Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/09/2007 07:19 PM CST
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Alright, this may go absolutely nowhere, but it struck me as a thought at work.

What if we had varying competitions?
Like Forage an item...
Teleport here...
Hit this in less then this many swings..
Sneak past this without being seen...

(I need to leave work right now, so sorry these ideas arent exactly awesome)

Player of Gilart

You gesture.
A bright blue-white Moongate opens in the water before you. The water begins to rush through the gate, and you feel yourself being pulled along with it!
After a few seconds of struggle, you find yourself pulled through!
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/10/2007 02:10 PM CST
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After I managed to banash my mental image of a pile of mages trying to run while hiking up their robes... heh sorry

it sounds like an interesting idea.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/10/2007 02:35 PM CST
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Yeah, that is a bad mental image. Heh. I will try to come up with some solid ideas and a structure that will not limit people out, but has a Moonie focus to it.

Player of Gilart

You gesture.
A bright blue-white Moongate opens in the water before you. The water begins to rush through the gate, and you feel yourself being pulled along with it!
After a few seconds of struggle, you find yourself pulled through!
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/10/2007 05:04 PM CST
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>>After I managed to banash my mental image of a pile of mages trying to run while hiking up their robes... heh sorry

A real moon mage would have just teleported to the finish line.

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/10/2007 05:58 PM CST
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Pssh. Teleport is for newbs. The real trick is to drop a beam, do the swimming portion... and lag behind, then watergate them, jump up, and gate to the finish line.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/11/2007 07:37 AM CDT
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>> A real moon mage would have just teleported to the finish line.

It might be fun to "race" from one end of elanthia to another (Say Shard to Theren) by whatever means necessary. Start with no moonbeams focused and see who can cast, shift, teleport or moongate the furthest and the fastest. The only problem of course is that it would be impossible to manage it in any fair way, since I might have a beam in theren already I haven't told you about, or a predesignated group of people to serve as anchors waiting for me.

Of course if EVERYBODY did have the same anchors predesignated, that could work, as long as they are mages who can detect whether a moonbeam is present before the race begins or not. There might be a way to do it...

Moon mage Daellid
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/11/2007 09:25 AM CDT
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Nothing beats a 100+ MM with a broom! mwahahaha

Player of Pormithius
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/11/2007 11:21 AM CDT
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Or you could required everyone to set a moonbeam at the starting point for every moon that is up.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/11/2007 12:07 PM CDT
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Or you have each participant give one beacon to the judging team who hands them to a group acting as anchors. The group then goes to an undisclosed location. Then start the race. If you get a message to the group to raise your beacon, they will. Once.

Oh, and since we are just utility mages, there is a deader for each participant waiting at the group. Participants have to arrange to get the deader back to the starting line. Of course, since anyone with more than 800 in PM can gate to just about anywhere immediately, they are forced to be judges (another aspect of utilitiness). Oh, one more thing, about the deaders, they are not really dead - just barbs waiting to be MB'd and dragged. If you want to handicap it for various mages of various abilities, each participant has to MB a barb of the same circle.

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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/11/2007 12:09 PM CDT
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And yes, I know this means the group will either go to Hara or that temple at the furthest point north of Hib, the one with black gargs and no shard even remotely close.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/11/2007 10:58 PM CDT
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I feel it's amusing that we say "Track and Field" and immediately define that as "All of Kermoria".

Moon Magery is good.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/12/2007 10:23 AM CDT
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>> I feel it's amusing that we say "Track and Field" and immediately define that as "All of Kermoria".

>> Moon Magery is good.


Only problem is, the more I think about it, the more I think about ways there are to cheat. (Moon mangery makes that easy) The best way I can think of would be something really simple. A race from point A to point B with predesignated anchors at certain points (mages that could identify moonbeams). A person could use whichever anchors they could reach, but no others. It would basically be a contest to see who is the fastest moonslinger and who can sling (er, shift) the farthest.

Moon mage Daellid
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/12/2007 10:14 PM CDT
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<coughs> A 100+ MM with a broom can still make it from Hib to the Temple of the Northern Wind within a minute or three from anywhere.

Player of Pormithius
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/13/2007 01:46 PM CDT
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How do those brooms work?

"Moon Mages have already been given some of the most ridiculously powerful magic in the game, third only to Warrior Mages and Barbarians" -Armifer
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/13/2007 02:13 PM CDT
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>> How do those brooms work?

There's a long handle type thing and they have these little bristles on one end that push dirt around.

(sorry, couldn't help it)

Moon mage Daellid
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/13/2007 02:31 PM CDT
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I would rather it not be a circle contest or who has best magic etc.. rather a mix of skills plus cleverness..

Player of Gilart

You gesture.
A bright blue-white Moongate opens in the water before you. The water begins to rush through the gate, and you feel yourself being pulled along with it!
After a few seconds of struggle, you find yourself pulled through!
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/13/2007 05:28 PM CDT
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I'm seeing a niche for Eluned's Scry.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/13/2007 07:49 PM CDT
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They're like horses except they move 10 rooms at a time depending if you cross a big intersection.

Player of Pormithius
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/14/2007 01:10 PM CDT
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Hmm, I am having a hard time thinking of things we could do.. but a thought crossed my mind. What if lets say, we made it so its a big of an egg hunt. There is things the contestants must retrieve and will be given vague locations. Each object will have a barrier to overcome.. whether it be a natural barrier, a critter or a guardian that is a character. The best times in retrieval in skill ranges will be winners..

