Increase Availability of Adaptive Curing on 05/05/2018 01:35 AM CDT
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With the new demand for Adaptive Curing, and the lack of a reliable source for these scrolls the game, would you consider having the guildleader teach this metaspell or at least making the scroll available in a shop?

Seeing as it's a healing metaspell and not a taboo application of empathy (like Absolution or Icutu Zaharenela), I think there is a good argument for its being readily available.


"Empathy doesn't make people nice." --GM Armifer

Empath new player guide:

Empath hunting ladder:
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Re: Increase Availability of Adaptive Curing on 05/05/2018 01:50 AM CDT
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I'll meet you halfway. When I enable Trader spell scrolls in a few days, I will also move ADC to a more common drop category.

GM Grejuva
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Re: Increase Availability of Adaptive Curing on 05/05/2018 03:08 PM CDT
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>>DR-Grejuva: I'll meet you halfway. When I enable Trader spell scrolls in a few days, I will also move ADC to a more common drop category.

Thanks! This should help alleviate some of the scarcity issues.

"Empathy doesn't make people nice." --GM Armifer

Empath new player guide:

Empath hunting ladder:
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Re: Increase Availability of Adaptive Curing on 04/02/2020 05:04 PM CDT
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A while back, someone had asked about making Adaptive Curing more accessible and Grejuva's response was:

<<I'll meet you halfway. When I enable Trader spell scrolls in a few days, I will also move ADC to a more common drop category.>>

Any chance we could get confirmation on whether or not that ended up happening please? Folks are still talking about how hard to find it is, and how insanely expensive it tends to be.

-Biomancer Karthor
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Re: Increase Availability of Adaptive Curing on 04/03/2020 06:01 AM CDT
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>>LAMBL: Any chance we could get confirmation on whether or not that ended up happening please? Folks are still talking about how hard to find it is, and how insanely expensive it tends to be.

Yes, Adaptive Curing was moved to a more common drop category.

GM Cordulia
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Re: Increase Availability of Adaptive Curing on 04/03/2020 06:10 AM CDT
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Great, thanks!

-Biomancer Karthor
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