Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 08:13 AM CDT
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I recently pulled my moonie out of retirement. Its probably been about 8 or 9 years since I last played a one, and to be honest, back then I was merely training up an alt to be able to gate around my other characters. After getting moongate, and losing interest, and a long hiatus, I'm back. My beloved Rangers guild has been nerfed into uselessness, the empaths guild, my second home. Well, I need a break for awhile. So here I am. Been having a lot of fun. Learning things I didn't realize about the guild. One thing I never tried before, was combat as a moonie. Oh, I have do and tkt. Went out and accumulated a bunch of targeted as well. However as I've returned to the guild, I was looking over the list of spells, and I realized... Where are our buffs?

Rangers have sott, sop, wotp, cs, so many others. Empaths have gol, refresh, awake, ags, and sop. Not to mention ad and regen make then darn nigh unkillable barring a lucky strike. Warmies have buffs galore, and Clerics have some of the best in the game. What do we have? Do we even have buff spells? Am I reduced to being a commoner in terms of defenses? Sure I can rip limbs off of bodies using DO, and that kills em quick, but if I want to survive at melee, I need the defenses. Shield and Parry being Tert, this is problematic.

Did I just miss the wonderful buff spells? Or is the combat focus of our guild to kill first, dance later? Please note, this is not a complaint. Its more surprise then anything else. I suppose I could grab IoE, and Cage of Light. But how good are they realistically? Would I be better served taking other spells instead?
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 08:36 AM CDT
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>Empaths have gol, refresh, awake, ags, and sop. Not to mention ad and regen make then darn nigh unkillable barring a lucky strike.

Yeah, about that. >.>

>Do we [Moon Mages] even have buff spells?

-Seer's Sense
-Invocation of Energy
-Cage of Light (kind of)

Then there's the de-buff/control stuff:
-Tezirah's Veil
-Mental Blast

But yeah, Moon Mages don't really have as much to work with. I keep thinking I have missed some, but I don't think I did.

Has a decent amount to do with why I don't really play Nitish now.

Formerly Known As Nitish
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 08:55 AM CDT
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What annoys me is, the buff spells we do have are often a pain to use. COL relies on the moons, so I'm often casting MAF instead. SEER isn't stackable or replaceable, which is annoying. And IoE... well we had that discussion recently.

Our debuffs are solid though. Moon mages can definitely do combat with the right attitude and enough effort.

Total Weapon Ranks: 9906

-Lunar Barbarian
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 08:57 AM CDT
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If you think rangers are "uselessly nerfed," you're going to be severely disappointed with the MM combat utility spells. Predictions have been made much more user-friendly lately though. I suggest you roll up a war mage.
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 09:13 AM CDT
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>What annoys me is, the buff spells we do have are often a pain to use. COL relies on the moons, so I'm often casting MAF instead. SEER isn't stackable or replaceable, which is annoying. And IoE... well we had that discussion recently.
>Our debuffs are solid though.
This ^

>Moon mages can definitely do combat with the right attitude and enough effort.

Yeah, I got tired of it though. Especially once I started seriously playing a non-Moonie.

Formerly Known As Nitish
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 01:36 PM CDT
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Yeah, JMF basically hit it on all points.

We also have other spells that are useful in combat...

AuS (for more mana and quicker spell IDing), Contingency, Whole Displacement (Very rarely), SoD/Shear/PSY for anti magic stufferies.

Basically we don't have that many buffs, Seer's/CoL/IoE being the backbone of them, all three are very good and all three are somewhat of a hassle to use. I hadn't even realized how much till I started running a cleric for awhile where everything is replaceable or frequently stackable. They even have (specially coded) barrier spells that layer properly.

CoL - Requires a moon but honestly SO much of our stuff does anyhow this doesn't even bother me. Replaceable FTW.

Seer's - AWESOME evasion booster... not replaceable. Very annoying.

IoE - Awesome Ref/Agil buff... replaceable, massive hassle to use. The reduced weight to shards helps some, but still the mail in rebate of our spells.

AuS - More mana, quicker enemy spell identification... not replaceable.

