A Pamphlet: Questions and Hidden Answers on 07/08/2012 04:17 AM CDT
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Questions and Hidden Answers: The Revelations of seeking hidden Empath knowledge

Q. I've heard that the knowledge hidden by the Empath guild may be hidden for good reason, should it stay hidden?

A. This question can be best answered by confirming that the Link of Life can only create life. If a murder is committed by a thug wielding a crossbow should all armies abolish the crossbow? Fact of the matter is the Link of Life offers benefits to the health and safety of all of Elanthia. If it contains any type of risk, that risk should be revealed, researched, and education should be given to all of Elanthia so it can be refined for future generations. Having this information horded behind closed doors by a select few to use at their disposal is unaccepable.

Q. Reports coming from an Empath named Halfrida claimed Asrea is sick and her mind is confused or altered, is this true?

A. This report is as textbook as a fairy tale told from parents to their children. All Empaths have looked up to their Guild Leaders and Khalo to provide them with guidance since their inception into the guild and do not recognize when they are being misled unless they open their eyes. The gremlins will not come for you if you do not do your chores.

Q. What proof is there that the Empath Guild is being less than forthcoming with it's knowledge?

A. The most obvious proof has come in three instances:

- The knowledge of bodily shifting first revealed by former Khalo'rae'Fand (Leader of Empaths) Jomay
- The revelation of the manipulation of the minds by the First Empath Trylaine
- The ritual which brought the death of Lyras and the disapperance of Moda Eksharo.

All three are exceptional versions of the Link of Life with the knowledge being denied to the Guild members by the leadership. Shifting has become widespread knowledge and has only been used for wonderous benefits to health since Jomay's disappearance. If you study the literature closely, it is uncertain if Jomay was the victim or the aggressor against those who opposed her so very long ago. The actions of Empath leadership have shown a common pattern of propaganda against those who speak for truth of the Link.

Despite the obvious benefits of the manipulation of lesser creatures via the Link of Life, it has never been taught by an Empath Guild Leader. The knowledge was passed down by a First Empath who then transcended into the link, never to be seen again. Instead of supporting and researching development into this blessed revelation, the guild ignores knowledge of it.

The ritual that brought the death of Lyras was not confined to the Link of Life. It was not empathy. If you want to know what happened ask Eksharo, if you can find him.

Q. Why are you doing this?

A. The healers of Elanthia must be allowed to become what they were truly meant to be. A guild that has gone unmonitored, unsupervised, and free to research the secrets of life itself without scrutiny is no longer acceptable. Petty necromancers cause havoc throughout the five provinces and Lyras has shown what they are capable of. The knowledge of the Link of Life as a beacon to combat the Link of Unlife must be spread throughout Elanthia so the healers of the Link may evolve into what they were always meant to be.


Asrea Mela - Herald of the First Empaths

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