldown to nullify the damage if you had the timing down. Bosses could start to telegraph their moves to tell you when to execute this.

> The problem is this is a rank based game.

Not all buffs have to be rank-based. Awaken, refresh, mental focus are great examples. It would be nice if we could "flood the link" with all buffs on us, effectively making empaths a totem of sorts that improves everyone they're linked to. There could even be unique utility here such as reduced RT (even if -1s on all actions to a min of 1s).

> You just described Vigor.

I was thinking more than vigor. More like +speed, maybe +agil that stacked with vigor.

> You just described Paralyze.

There's a difference in +off and an immobilize.

> Er, well, yes, Empaths are the games sole healers, but i think they're very functional outside that niche too.

Hence why I said, "a very important niche." I'm not trying to imply that this is bad or lacking. I do think it shouldn't preclude empaths from broadening out of that niche in a sensible way.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/08/2016 09:54 AM CST
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>>It would be nice if we could "flood the link" with all buffs on us, effectively making empaths a totem of sorts that improves everyone they're linked to.

You just described lead, kinda.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/08/2016 10:15 AM CST
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>Yes, except it would be real-time, and you can execute a risk/reward cooldown to nullify the damage if you had the timing down. Bosses could start to telegraph their moves to tell you when to execute this.

So this would be in anticipation of developing creature types that behave differently?

>Not all buffs have to be rank-based. Awaken, refresh, mental focus are great examples. It would be nice if we could "flood the link" with all buffs on us, effectively making empaths a totem of sorts that improves everyone they're linked to. There could even be unique utility here such as reduced RT (even if -1s on all actions to a min of 1s).

MeF is still rank based. I think you were going for 'binary effects'? Like, FM is not a rank based effect, other than maybe the duration of the beam as a function of the amount of mana that can be put into the spell as a function of the ranks of the caster...?

But even if Empaths can buff people they're linked to, you're still running into the issue of the Empath being in combat. The Empath either has the ranks to do this, and is basically just another combatant, or, they don't have the ranks to do this, and... what? Need to be protected by a Paladin? Need to just sit around and do nothing? The point is that COMBAT is rank based, and thus, Empaths participating in combat are subject to that system.

>I was thinking more than vigor. More like +speed, maybe +agil that stacked with vigor.

I don't understand - Vigor already buffs agility? If you want a spell/ability that reduces RT, yeah, sure, neat, that sounds like a cool ability. But you're basically just stacking +DamageOutput at that point. Why not also have a spell that increases WeaponSkill? Or WeaponStats? Or a negative barrier like HP?

>There's a difference in +off and an immobilize.

I mean, yes, there is, but Paralyze results in an increase in damage being dealt to the target, so, ultimately, Paralyze is doing exactly what you were saying.

>Hence why I said, "a very important niche." I'm not trying to imply that this is bad or lacking. I do think it shouldn't preclude empaths from broadening out of that niche in a sensible way.

I agree, but I think you're sort of unwilling to see how Empaths already are quite broadly capable outside the niche of healing. And I agree that more tools for Empaths would be a good thing, because I think Empaths are cool, but many of your suggestions often center around either 'make Empaths into non-Empaths', or describe tools already available to Empaths. Seriously though, I'd love to see Empaths expanded.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/08/2016 11:10 AM CST
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> You just described lead, kinda.

Not really. Lead is a +hit/off/def ability that spreads to a group. I'm imagining this to be more generic and requires the empath to do something (build persistent links, maintain them via concentration).

> So this would be in anticipation of developing creature types that behave differently?

You can still do it today. Convince someone to overhunt with you, and use the ability when the mob starts to prep their big dangerous spell.

> MeF is still rank based.

I'm not really seeing the complaint here. If you mean it somehow interacts with ranks then sure, everything is rank based, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun and interesting effects that don't directly buff/debuf raw ranks.

