Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 12:54 PM CST
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Any chance BC could make Katamba teleports work like Yavash and Xibar teleports when it's in effect? I really really really hate teleporting on my back without a check. Failing the stun check and falling over is one thing.

Also at the moment Riftal Summons is broken in Test. You can prep it, when you cast it, it eats mana but doesn't create a rift or actually cast the spell. It doesn't work regardless of BC status.

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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 02:56 PM CST
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Hmmm. Interesting idea about teleport. I'll think about it.

I'll check out RS when I get home this evening.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 03:20 PM CST
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When you cast BC the spell messaging has 2 small typos. Should read you find yourself divided. As this moment of clarity passes and you struggle...

You attempt to quiet your mind, focusing on your planar link.
The mental strain of this pattern is considerably eased by your ritual focus.
Your ritual concludes and your find yourself divided. Corporeally, you remain in the familiar, the abiding. Simultaneously your mind seeks another place, full of stark light and shadow. In this place reality is mutable, distance irrelevant and probability lays splayed about. But there is still law here, a system of geometric truths laid down long ago and writ into the foundation of the plane. As this moment of clarify passes and you struggle to reconcile this duality the Plane of Abiding reasserts its dominance over your mind. Though your awareness has waned, your understanding of the planes remains.

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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 05:20 PM CST
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From Crossing to Mer'kresh with 752 utility:

Without BCWith BC
Teleport47 mana38 mana
Contingency45 mana36 mana
Moongate25 mana21 mana

At that range I was toppling over immediately from teleport but at the same range contingency resulted in a shorter stun and I kept my footing. So teleportation using contingency was superior than just a straight teleport. Once a moon rises I'll try longer distance. Moongate didn't seem to be benefiting much from BC.

I did like the decreased RT from predict state. I haven't tried transmogrify or split yet.

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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 05:24 PM CST
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Braun's should be a straight 20% reduction. I'll save you that testing :P


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 05:44 PM CST
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Typos fixed, RS should be fixed. Still looking at what I want to do with Teleport.

I'm also waffling over if BC should hook any of the remaining EG spells. Whole Displacement seems like a possible candidate.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 05:51 PM CST
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For teleport try juicing it with more mana - even if you don't need more to make the distance it will continue to reduce the stun. Let me know how it feels after playing with that.

I also added some stun reduction if you have BC up.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 05:53 PM CST
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As a relative noobler I wanna pipe in on this one.

Could the stun on Teleport be revisited, please? Especially Katamba. Teleport is losing some utility with this change. It would be nice if it was more appealing than Moongate for moving yourself around.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 05:55 PM CST
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I went ahead and added Whole Displacement to the spells that benefit from Braun's Conjecture.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 06:23 PM CST
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... and the align stuff will actually work now.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 06:24 PM CST
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> I'm also waffling over if BC should hook any of the remaining EG spells. Whole Displacement seems like a possible candidate.

It's not EG, but Seer's Sense? It's based on prognostication, which is ostensibly the main effect of BC.
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 06:50 PM CST
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>>It's not EG, but Seer's Sense?

That might have made sense when Braun's was a perception spell, but it's not any more. Roughly speaking, Seer's Sense is a product of Fortune's Path style of prediction whereas Braun's Conjecture helps more with the Celestial Compact style of divination.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 07:25 PM CST
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I bribed Naohhi into a fast track QC so this is now just waiting some more feedback from Test until I feel comfortable moving things live.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 09:32 PM CST
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The stun reduction from teleport is fantastic. Especially a capped teleport. I didn't try contingency again because I figured it would benefit the same as teleport. How did the Katamba standing (with BC) teleport shake out? It would really be great if we could teleport standing via Katamba. It's as important/more important than the length of stun IMO.

I got the BC messaging with WD but I'm not sure what effect BC has with it...seemed to perform the same for me.

Align Transmogrify: With 737 astrology unbuffed and a capped BC:

initial poolstransmog with BC to an empty pooltransmog without BC to an empty pool
complete understandingsignificant understandingfledgling understanding

So instead of ~25% efficiency from transmogrification I saw ~60% efficiency. I liked that a lot. It hurt using transmogrification to turn a curse when you lost 75% of a pool (without BC) for each transmogrification.

Align Split: In my completely non-scientific experiment of 2 predictions the prediction with BC hit the skill and the one without did not. Apparently my astro skill is enough to cover the split amount check because it was a 50% split of the prediction pool both with and without BC.

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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 09:42 PM CST
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<<Align Split: In my completely non-scientific experiment of 2 predictions the prediction with BC hit the skill and the one without did not. Apparently my astro skill is enough to cover the split amount check because it was a 50% split of the prediction pool both with and without BC.

