Progeny on 08/08/2016 01:58 AM CDT
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Okay, So I went to shard, looked all over town. cannot find this Banister's Mausoleum anywhere. ANyone able to point me in the right direction to joining?
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Re: Progeny on 08/08/2016 02:09 AM CDT
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It's a game secret, but contact me on my AIM if you have it and I can help out. XyngleburtDR

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Re: Progeny on 08/08/2016 02:18 AM CDT
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Or if you don't have or want AIM, then this description of the sect gives a pretty good hint of where you can find the hidden entrance.

"The Progeny of Tezirah maintains a sound political presence in Ilithi and the Crowther family in particular is said to be very proud of the gardens surrounding Shard's Great Tower. It is no secret at all that their personal Elven landscapers have nearly a free hand in that city, and among their finest works are the impeccably grown trees and shrubbery."

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Re: Progeny on 08/08/2016 04:54 AM CDT
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Tried setting up a new aim, but the account creation failed. some kind of error when I tried to activate. wierd.

Anyway. I think I found the spot. but I can't seem to figure out how to get in. Spells cast. verbs performed. but clearly not the right ones. Either that, or I'm not at the right spot.
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Re: Progeny on 08/08/2016 05:14 AM CDT
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Try looking at the various objects in the room. There should be something unusual that stands out on one.

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