> The Empath either has the ranks to do this, and is basically just another combatant, or, they don't have the ranks to do this, and... what?

They use innocence or find a paladin? Empaths can greatly enhance their own defenses by popping innocence and setting their attack stance to 0 for the bonus defensive stance points. At this point, you're effectively building the classic RPG party. A tank to keep the mobs off the healer, a healer to keep the tank alive, and potentially damage dealers to kill things. That's not a bad thing, IF it can be made enticing in this game.

> I don't understand - Vigor already buffs agility?

Fine, reflex, whatever. The actual buffs are less important than the stacking nature of them. The point is that we have more buffs for both our GS and our hunting parties.

> But you're basically just stacking +DamageOutput at that point. Why not also have a spell that increases WeaponSkill? Or WeaponStats? Or a negative barrier like HP?

Okay. That's good too.

> I mean, yes, there is, but Paralyze results in an increase in damage being dealt to the target, so, ultimately, Paralyze is doing exactly what you were saying.

I don't think we'll see eye to eye here if you can't see the benefit in having stacking and varying debuffs.

> I agree, but I think you're sort of unwilling to see how Empaths already are quite broadly capable outside the niche of healing.

Stop. I'm not saying you are bad. I'm not saying your character is bad. I'm not saying empaths are bad. I'm saying empaths can be better. I'm suggesting a way for them to be better.

> but many of your suggestions often center around either 'make Empaths into non-Empaths'

How, exactly, does giving empaths non-agressive buffs that use an empathic link suddenly make them no longer empathic?
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/08/2016 01:03 PM CST
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>If you mean it somehow interacts with ranks then sure, everything is rank based, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun and interesting effects that don't directly buff/debuf raw ranks.

I think we're getting off topic here, but it seems to me you both want things that buff/debuff a specific thing (re; your suggestion of an adrenalin spell, for example), but also want things that don't buff/debuff a specific thing? For example, Vigor buffs Str/Agl. That effectively increases damage output. If something was also buffing Weapon, that too would buff damage output. If someone was debuffing your targets reflex, or Evasion, or was a negative-ward, that too would buff damage output. Ultimately this is how the whole game works.

I agree, I'd like to see neat effects that do neat things. But also check out the tools available to you and how they can be used to do the things you're asking for.

>They use innocence or find a paladin? Empaths can greatly enhance their own defenses by popping innocence and setting their attack stance to 0 for the bonus defensive stance points. At this point, you're effectively building the classic RPG party. A tank to keep the mobs off the healer, a healer to keep the tank alive, and potentially damage dealers to kill things. That's not a bad thing, IF it can be made enticing in this game.

I totally agree that this is a possible scenario, though, I'll point out that Innocence is an SvS. And yeah, I'm all for group hunting, but I think it's important to recognize that because ranks are a thing, your capacity to engage with stuff significantly above you is pretty limited. And, ultimately, for general PvE training, there's no reason really to do so, unfortunately.

>The point is that we have more buffs for both our GS and our hunting parties.

I largely concur, though again, it seems like you're suggesting tools/ideas for Empaths that are basically 'let them do what Barbarians do'. I.e., you just want more buffs. I'd rather, personally, see neat new developments for Empathy, that let Empaths, with the tools they already have, do cool things to heal more/better, or kill more/better. You don't need to add spells that give Empaths, for some reason, a +Weapon Buff, or a +WeaponStat buff, or a Fire Spell. Those buffs are already in the game, and can be used with Sorcery.

>Stop. I'm not saying you are bad. I'm not saying your character is bad. I'm not saying empaths are bad. I'm saying empaths can be better. I'm suggesting a way for them to be better.

I'm not trying to be combative, but I'm pointing out that you're describing abilities that already exist for Empaths, or, already exist for other guilds and thus are available to Empaths in the form of Sorcery.

>How, exactly, does giving empaths non-agressive buffs that use an empathic link suddenly make them no longer empathic?

