Stellar magic spells and pp on 12/27/2013 11:35 AM CST
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I vaguely remember a post saying stellar magic spells were powered by transduction aka enlightened geo. I found some posts archived on epedia suggesting that each stellar magic spell is powered by the book it matches most thematically.

Anyone able to confirm or deny this with a link to a post from staff how it works these days? I think it changed circa magic 3.0 but again that's just vague memory.

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Re: Stellar magic spells and pp on 12/27/2013 08:59 PM CST
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In 2.1 it was it's own spellbook. In 3.0 each draws mana from the thematically correct book. SHM = Perception, SLS = Moonlight I think... can't recall IotS off the top of my head. Likely EG.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Stellar magic spells and pp on 12/27/2013 09:18 PM CST
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Thanks Raesh, appreciate the confirmation.
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