Depart Death vs Depart Items on 05/13/2015 05:00 PM CDT
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I know this was discussed briefly in a PVP thread, but for a guild defining ability depart death is pretty lackluster. I would take depart items or depart full over depart death every time.

FeatureDepart DeathDepart Full
Retains CoinsYesYes
Retains ItemsYesYes
Retains ScrollsChanceNo
Avoids Death's StingNoNo
Heals WoundsMinimallyFully
Can trap you in an area due to woundsYesNo
Can be used to escape dangerWith DifficultyYes
Can be used repeatedlyNoYes - depends on favors

Seriously, I'd rather have depart full. I don't mean to be negative because I love the idea of depart death. It's just that with current mechanics, it isn't really that helpful. It would be great if depart death reduced wounds further and avoided death's sting. It would also be great for depart guild to retain your items. (Losing all of your items just isn't a fun way to play DR.) As it is, any time I depart death, I'm need quite awhile to heal myself and wait out death's sting.

An alternative would be to make depart full less useful, but I don't really think that's the right approach.
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Re: Depart Death vs Depart Items on 05/13/2015 05:55 PM CDT
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Dont forget it also preserves an amount of field EXP. That said, our limited depart options are likely by design.

mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
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Re: Depart Death vs Depart Items on 05/13/2015 07:08 PM CDT
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It'd be nice if DEPART DEATH healed you more based on your thanatology skill or something. Thanatology needs to do more in general.

I also wish DEPART GUILD let us take our items with us even if it had some extra penalties associated with it. I don't rightly know what those penalties should be besides just the usual death's sting though.

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Re: Depart Death vs Depart Items on 05/13/2015 07:26 PM CDT
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>It'd be nice if DEPART DEATH healed you more based on your thanatology skill or something. Thanatology needs to do more in general.

That's a neat idea - I'd further propose additional depart options, or even combination, that unlock as a function of Thanatology.

DEATH [cardinal direction] - causes your corpse to move in the direction specified, maybe stealthily
DEATH [cocoon] - causes your corpse to become buried, hiding it from view (FoI or MF pyre like). Halts additional decay while cocooned. Feeds into other abilities
DEATH [mend] - if cocooned, slowly causes healing. Emphasis on slow, think min prep Regenerate that pulses at half speed or such.
DEATH [ponder] - if cocooned, slowly build back field experience (say to 50%?).
DEATH [emerge] - causes you to rise from the dead, if cocooned, you emerge from hiding (a beautiful butterfly!) a few rooms away, randomly chosen
DEATH [horrify] - casts a room wide VS/PV
DEATH [grasp] - causes your corpse to hold onto an item in the room, i.e., a dropped weapon.

Or such.
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Re: Depart Death vs Depart Items on 05/14/2015 08:10 PM CDT
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Those are some really cool depart/death ideas.

I did forget about the preservation of EXP because I don't really pay attention to that. Not much exp is preserved, in my experience (ha ha).
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Re: Depart Death vs Depart Items on 05/14/2015 08:13 PM CDT
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Also, loosely relevant to this thread, I received this message from my most recent depart death:

You feel the knowledge of the Wisdom of the Pack spell slip from your mind.

However, I didn't actually lose the spell. I haven't seen this before. I didn't have any other spells memorized. It's still here:

You have temporarily memorized the Wisdom of the Pack [wotp] spell.
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Re: Depart Death vs Depart Items on 05/14/2015 08:25 PM CDT
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I have never used depart death with a spell memorized, but if you are raised you get the message that you forgot the spell and then get the spell back when you are raised:

On Death:
You feel the knowledge of the Wisdom of the Pack spell slip from your mind

On Rezz:
You piece together your fragmented thoughts and are confident that you can still cast the Wisdom of the Pack spell.

I imagine depart death has some similar messaging.
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Re: Depart Death vs Depart Items on 05/14/2015 09:33 PM CDT
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>>I imagine depart death has some similar messaging.

Yes, only more insane.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Depart Death vs Depart Items on 05/15/2015 10:10 AM CDT
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After re-reading all of the Depart Death documentation relevant to a conversation I was having in-character, I was struck by the idea that Depart Death isn't the capstone of the Dead Pattern spells, but rather the first step among many. I'd really love to see how the Dead Pattern spells play out, especially in this direction.

"Nobody cares about the feasibility of Sidhlot's portrayal of evil. That's not the point. He's older than dragons and so metal he poops viking helmets." - Armifer

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu-proxy R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
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Re: Depart Death vs Depart Items on 05/15/2015 11:48 AM CDT
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DEPART [RISEN] - Summons your Risen to sprint in and grab you, carrying you to wherever they were originally (maybe set like a Moonbeam is set). Think 'uber drag'.
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