Well, wait - Empaths already have both 'aggressive' and 'non-aggressive' buffs that both increase damage output, and debuff targets. Empaths can already LINK to provide individual skill buffs. Empaths have both a damaging TM option, non-damaging TM option, and a combat pet. Empaths are not suffering because they natively lack a +WeaponBuff or a Fire-spell. There is room for improving upon things that Empathy does, like, say, non-shock offensive wound redirection, incoming wound redirection, more things to do with manipulate, etc.

I'm all for seeing improvements to Empathy and additional things that it can be used for. But I think you might benefit from taking a minute to look over EPedia and see what stuff is in game and what stuff is available to Empaths.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/09/2016 01:46 PM CST
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> I largely concur, though again, it seems like you're suggesting tools/ideas for Empaths that are basically 'let them do what Barbarians do'. I.e., you just want more buffs. I'd rather, personally, see neat new developments for Empathy, that let Empaths, with the tools they already have, do cool things to heal more/better, or kill more/better.

ponder But I don't want to do what Barbarians do. Neither do I want to heal better, or kill better.

I want to do what empaths do, and basically make someone else (or several someones) into an unkillable uber-party of dewm... so long as they can keep that empath alive. Cause that's how I enjoy group hunting.

Currently, my standard group hunts (or invasion field response) is I dodge and weave. It's my responsibility to try and stay unengaged (through careful and considered use of stances, the right armor combinations, Innocence, Manipulation, Paralysis, various hide and sleep combinations.. y'know, our usual tricks), and its my party's responsibility to kill things well and quickly enough to keep me from being squished while I concentrate on keeping them all alive. If I'm severely out matched, I can still stay with the group with a paladin, or alert party members who know (and notice) to target anything that is advancing on me that I can't avoid.

I like that formula, honestly, but I'd love for my group to get more benefit out of keeping me alive. :) Not just healing them, and some crowd control, but making the group function better, both as individuals fighting (there's oh, so many ways this could be done that are thematically appropriate), or as a group working together.

So. That's why I want more buffage. More debuffage would be lovely for boss fights, or anything that it takes the entire group to bring down already. Basically, I want to improve how much damage is done to a critter, to the same degree as if I were a damage-dealing character myself (I don't consider myself such, again, for RP reasons)... Without actually being the one doing the damage. Still talking about group combat specifically here, so instead of just telling me to use my guardian spirit, keep in mind that I'm looking to use ALL of the tools at my disposal... Including, and most specifically, other adventurers in my party. ;) Besides, mean adventurer-types keep murdering my alfar because they don't know what it is (hurray, custom GS! :D ).

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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/09/2016 03:06 PM CST
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So, again though, this is a rank based game - if you're hiding behind a Paladin's shield and that's all that's keeping you alive, chances are you also cannot cast Paralyze or Lethargy on the critters that Paladin is protecting you from. That's fine - if you're hiding behind that shield and healing everyone in the group, or maintaining Vigor on everyone in the group, you're doing something. But that's not really that entertaining of a support role, since literally all you'd be doing in that case is periodically touching and taking, and healing yourself. This scenario doesn't result in the Empath training anything but Empathy and magics, and then only when wounds pop up or when you cast your spells (presumably you could also train magic in this scenario by just spamming your routine as normal)

Conversely, if you do have the ranks to handle the critter, you could just use the tools available to you. Your GS will do damage, your tactics and paralyze and lethargy will debuff. You can also heal others in this scenario.

>I like that formula, honestly, but I'd love for my group to get more benefit out of keeping me alive. :) Not just healing them, and some crowd control, but making the group function better, both as individuals fighting (there's oh, so many ways this could be done that are thematically appropriate), or as a group working together.

Agreed, and it would be great if there was more support for group hunting in this game. As it is, there's no reason NOT to group hunt, really, but there's no real reason to seek out groups whilst hunting.