Contingency - Can't be killed early (like if you decide to hunt something with webs or need to do something that will stun you). Otherwise a life saver, literally.

Whole Displacement - VERY frustrating to use, doesn't work with contingency - the other spell you'd want in situations where you're overhunting physically enough to want WD. Can't be ended early without a nearby anti teleport room.

SoD/Psy/Shear - Do what they're suppose to do. Shear can't be ended early, and Psy is somewhat narrow.

And of course this is before you consider predictions and/or CJs.

Anyhow - all that rambling aside, I still say IoE should be made more user friendly and if Seer's and AuS were made replaceable (ala Shadows, CV, PG... not all of which use to be replaceable) most of my complaints would vanish outside of WD (Which really just needs to be totally reworked when engagement is reworked). Oh and ending contingency early would be awesome or even better giving us the ability to set it to ignore webs.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 02:05 PM CDT
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Ugh... that was somewhat redundant. Anyhow for those who don't know the cleric gig...

My lowbie cleric's buff spells:

DR - Replaceable.

SaP - Replaceable.

PFE - Stackable up to 30 minutes even at very low circles. 46 minutes with a single maxed out cast.

MPP - Stackable up to 30 minutes even at very low skill. Longer with a maxed out cast I think.

MaPP - Replaceable.

I'm not stupid enough (nor high enough on my cleric) to brave the bene vs IoE discussion.

Compare to the MM equivalent spells:

TS - No one has this spell. Srsly. So I have no idea if it's replaceable or not. Could it gain some extra function please like DR has (even though DR is a BIZARRE spell).

AuS - I consider AuS a very similiar spell to SaP. Not Replaceable - similar duration of a single cast.

--- We don't really have an equivalent to PFE.

CoL - Barrier spell like MPP. Nice long single cast duration, though something like half the potential duration of MPP, and replaceable vs stackable.

Seer's - Similiar to MaPP. Cannot be cast on others, cannot be replaced forcing you to always have at least some gap in coverage - one that can be significant if dealing in low mana situations.

Now - I don't think Seer's should be castable (as a buff) on others, and we're not the combat guild clerics are - but what we're talking about are "quality of life" things that we've been requesting for YEARS. No one is asking for our buff spells to be stronger (Or they shouldn't be...), just for them to be... less awkward.

I am asking why TS isn't just merged into something else though - every other light source spell I'm aware of is just an added function of an otherwise useful spell (DR, MOF... are there more?). But that's not a new request nor is this the place for that either.

PS: I'm clearly finally getting over the flu, my posts are getting longer. I'm also clearly since since even I know they're rambling.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 03:27 PM CDT
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To add to cleric buffs:

PFE -- a single cast doesn't give you 46, have to cast at cap twice to get the max duration.

MPP -- does not go higher than thirty raisins

Benediction -- Replaceable, 16 raisin duration

POM -- Replaceable, 57 raisin duration

DR -- Over two anlaen duration at cap (cap's somewhere around 101, I don't bother using this except in dark places anymore)

Am I forgetting anything?

Shadow Priest, Baron's Own Militia

"The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep." ~WC Fields
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 03:28 PM CDT
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>> So I have no idea if it's replaceable or not. Could it gain some extra function please like DR has (even though DR is a BIZARRE spell).

I believe it is. And it already does something else. Two something elses, actually. The potential perception buff from TS can rival and outright overcome the perception buff from CV.

My only real complaint is that most of our buffs are a) non-replaceable and/or b) straight rank boosters. Rank boosters are inferior once you get to a certain point, and I'd really like to see all straight rank boosters get re-evaluated when it comes time to change how buffs stack.

Rev. Reene

You also see a broad-capped glass toadstool with white spots labeled "1UP".
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 03:32 PM CDT
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I agree with both your points Cael. Quite strongly actually.

re: Mpp and Pfe durations - I wish Elanthipedia's info was more useful :P

re: TS - I thought that was only the perc penalty to foraging. It's the night penalty in general? Even so... I still think TS needs a little more. oomph. Back to the letting you see planets regardless of day/night coughcough. That'd be enough to make me pick it up.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 03:34 PM CDT
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>>Am I forgetting anything?