I think align split is always 50% of a complete pool and the only variable is the rank you can start using it. All BC would do in this case is let you use it earlier. If your pool is less than 50% full then align split has no effect. If its more than 50% full then the next prediction after an align split only uses 50% of a complete pool. E.g. if you're 65% full then align split will leave you with 15% of your pool after your next prediction.
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 09:46 PM CST
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>>I didn't try contingency again because I figured it would benefit the same as teleport.

I didn't put a reduction in Contingency - the idea is that contingency is, well, a contingency. You CAN invoke it, but that's mostly there as an option when you need to teleport NOW (or to go to your Seer's target) and the stun reduction is about helping to carve out a purpose to use teleport vs other spells.

>>How did the Katamba standing (with BC) teleport shake out?

Given that this would undermine an existing cantrip and Katamba leaving you laying down is nothing new it's not something I'm interested in adding at this time.

>>I got the BC messaging with WD but I'm not sure what effect BC has with it...seemed to perform the same for me.

It just makes the spell easier to cast (Same as MG/RS/Contingency).

>>It hurt using transmogrification to turn a curse when you lost 75% of a pool (without BC) for each transmogrification.

Pro tip: Don't use large pools to cancel out curses.

90 minute, 150 rank curse + 75 minute, 100 rank bonus = 82 minute, 25 rank curse (And ~75% of a pool used).

90 minute, 150 rank curse + 3(10 minute, 20 rank bonus) = 20 min, 1 rank curse (~30% of a pool used, if that).

>>Align Split

This is a binary check.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/28/2016 11:28 PM CST
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Spell sounds great. Can't wait for it to hit live.

"An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells; If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else. No! you won't 'eed nothin' else"

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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/29/2016 03:38 PM CST
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I've just pushed a few mild revisions to Braun's and the Teleportation changes to Test.

The changes to Braun's should be largely invisible and mostly exist to future proof the spell, though you might see very minor deviations in how much it reduces the mana/difficulty of the affected spells compared to before.

Contingency has seen the largest revisions - it will now look and act much more like Teleport in general (including how it handles stuns and interactions with a certain cantrip).

Assuming no major bugs crop up I'm looking to push this all live as soon as my schedule allows since the testing seems to have gone well - so if you're planning to do testing you should do so sooner rather than later.

Thank you to all the testers from yesterday!


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/29/2016 06:05 PM CST
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I don't know the cantrip but:

In Test contingency is working like I know the cantrip when teleporting to Katamba regardless of BC status. I arrive standing and hidden. Contingency is also not giving any stun regardless of BC status.

Regular teleport is working right, teleport to Katamba leaves me prone and stunned.

Regular teleport with BC is working right, teleport to Katamba leaves me prone but with a shortened stun.

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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/29/2016 08:34 PM CST
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One other oddity with teleport + BC:

Discern shows my teleport cap is 100 mana. When I prep and cast teleport at 100 mana without BC it preps and casts normally. When I prep teleport at 100 mana with BC up I get this message:

>prep teleport 100
Since you're attempting to feed more power into the spell pattern than it is capable of utilizing, you quickly work your way down to its maximal potential.
That will disrupt less than half your current attunement.
You direct your attention toward the heavens and trace the lunar sigils for the Teleport spell in the air.
Katamba is dominant, Xibar is moderate, while Yavash's influence is weak.
Moonlight Manipulation and Enlightened Geometry spells are favored.
Your blue moonbeam should last at least six more anlaen or until Xibar sets.
Your black moonbeam should last about forty-eight more roisaen or until Katamba sets.
You sense the Shadowling spell upon you, which will last for about sixty-three roisaen.
You sense the Aura Sight spell upon you, which will last for about one roisan.
You sense the Braun's Conjecture spell upon you, which will last for about eighty-nine roisaen.
You are preparing the Teleport spell at eighty mana.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

I can still harness 20 mana and get the 100 mana cast successfully but it won't allow me to prep teleport and straight cast it at cap with BC up.

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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/29/2016 08:48 PM CST
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> I can still harness 20 mana and get the 100 mana cast successfully but it won't allow me to prep teleport and straight cast it at cap with BC up.

That's because BC is just an across the board mana reduction---min prep, max prep, all mana numbers associated with the spell are reduced. Raesh mentioned 20%, which fits with what you're seeing, although I suspect it's only 20% when BC is capped; I haven't tested.

When you've got BC up and you prep at 80 and then harness 20, does that 20 get consumed? If so, I think that's a bug.
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 02/29/2016 09:15 PM CST
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Ah ok, yeah that accounts for it. No it's not adding the 20 harnessed in then. Must have tried casting it that way again to verify and forgot I had released BC.