>Basically, I want to improve how much damage is done to a critter, to the same degree as if I were a damage-dealing character myself

I think this is an unreasonable expectation - support characters typically forego doing the damage of any given party member in exchange for providing either a valuable function (healing, utility, cc, etc) or by providing a flat buff to the whole group, i.e., everyone deals 50% more damage, so with a group of 3 or more the group outputs more damage per person than if everyone was soloing.

>till talking about group combat specifically here, so instead of just telling me to use my guardian spirit, keep in mind that I'm looking to use ALL of the tools at my disposal... Including, and most specifically, other adventurers in my party.

I also think this is an unreasonable expectation - cyclics and rituals in this game are intentionally set so that you have to choose which one's you use (often). A Warrior Mage cannot use AC and FR, or FR and Rimefang. They cannot use AEG and MoF. That's intentional, and for the purposes of balance, a good thing. Some degree of choice in what your character does is a good thing - an Empath should not be able to maintain Regenerate AND GS, or GS and IZ, for example. You can very much make a compelling argument that some cyclics are simply not worth it (I'm looking at you AD! Or most Bard cyclics!) given the other options, so they never get used, but I think that's a slightly different argument.

More tools are great, and again, I hope Empaths get more cool tools.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/09/2016 04:17 PM CST
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I main Syllanthis and I've loved using Hand of Hodierna, innocence, vigor (recent development made it stellar), and lethargy to support during invasions. I think it is unrealistic and unfair to push for party hunting. This is not a group hunting game. I have spent several awesome invasions behind a paladin's shield, quick healing additional defenders and then running away, sometimes with the paladin, when things got too hairy.

I've also spent a lot of my life training like a ranger and like a barbarian so I have other things to do where I choose to hang my hat and call home. We heal, ridiculously fast when we choose but we also, thanks to an awesome development base, kill ridiculously fast when we choose (we just don't learn killing as fast). We have an amazing, expansive culture in the guild that lets empaths choose a style they want to role play. Not many other guilds have the potential for good roleplay in the guild's own lore. I hate IZ and the idea of shock but I won't hesitate to use my combat skills to defend my character's morals and proclivities. The empath thought-trust behind the scenes is fanatical and devoted.

Empaths used to be the most pigeon-holed class in the game (Puff puff pass the empath AOL days). They are one of the most expressive and expansive class available with a range of options unparalleled for interesting character development.
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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/09/2016 04:49 PM CST
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> That's fine - if you're hiding behind that shield and healing everyone in the group, or maintaining Vigor on everyone in the group, you're doing something. But that's not really that entertaining of a support role, since literally all you'd be doing in that case is periodically touching and taking, and healing yourself.

... Hence why I'd like more options. :) Debilitation shouldn't be my go-to in combat. As an empath, I am (supposedly) an expert in all sorts of things biological, and even various emotional or mental tidbits (when it comes to manipulating friendship, for example). I SHOULD have more options along those lines (and using the types of skills/spells/etc that the guild has a long-standing history of being good with). I mean... Why can't I slow down specific pain responses? Or increase oxygenation in musculature, or purge lactic acid more quickly? Yes, it leads to fun and fascinating instances of people tearing muscles or spasming uncontrollably, but those are also things an empath with enough skill and experience should be able to mitigate on-the-fly. THAT is the kind of buffing I want to do. Well, that, and being able to pinpoint weaknesses better in enemies that others can't see ("See that goblin, over there? I know he doesn't show it right now, but his fifth rib on the left side was broken recently, and hasn't healed right. He'll be unable to draw a bow as well in that hand, and any direct strikes to his shield will incapacitate him, at least for a moment.").

> I think this is an unreasonable expectation - support characters typically forego doing the damage of any given party member in exchange for providing either a valuable function (healing, utility, cc, etc) or by providing a flat buff to the whole group, i.e., everyone deals 50% more damage, so with a group of 3 or more the group outputs more damage per person than if everyone was soloing.

