Saesordian Compass worth penalty? on 03/31/2019 05:54 PM CDT
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I've already decided that although sorcery is fun and all, I'm leery of the trade-off of corruption for any of the basic 4 teleologic spells. That being said, Saesordian Compass has me intrigued.

Would people say that the penalty of reduced effectiveness for rtr (specifically, although I know other spells are penalized) is worth the faster killing of compass? I'm wondering as a purely mechanical question, and with an emphasis of using both to train.
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Re: Saesordian Compass worth penalty? on 03/31/2019 08:57 PM CDT
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full-fledged teleo sorcery is tough to swallow even with SCO. SCO is good for pvp. i would not go the teleo route unless it's for rp reasons.
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Re: Saesordian Compass worth penalty? on 04/01/2019 05:59 PM CDT
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Hope not ever to see Heaven. I have come to lead you to the
other shore; into eternal darkness; into fire and into ice. —Inferno
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