Player of Gilart

You gesture.
A bright blue-white Moongate opens in the water before you. The water begins to rush through the gate, and you feel yourself being pulled along with it!
After a few seconds of struggle, you find yourself pulled through!
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/14/2007 06:10 PM CDT
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>>Hmm, I am having a hard time thinking of things we could do.. but a thought crossed my mind. What if lets say, we made it so its a big of an egg hunt. There is things the contestants must retrieve and will be given vague locations. Each object will have a barrier to overcome.. whether it be a natural barrier, a critter or a guardian that is a character. The best times in retrieval in skill ranges will be winners..

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the idea right now is for an event that can be player driven. What you're proposing is good, but it's something that sounds like it would require GM involvement, which makes it less likely to happen.

I believe there are events like this that are in the works, not specific to moon mages..

Moon mage Daellid
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/14/2007 06:31 PM CDT
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Hmm, didnt mean to make it sound like a GM thing. ie. Lets say that we have three items (red arrows for example), one is placed on a cliff that takes X amount to climb (natural barrier) the next item is in Fends in a high spawn room (critter barrier), and the last could be in an item in a room with a character whos job is to stop you short of killing you. The character would only know the general location such as it is in the Fends hunting ground, and what items to look for not knowing which barrier he would be addressing though he might surmise that in Fends the Fendryads would be the critter barrier.

Player of Gilart

You gesture.
A bright blue-white Moongate opens in the water before you. The water begins to rush through the gate, and you feel yourself being pulled along with it!
After a few seconds of struggle, you find yourself pulled through!
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/14/2007 06:49 PM CDT
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Hah I'm so evil for thinking this. If you hire me to stop them I'll put a seers on the contestant and then mirror the person. When he's within 10 rooms of the finish line I'm going to start riftal summoning him. :) I want my arrow back!

Player of Pormithius
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/14/2007 07:06 PM CDT
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>> Hmm, didnt mean to make it sound like a GM thing. ie. <snipped>

Gotcha. For some reason I was imagining something much stranger and more difficult to set up.

Moon mage Daellid
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/14/2007 07:41 PM CDT
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I had two funny thoughts that came to mind, one from Pormithius comment made me think of Scorpion in Mortal Kombat "Get over here!".. and second was Running Man with Arnold heh.

Player of Gilart

You gesture.
A bright blue-white Moongate opens in the water before you. The water begins to rush through the gate, and you feel yourself being pulled along with it!
After a few seconds of struggle, you find yourself pulled through!
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/16/2007 01:40 PM CDT
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It could be something simple, like a player holding arrows (maybe mark them with an empowerment enchantment so they can be distinguished from regular arrows.) Find the player, navigate to them, get the arrow. The player names could be known, so find people could find them with locate. At least some of the people should be indoors where moonbeams can't be shifted. Maybe put some of the people on boats, so you have to get to them during the brief period the boat is docked.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/16/2007 04:50 PM CDT
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Very good additions, I could probably tie the Shifting to a certain skill range, or seperate contest I would hate to prevent the young from competing cause they lack spells, or the people who arent Gaters.
(I don't have Shift yet either)

Player of Gilart

You gesture.
A bright blue-white Moongate opens in the water before you. The water begins to rush through the gate, and you feel yourself being pulled along with it!
After a few seconds of struggle, you find yourself pulled through!
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/16/2007 05:40 PM CDT
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I'd supply the people holding the arrows with unbend sigils. =P But I'm feeling nasty today.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/16/2007 09:25 PM CDT
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OK, there is another idea. At one step you have to shift a moonbeam into a room with Ragran in it. He will reflexively drop an unbend on it. It should make for a fun evening of rogue moongates and blown teleports.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/17/2007 06:06 PM CDT
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Been a while since I rogued a gate.. wonder if the critters could still hit me..

Player of Gilart
Despite your best efforts, skinning the gargoyle just isn't going to happen this time. Maybe helping little old Halfling widows across a busy Crossing street is more your line of work?
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/17/2007 06:18 PM CDT
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>Been a while since I rogued a gate.. wonder if the critters could still hit me..

It's worse when they can't hurt you. :( Then the evil incineration happens. I always wish we could avoid that too!

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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/17/2007 10:22 PM CDT
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I survived a rogue gate this week. I had contingency up. I got stunned by the first hit from the shadowspawn and got an extremely lucky contingency pulse. I came out of the stun outside an autopuff. I even happened to hav enough of the right coin in my pocket to pay the autopuff without getting a debt.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/18/2007 06:18 AM CDT
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Damn... you find any four-leaf clovers recently?

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/18/2007 08:51 AM CDT
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Wow! Talk about luck! Someone up there loves you!

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/18/2007 09:58 PM CDT
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>I survived a rogue gate this week. I had contingency up. I got stunned by the first hit from the shadowspawn and got an extremely lucky contingency pulse. I came out of the stun outside an autopuff. I even happened to hav enough of the right coin in my pocket to pay the autopuff without getting a debt.

Yeah, I had that happen to me recently as well. I love contingency!
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/18/2007 10:44 PM CDT
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<< Yeah, I had that happen to me recently as well. I love contingency!

Dang. I can feel Armifer fixing this even as we type.
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/19/2007 12:09 PM CDT
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I don't see why it should be fixed, after all you had to have another spell to get you free, and it wasnt a gauranteed survival. Whens the last time a Ranger fell in a pit running a trail and died.

Player of Gilart
Despite your best efforts, skinning the gargoyle just isn't going to happen this time. Maybe helping little old Halfling widows across a busy Crossing street is more your line of work?
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Re: Moon Mage Track & Field! on 03/19/2007 05:53 PM CDT
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It decreases the number of self-caused Moon Mage deaths. Clearly, this is a bug.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.
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