Err. But that's what I was saying. :) Right now, I'm a hole in the team. I don't contribute as much as everyone else. I want to be able to increase the speed, strength, and recovery of my team, so that they can make up the difference. Ie, that whole 50% more damage.. thing.

> I also think this is an unreasonable expectation - cyclics and rituals in this game are intentionally set so that you have to choose which one's you use (often).

Not even sure where you went, there. I mentioned GS because that's what people seem to point me at anytime I say "Empath" and "damage" in the same sentence. I don't particularly care that it's a cyclic... Just saying don't try to pigeonhole me into using that particular spell as my only means of effecting group average dps.

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Re: Maining an Empath on 11/10/2016 07:01 AM CST
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>Syl: Empaths used to be the most pigeon-holed class in the game (Puff puff pass the empath AOL days). They are one of the most expressive and expansive class available with a range of options unparalleled for interesting character development.



>Debilitation shouldn't be my go-to in combat

Well, it isn't - Paralyze and Tactics are also your combat options. Empaths have options!

>Cool ideas regarding biology control

I'm all about it, but few things - first, your notion of 'increasing oxygenation or lactic acid clearance of muscles' sounds a bit like what Vigor is doing! Similarly, I think Paralyze is described as basically just 'shooting a stream of anesthetic liquid at enemies'. PoP describes your pain being blunted, and IC sounds like a non-Newtonian liquid coating. Flush Poisons and Cure Disease both message in terms of biological effects. I'm mostly just saying this stuff to indicate that whoever wrote these spells clearly thought about Life magic :)

> Well, that, and being able to pinpoint weaknesses better in enemies that others can't see ("See that goblin, over there? I know he doesn't show it right now, but his fifth rib on the left side was broken recently, and hasn't healed right. He'll be unable to draw a bow as well in that hand, and any direct strikes to his shield will incapacitate him, at least for a moment.").

I love the theme of this idea, either as something the Empath can do to help others or themselves. Extremely advanced martial arts based around supreme body awareness. Maybe a guild specific subset of Tactics or Empathy that lets the Empath do stuff and things to enemies ("The goblin lunges at you, but you sidestep, and with the back of your hand gently deflect its wrist. The goblin is imbalanced!"). Perhaps a state of Empathy that reactively checks all incoming attacks against Empathy, and if successful, has a chance of additional effects (a reactive use of Empathy), or checks all outgoing Tactical maneuvers for extra effects. Perhaps this would prevent Manipulate from working, for balance purposes, as the skill would represent instead of an externalization of Empathy, an internalization.

>Err. But that's what I was saying. :) Right now, I'm a hole in the team. I don't contribute as much as everyone else. I want to be able to increase the speed, strength, and recovery of my team, so that they can make up the difference. Ie, that whole 50% more damage.. thing.

I don't think that's true though - in the team, Empaths have the option to output damage just like anyone else, and they can heal and buff too. In terms of damage output, I don't think an Empath is as good as ALL guilds, but they're definitely better than some (and I don't just mean Traders!). I don't think of Empaths as holes in the group line up at all. Now, if you want to see additional combat options like linking with multiple people to buff them all at the expense of your own damage output, sure, that sounds cool too! I just don't think it'd be used particularly often due to the nature of how DR is played. I think the only time I've ever seen more than 3 people hunting together in a non-invasion was in stompers, for example.

>Not even sure where you went, there. I mentioned GS because that's what people seem to point me at anytime I say "Empath" and "damage" in the same sentence. I don't particularly care that it's a cyclic... Just saying don't try to pigeonhole me into using that particular spell as my only means of effecting group average dps.

Because GS is a cyclic is an intentional choice to help balance 'what Empaths are doing'. Just like IZ as a cyclic is too. But sure, if you don't want to use GS, you can still use weapons, and you can still use IZ, and you can still use scroll spells. Empaths not only have access to Sorcery, but they also have tools for both training weapons, and offensively using TM.
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