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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/01/2016 01:40 AM CST
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Totally about to pass out from exhaustion, but I think that'll fix Contingency.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/01/2016 05:30 AM CST
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with these changes, will it be theoretically possible to moongate from Aesry to Boar Clan?
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/01/2016 11:32 AM CST
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Moongate didn't undergo any significant changes to is distance calcs.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/01/2016 11:53 AM CST
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>>Totally about to pass out from exhaustion, but I think that'll fix Contingency.

I can hear the guile theme from street fighter playing as Raesh wrestles with teleportation code. Good work and thanks.

"An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells; If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else. No! you won't 'eed nothin' else"

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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/01/2016 12:21 PM CST
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Okay - I lied. I hadn't chased down the ramifications of this change quite as far as I thought I had, and as a result you wouldn't have been able to teleport the max distance (Which I think Boar Clan --> Aesry represents) with any spell since they all use the core formula Moongate uses (Teleport, for example, just scales more rapidly because it's far easier to shove more mana in.)

Since I'm not a fan of this I've redone the distance calculation that underlies all teleportation spells which should, at max mana, allow travel from any two points in the game (Assuming they pass all other teleportation checks).

Since the change is kind of mathy let me just give you a graph with the equations scrubbed. Blue is old, red is new, X is distance, Y is difficulty (Which roughly means mana).

I also removed the randomness (not shown on that graph) since I figure people are far more precise in their teleports these days and it let me cut the formula a lot closer at max mana.

Also, also, there are some minimum ranges on each spell that you can always reach that are not reflected on that graph either.

THIS IS ON TEST ONLY. Please try it out before we go live with this, it's always possible I caused something to go horribly wrong.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/01/2016 04:39 PM CST
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Well, the graph looks really good, and I like the idea of removing randomness. Does that mean that a cast of X amount will always work between the same two locations? Right now if you're on the cusp there's a chance you'll get the "too distant" message sometimes, but other times you'll hit it.

- Navesi
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/01/2016 05:51 PM CST
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"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/06/2016 06:04 PM CST
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>teleport the max distance (Which I think Boar Clan --> Aesry represents

Technically, Muspar'i <-> Fang Cove would be the farthest distance in the game. Although Aesry invokes the P4 rules.

Kaeta Airtag

"I have faith in the current crop of GMs to not screw people over"

>>Actually an opinion cannot be changed or corrected. Nice try back of line.-VERATHOR
>>But it can be wrong.-Starlear
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/06/2016 06:08 PM CST
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>>Technically, Muspar'i <-> Fang Cove would be the farthest distance in the game. Although Aesry invokes the P4 rules.

Yeah, P4 rules cause an artificial increase in distance making Boar Clan --> Aesry the hardest teleport in the game.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/06/2016 06:56 PM CST
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<<Although Aesry invokes the P4 rules.

Did you ever sort out how P4 rules apply when it's only within P4? In your last thread you said that entirely within P4 added the highest difficulty modifier, but that didn't match empirical evidence us players had which showed that while it has a difficulty increase it was significantly less of one than between mainland and islands. Was that just a mis-statement on your part?

<<Yeah, P4 rules cause an artificial increase in distance making Boar Clan --> Aesry the hardest teleport in the game.

Warning: Incoming nerd speak that doesn't actually change the validity of any statements made so far. I.e. just for funsies.

Technically, Aesry to Boar clan is only classed as the hardest teleport due to rounding. There are several that are actually longer distances, but not quite enough to reach the next integer measured in zones and thus are not more difficult. To one decimal place, the following are the longest distances that include islands putting them all at the hardest teleport at 10 zones plus island to mainland difficulty:

Muspar'i <--> Hara'jaal = 1081.7 miles (10 zones)
Aesry <--> Just south of boar clan up to but not including Archer's Ford = 1044.0 miles (10 zones)
Aesry <--> Raven's Point = 1029.6 miles (10 zones)
Aesry <--> Boar Clan = 1019.9 miles (10 zones)
Muspar'i <--> M'riss/Mer'kresh = 1000.0 miles (10 zones)

The following are the longest raw distances that are greater than the Aesry to Boar Clan distance without including the islands, but the difficulty is far less due to not involving the P4 difficulty modifier:

Muspar'i <--> Fang Cove = 1272.8 miles (12 zones)
Fang Cove <--> Hvaral/Fornsted = 1140.2 miles (11 zones)
Fang Cove <--> Theren Marauders = 1063.0 miles (10 zones)
Fang Cove <--> Boar Clan = 1029. miles (10 zones)
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/06/2016 07:16 PM CST
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P.S. To compare the degree of difference in difficulty between the two, the island to mainland difficulty modifier under the old calculations was the equivalent of 6 additional zones worth of difficulty. E.g. a 4 zone distance from the mainland to the island was equivalent in difficulty to a 10 zone distance that was entirely on the mainland. Distances that were contained entirely within the islands was only an equivalent of 2 additional zones worth of difficulty. E.g. a 2 zone distance completely within the islands was the same difficulty as a 4 zone distance entirely on the mainland. I assume it's somewhat comparable in the new calculations as well.
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/06/2016 07:35 PM CST
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Part of this project was standardizing the P4 penalties to conform to Moongate.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/06/2016 07:43 PM CST
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<<Part of this project was standardizing the P4 penalties to conform to Moongate.

Yes, but the question I had was what that standard was. Our empirical evidence was different than what you stated in the first thread you brought it up in. Are you standardizing it to what we empirically saw (P4<->mainland highest difficulty modifier) or are you standardizing it to what you said it was (P4<->P4 highest difficulty modifier)?
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/06/2016 07:51 PM CST
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>>Our empirical evidence

Was based on code that I've written so things conform to the Moongate standard.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/06/2016 07:58 PM CST
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<<>>Our empirical evidence

<<Was based on code that I've written so things conform to the Moongate standard.

I don't think I'm making myself clear... The last time this discussion came up you stated that the Moongate standard was that P4 to P4 moongates had the highest difficulty modifier added to them. Our data showed that P4 to mainland moongates actually had the highest difficulty modifier to them.

So when you are now stating that you've written things to conform to the Moongate standard, which of those is actually the standard that was conformed to? I'm looking for an explicit statement that either P4 to mainland has the highest difficulty modifier or that P4 to P4 has the highest difficulty modifier to it.
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/06/2016 08:01 PM CST
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The P4 code in Moongate has not changed. I literally redirected the other three spells to check the code in moongate instead of their own unique handling (or lack there of).

To summarize: Teleporting within P4 takes a penalty. Teleporting between P4 and the mainlands takes a larger penalty. This was true before, and it remains true.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/06/2016 08:06 PM CST
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<<To summarize: Teleporting within P4 takes a penalty. Teleporting between P4 and the mainlands takes a larger penalty. This was true before, and it remains true.

Okay, then it was just a mis-statement on your part in the previous thread. Thanks for the clarification!
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Re: TEST - Braun's Conjecture and Teleport Changes on 03/08/2016 09:52 PM CST
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I can't remember, did Shift Moonbeam get any changes with the recent changes?

I tried shifting a moonbeam focused on Truffenyi's Green in Ratha to Riverhaven from my location in Crossing today and I got the Grazhir/Reshal Sea resistance but I was under the impression that shift moonbeam used the caster's location and locate location for shifting difficulty...

[The Crossing, Magen Road]
The whitewashed building before you is stark and functional. A sign mounted on it is hand painted and carved with cunning skill. White-robed figures and all manner of injured and infirm people stream in and out of a double door, leaving thin trails of blood on the spotless pavement. You also see a wide arch and a stone urn.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

>prep locate 50

>cast larien

You gesture.

[Riverhaven Road, South Road]
A grove of trees grows between the road and Riverhaven's defensive wall just to the west. A large tent is nestled within the grove. Several smaller tents have been added as extension to the back of the larger one, hiding in back of it like children peeking out from behind their mother. A tall guard tower looms above the treetops with a silhouetted figure pacing its perimeter, surveying the surrounding area with an ever watchful eye. You also see a pile of rocks, some grass, some grass, a crossbow bolt, some grass, some grass, some grass, some grass, some grass, a tangled snarl of verdant greenery that threatens to engulf everything nearby, a worm-eaten wooden caddy, a long-tailed Taisidonian rat, a full-grown wolf that is sitting, a sturdy iron caddy and a large silverwillow table with several things on it.
Also here: Triage Strategist Tuckin, Lord Knight Sebestyen, Feral Poloth who is sitting, Wanderer Larienna, Surgeon Clintanian, Lucky Rhylanian, Raccoon Friend Olinslag, Absolutely Fabulous Karissa, Mentor Pfanston, Wolf Trainer Azurinna who is sitting, Outdoorsman Rabba and Outlander Etherian.
Obvious paths: northeast, south.

>gest yavash pfans
You make a subtle gesture in an attempt to affect your moonbeam.
You can sense several fragments of Grazhir beneath the ocean, each of which hinders your abilities.
You sense your moonbeam move towards Pfanston.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

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