meteor on 09/26/2006 10:06 PM CDT
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So was wondering, with there so few stellar spells. . . . . and us not really utilizing all that is in the great vast space around our world. . . . . perhaps we can get the ability to summon a big ole hunk of space debris to some hurtling down on our foe. Id ask for a shower of them. . . but thats trodding on warmage feet I think being aoe and all. Actually, Id really prefer the ability with mass amounts of primary and targetting to be able to tkt one outta orbit. . . . hmmmm. . . . . anyways, Im just dreaming here but think it'd be neat if we had some control of the heavens.
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Re: meteor on 09/26/2006 10:11 PM CDT
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I think the Stellar book has turned into our guild's redheaded stepchild... with Teleologic Sorcery coming out and the Illusion book dead and buried before it had life, I'm thinking Stellar will remain stagnant.

-- Toldorf GurKct & Briano Eno'Frippoli

R>teach climbing briano
Going to teach shadowling speak 101 or something?
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Re: meteor on 09/27/2006 02:10 AM CDT
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Find something that is called "a meteor" or "a comet", drop it on the ground and cast telekinetic storm. Then the little toy meteor or whatever, will look like meteors crushing your friends/foes. Except the meteor will be "lifts off the ground"... Ok bad idea, but that's as close as we'll probably get to a meteor spell.
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Re: meteor on 09/27/2006 03:26 AM CDT
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>>>perhaps we can get the ability to summon a big ole hunk of space debris to some hurtling down on our foe. Id ask for a shower of them. . . but thats trodding on warmage feet I think being aoe and all. Actually, Id really prefer the ability with mass amounts of primary and targetting to be able to tkt one outta orbit.

To quote a webcomic:

My Limit Break involves a moose, the demon Baphomet, and a Kuiper Belt object. It lasts four hours, and you can't skip any of the cut scenes.

Amagaim; the player of,

I divide my time as follows: half the time I sleep, the other half I dream. I never dream when I sleep, for that would be a pity, for sleeping is the highest accomplishment of genius.
--- Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: meteor on 09/27/2006 07:08 AM CDT
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Hah. You read questionable content! cool.

oh, and um...dont' clerics have a meteor summony spell thingy?

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Re: meteor on 09/27/2006 08:58 PM CDT
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Hahaha QC rules.

Also, the Cleric spell (AE) is more like Holy Bolts of God-Fire (aka Holy Bolts of Scuffing) rather than anything solid like a meteor.

-Vision et al

Also, I can shoot bees.
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Re: meteor on 09/28/2006 11:27 PM CDT
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Not to be confused with TKS ... the storm of missing (well, with at level creatures). =)

Shadowmancer Stolas, Darkling of the Progeny

>study Dor'na'torna
The shard known as Dor'na'torna has not been ritually named, making travel through it impossibly dangerous.
--If I wanted to walk, I'd have joined the magic haters guild.
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Re: meteor on 09/29/2006 12:21 AM CDT
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It doesn't miss people though, but when I actually use it I don't intend to use it that way grunts. Last time I used it, friend came in and said hello, I told 'em to run cause of TKS then a split second later they got stunned, dragged 'em out. I really dislike that feature.

-- Toldorf GurKct & Briano Eno'Frippoli

R>teach climbing briano
Going to teach shadowling speak 101 or something?
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Re: meteor on 10/04/2006 11:23 PM CDT
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Well, lets try to take this unrealistic, overpowered idea, and make something workable out of it, shall we?

Name: Tears of Grazhir
Requirements: Starlight Sphere
Book: Stellar Magic

The single most important event in the history of Lunar Magic was the devistating destruction of Grazhir. It was both a great blow to the scope of our power, and a great boon in modern years as Moon Mages have learned to tap into the power that Grazhir still commands. This spell utilizes the memory of that cataclysmic moment, and reminds us all of what little power we have, on the grandest scale. Similar to the secrets of the Starlight Sphere, this spell focuses starlight and moonlight into a physical manifestation of one of the fabled shards of Grazhir as it plumeted toward Elanthia, though on a drasticly smaller scale. The Tear of Grazhir appears in the sky above and plunges downward at a rapid velocity until it nearly strikes ground, at which point it disperses without a trace. The presence of the effigy provides a very short but very potent boost to the Lunar Mana in the immediate area. The mana surge is unfortunately so intense that Lunar spells cast during the window of opportunity become uncontrolable, completely draining the attunement of the caster, irregardless of the intended ammount of mana focused into the spell pattern.
Despite the metaphysical effects of the spell however, the ghostly image of Grazhir's shard is quite physical for the moment it exists. Mages of a less scholarly mind have thereby learned to focus the Tear to fall in a very specific location, causing massive damage to anything (or anyone) happening to occupy that space.