MaPP, which seems to boost either evasion or multi. I don't use it much while hunting at level any more though.


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 03:34 PM CDT
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Yes, TS removes the night time perception penalty to both core stealth actions and to foraging. It's a binary effect as well, doesn't scale with mana. You either have it or you don't.

That said, due to the nature of the penalty, you will not wring more out of TS than you would out of CV until you have a lot of perception to start with. But together they can still be pretty potent.

Rev. Reene

You also see a broad-capped glass toadstool with white spots labeled "1UP".
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 03:37 PM CDT
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>>MaPP, which seems to boost either evasion or multi. I don't use it much while hunting at level any more though.

MaPP is most definitely an evasion booster. Says so right in the spell description AND I can tell you it was what finally let my cleric go from not being able to learn evasion to being able to easily learn evasion.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 04:13 PM CDT
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>Shear can't be ended early

You can cast a min prep Shear on top of a higher mana Shear, and the new Shear will fall off after a roisaen or so.

Formerly Known As Nitish
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 04:25 PM CDT
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Oh true that.

Guess who doesn't have Shear?

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 04:30 PM CDT
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<<Guess who doesn't have Shear?

Its a fun little spell, but if you're like me you'll put it up and then forget you can't use Psychic Projection spells and look like a total fool.

- George, Player of Foresee
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 04:31 PM CDT
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More I rarely PvP and I almost never hunt anything that actually casts at me, or if it is it's something like MB or TV and I just giggle a little.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 04:40 PM CDT
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TS is replaceable. I didn't think it helped foraging since foraging isn't on core stealth, but maybe a foraging tweak got put in that I forgot about.
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 04:54 PM CDT
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>>TS is replaceable. I didn't think it helped foraging since foraging isn't on core stealth, but maybe a foraging tweak got put in that I forgot about.

It helped foraging from the getgo. We put in a hook into the Foraging system specifically for it.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 05:00 PM CDT
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Ah hah! I knew there was a reason I was thinking TS = Foraging and not TS = core stealth.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 05:44 PM CDT
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> I suggest you roll up a war mage.

Seconded. Seriously, if you're looking to bang on bad guys instead of.. y'know... soing something interesting... then perhaps the Moon Mage guild ain't for you.
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 06:07 PM CDT
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War Mages are overrated.

Moon Mages being interesting is debatable since not everyone defines interesting in the same way.

Formerly Known As Nitish
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 09:25 PM CDT
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I always thought Aven Avenrae or whatever its called, should've been an ability to cause night or day in a specific room.

Either causing the room to be filled with moonlight making it give all the penalties/benefits associated with it or flooding it with darkness giving all the benefits/penalties associated with it. Including the use of shadowlings when the room is covered in darkness.


"Your toast has been burned! and no amount of scraping will remove your blackness"
-Caboose, RvB
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 09:44 PM CDT
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"IoE - Awesome Ref/Agil buff... replaceable, massive hassle to use. The reduced weight to shards helps some, but still the mail in rebate of our spells."

Quick note on this. It's replacable in that you can have the another circle in the room ready to go. Don't invoke a second circle untill the first one has worn off.


"We, the disenfranchised men and women of Elanthia do, by the publishing of this accord, cast off the oppressive yoke of all law and nations and choose for ourselves a path of loyalty unto ourselves"
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 10:22 PM CDT
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You can overwrite as long as you aren't changing combos.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/10/2009 10:35 PM CDT
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>>You can overwrite as long as you aren't changing combos.

Bah. I originally posted that but removed it to confirm.
These boards are so easy to navigate..

TG, TG, GL, et al.
Also: Moo.
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/11/2009 12:09 AM CDT
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>>You can overwrite as long as you aren't changing combos.

Awesome, I was always flat out too afraid to test this.

Player of Kryeus Kyshi'cio
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/11/2009 01:17 AM CDT
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>>Ugh... that was somewhat redundant. Anyhow for those who don't know the cleric gig...>>

You missed one.

