some more data for you on 08/19/2010 03:36 AM CDT
circle 50
Strength : 28 Reflex : 28
Agility : 28 Charisma : 26
Discipline : 30 Wisdom : 30
Intelligence : 30 Stamina : 26
In the chapter entitled "Perception," you have notes on the Clear Vision [cv], Piercing Gaze [pg], Locate, Distant Gaze [dg], and Seer's Sense [seer] spells.
In the chapter entitled "Psychic Projection," you have notes on the Hypnotize [calm], Mental Blast [mb], and Psychic Shield [psy] spells.
In the chapter entitled "Moonlight Manipulation," you have notes on the Shadows, Focus Moonbeam [fm], Dazzle, Shift Moonbeam [sm], Crystal Spike [crs], and Clarify Gem [cg] spells.
In the chapter entitled "Transduction," you have notes on the Burn, Moonblade, Teleport, Moongate [mg], Imbue, and Cage of Light [col] spells.
In the chapter entitled "Analogous Patterns," you have notes on the Energy Bolt [bolt] and Ease Burden [ease] spells.
You know the following cantrips:
Generic Cantrips: Scorch (keyword: "label").
Sect-Related Cantrips: Gift of the Stars (keyword: "refill"), Avtai Alshavi (keyword: "season").
Shield Usage: 150 03% ruminating (8/34) Leather Armor: 153 17% ruminating (8/34)
Heavy Chain: 20 81% clear (0/34) Parry Ability: 143 49% ruminating (8/34)
Multi Opponent: 151 48% ruminating (8/34) Light Edged: 116 64% clear (0/34)
Medium Edged: 126 39% pondering (7/34) Heavy Edged: 77 79% clear (0/34)
Twohanded Edged: 12 13% clear (0/34) Medium Blunt: 12 32% clear (0/34)
Heavy Blunt: 6 24% clear (0/34) Twohanded Blunt: 2 43% clear (0/34)
Light Crossbow: 106 70% perusing (2/34) Light Thrown: 87 26% clear (0/34)
Heavy Thrown: 3 50% clear (0/34) Brawling: 102 99% clear (0/34)
Offhand Weapon: 81 32% clear (0/34) Lunar Magic: 251 19% deliberative (11/34)
Harness Ability: 252 70% scrutinizing (17/34) Power Perceive: 259 16% thoughtful (4/34)
Arcana: 220 06% concentrating (9/34) Targeted Magic: 194 73% clear (0/34)
Evasion: 158 65% clear (0/34) Climbing: 105 59% clear (0/34)
Perception: 179 91% clear (0/34) Hiding: 144 20% thoughtful (4/34)
Lockpicking: 59 56% clear (0/34) Disarm Traps: 67 17% clear (0/34)
Stalking: 119 69% clear (0/34) Stealing: 11 29% clear (0/34)
First Aid: 86 59% clear (0/34) Foraging: 146 74% clear (0/34)
Escaping: 20 15% clear (0/34) Skinning: 144 94% clear (0/34)
Swimming: 97 91% clear (0/34) Scholarship: 180 66% clear (0/34)
Mechanical Lore: 149 54% clear (0/34) Appraisal: 174 62% clear (0/34)
Teaching: 137 68% clear (0/34) Vocals: 124 48% clear (0/34)
Astrology: 154 02% clear (0/34)
Initiate Moon Mage, Apprentice Moon Mage, Journeyman Moon Mage, Moon Mage, Expert Moon Mage, Stargazer, Medium, Contemplator, Mentalist, Mesmerist, Dreamer, Lunar Mage, Lunar Magician, Ascendant, Dreamweaver, Illusionist, Novus, Lucky, Palm Reader, Austromancer, Chiromancer, Soothsayer, Luckbringer, Daydreamer, Augur, Fortuneteller, Visionist, Doomsayer, Dowser, Mystic, Predictor, Determinist, Diviner, Pupil, Cold Reader, Meteorologist, Docent, Mathematician, Extrapolator, Philosopher, Geometer, Duskwalker, Observer, Clairaudient, Dissident, Hex, Battlefield Scribe, Mystic Aegis, Geometric Warder, Celestian, Politician, Horoscopist, Traveler, Hypnotist