>Lasarhhtha pats you on the back.
Lasarhhtha says, "Others should learn much from you, yes."
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Re: meteor on 10/05/2006 07:55 AM CDT
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Coming up with ideas for overpowered, unrealistic spells is one of the things Moon Mages are really good at. Sometimes interesting discussions follow.

I don't play characters in other guilds except Empath, so a lot of what I know about other guild magic comes from when they jump in here and say "No, you can't do that because we already have a spell that does the same thing."

In this case, what would be the purpose of the spell? As I understand it the spell might be useful if you were going to finish off the opponent with mundane weapons. It might also be useful for fighting another Moon Mage who was more skilled with TM spells and less skilled at mundane weapons.

If it only affects lunar mana it would be useful for only a very few critters. We already spells that only work against lunar mana and they are of very limited use. If it overloaded all of the mana in the area then it would be "metamagic." Clerics are supposed to be the specialists in metamagic.
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Re: meteor on 10/05/2006 10:29 AM CDT
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"Coming up with ideas for overpowered, unrealistic spells is one of the things Moon Mages are really good at. Sometimes interesting discussions follow."

That or suggesting reasonable spells but through a conditioned understanding that we can never have anything that can't badly harm us, we overload the spell with more "down sides" than "Up sides."

I strongly belive that If seer's sense had been suggested by a player, you would receive a penalty to parry and or shield to get the evasion boost.

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Re: meteor on 10/05/2006 12:43 PM CDT
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Have to remember there's an upside and downside to every Schwartz.

-- Toldorf GurKct & Briano Eno'Frippoli

R>teach climbing briano
Going to teach shadowling speak 101 or something?
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Re: meteor on 10/05/2006 02:39 PM CDT
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There's a downside to being a moon mage? Hah! I don't believe that. We're inherently better then any other guild at everything mind you, and don't let those other guilds forget it.

Player of Celestian Durandil, Enchanter of the House of the Silver Star
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Re: meteor on 10/05/2006 05:51 PM CDT
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<<There's a downside to being a moon mage? Hah! I don't believe that. We're inherently better then any other guild at everything mind you, and don't let those other guilds forget it.

Except for Barbarian magic ... they have it all.

Shadowmancer Stolas, Darkling of the Progeny

"Marry, he must have long spoon that must eat with the devil." Dromio of Syracuse -- The Comedy of Errors IV.iii
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Re: meteor on 10/05/2006 11:02 PM CDT
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<<In this case, what would be the purpose of the spell?>>

No idea. I was just trying to take an idea already posted and make it more appropriate for a Moon Mage. <shrug> As for the mana overload, it was really a device to create limitations for the spell. If used as a non-combat spell, it allows you one really, really nice cast. (Not that big a deal, really.) If used in combat however, the power surge presents a new, strategical choice to be made. You have one chance at a very effective attack spell, but it will leave you vulnerable. You could likewise choose not to cast anything during the surge, which will conserve mana for further attacks, but will require you to rely on your mundane defenses for a moment.

Now if you want a purpose, how about this one?
Make the spell an AOE spell, doing damage to the head, neck, arms and torso of anyone who is standing, the head and neck of anyone who is kneeling or sitting, and no damage to anyone who is lying down. (Because the Tear will disappear before impacting those who are close to the ground. Now it serves a purpose. It's a good MM AOE spell.

I also will admit that spells I suggest tend to have noticable negative effects. This is likely because I am often concerned that too many spells are suggested that have astonishing effects that are drasticly unbalancing. Therefore I add a down side to make the spell potent, but not Godly. I more than likely make the flaws too damaging however, so any idea I have will usually need to be tweaked up before it could become an actuality.


>Lasarhhtha pats you on the back.
Lasarhhtha says, "Others should learn much from you, yes."
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Re: meteor on 11/14/2006 12:17 PM CST
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Yes I'm late, but why not have it affect all local mana instead of just lunar?

The destabilization of a point on Elanthia seems to be a very moon mage like thing.

Also, it would make it possible to enter the ways from anywhere but it would make the entrance hazardous.

The whole travel/escape/dangerous thing seems to be very moon mage like as well.

I am --- Navak
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Re: meteor on 03/06/2007 12:56 PM CST
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Outdoors only, with a delay on the arrival of the meteor fragment. Random meteor size depending on mana used?
Sounding like it would basically be Burn since its Death From Above, but with flashier descriptions maybe.

Although a massive meteor completely smashing a foe would be quite interesting to see.
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