Vigil: Boosts charisma by a significant margin. Unsure if it adds to the MO penalty one inflicts upon someone/something else that normal charisma enhancement boosts. Not sure on max duration, somewhere around 30+ minutes-ish?
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/11/2009 01:45 AM CDT
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30(ish) is right.. do we actually know how significant the charisma boost is btw? I know I've used it in the past to qualify for some of the "Spirit" titles, but I can't test it now b/c I'm qualified for Spirit Dancer and Spirit Lord (next one up) requires 6 spells from the Soul Manipulation book and I refuse to pick up EF/BF/SoS just for a title.

Shadow Priest, Baron's Own Militia

"The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep." ~WC Fields
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/11/2009 02:12 AM CDT
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I seriously doubt it's 30.

If it's like most single stat boosters I'd expect more like 20, with a softcap in the range of 30% based on what I know from IoE and Bene.

Someone could test it with Raven's Court real quick if you really care.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/11/2009 08:17 AM CDT
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Your also not counting the held mana ones, which when combined with OM remove the restrictions applied to them.


"Your toast has been burned! and no amount of scraping will remove your blackness"
-Caboose, RvB
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/11/2009 08:39 AM CDT
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>>30(ish) is right.. do we actually know how significant the charisma boost is btw? I know I've used it in the past to qualify for some of the "Spirit" titles, but I can't test it now b/c I'm qualified for Spirit Dancer and Spirit Lord (next one up) requires 6 spells from the Soul Manipulation book and I refuse to pick up EF/BF/SoS just for a title.

Didn't they squash the "bug" that would allow you to get titles like that?

I thought you were pretty high Segmere? You don't have enough spell slots to get those? I have at least 6 open slots at 140 and I know GG MAF and STRA. I also boosted my Char to 65 to get Spirit Incarnate :D
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/11/2009 11:27 AM CDT
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>>I seriously doubt it's 30.>>

Umm, the 30 was in regards to the minutes it lasts...

>>Didn't they squash the "bug" that would allow you to get titles like that?>>

Yes they did. If not I'd have access to Dervish from benediction, and Hierarch/Heirophant from base charisma.

However there is still a bug with titles that I found on the test realm. For example, if you get Spirit Dancer, which requires the 6 spells, choose the title, then erase one of the spells to go back to 5, you'll still be able to wear the title, but not change back to it.

>>If it's like most single stat boosters I'd expect more like 20, with a softcap in the range of 30% based on what I know from IoE and Bene.>>

I have no idea how large the actual boost is, but it's pretty significant maxed out from what I've noticed in WvW contests. From what I've heard, it's 1 charisma for every 4 mana put into the spell, and the spell caps around 64ish, so that's a 16ish point boost? Probably +15 though like benediction caps at.
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/11/2009 12:56 PM CDT
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>However there is still a bug with titles that I found on the test realm. For example, if you get Spirit Dancer, which requires the 6 spells, choose the title, then erase one of the spells to go back to 5, you'll still be able to wear the title, but not change back to it.

You never lose a title you've already earned. I don't think this is really a bug personally. I mean, keeping up 30 warrants at all times for the outlaw title would be crazy.

The alternative is, you'd have to check every title at logon and clear a title if you didn't qualify any more. And what about temporary titles like Gauntlet Champion?

Not really a bug imo, just a quirk of mechanics.
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/11/2009 02:18 PM CDT
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>>Umm, the 30 was in regards to the minutes it lasts...

Sorry. I've been sick since Sunday. Starting to lose my mind clearly.

If anyone wants to test it in Raven's make sure your charisma is about 50ish, and see the price difference in the lowest level membership. Difference/4000 = bonus.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/11/2009 04:05 PM CDT
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I have one open spell slot, but keeping it safe until I have 5 or 6 to get the last few spells in the book.. should they release a few more spells in the SICK/SoS line <nudge>

And yes, fairly high, but not 100+ just yet.

Shadow Priest, Baron's Own Militia

"The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep." ~WC Fields
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Re: Where are our Buffs? on 09/24/2009 10:50 PM CDT
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>You never lose a title you've already earned. I don't think this is really a bug personally. I mean, keeping up 30 warrants at all times for the outlaw title would be crazy.

Also See: Fire Lion

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