Look before anyone jumps on my case about "This is what you signed up for" please just hear me out.
I was accused and busted for forbidden practices 2 days ago. Understood...i booked it out of town and havent gone back till today. I ran in town and was nabbed by the guards. Jail time...i was finally released with a fine of a few plat. I ran to the bank and withdrew the money and...bam....forbidden practices...jailtime. I get another plat fine and i get out, run to the bank with draw the money make it to the debt office pay my deb aaaannnnd bam...busted for forbidden practices. My debt is paid...my gear is stuck in the guard house...im wanted again for the third time in 5 minutes...so i once again, run to guard house, busted, jail, judge, fine, bank, money, office, guard house, grab stuff, on my way back out of town and once again, busted for forbidden practices. I leave town this time successfully, i assist thinking this was a weird glitch to find out someone was spam reporting me. Successfully i might add. This seems borderline mech abuse and frankly just a bit out of whack. I get it...im hated...but how can i get busted for forbidden practices when im barely 5 feet out of jail. Please give us some of defense against this nonsense. A timer...a minute even to let us GET OUT OF TOWN before we can be jailed yet again for this nonsense. Or at least give us a corrupt guard willing to take bribes to figure out who is sitting there on a guards coattails and accusing like a annoying child.
Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 04:04 PM CDT
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 04:19 PM CDT
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 04:42 PM CDT
I might be under the mistaken understanding here, but I thought if you were hidden, and/or with EOTB up, your pretty much invisible to the guards and the whole accuse thing, I may test it out with my Necro and an alt, may (thought seems fairly painful test, so I stress the may).
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 04:44 PM CDT
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 04:52 PM CDT
>Does anyone know if the escaping skill helps avoid the guards during a situation like this?
>I was accused and busted for forbidden practices 2 days ago. Understood...i booked it out of town and havent gone back till today.
I think 3-5 days is a safer time frame to avoid town.
>Please give us some of defense against this nonsense. A timer...a minute even to let us GET OUT OF TOWN before we can be jailed yet again for this nonsense.
If you are in the open in town and under the Social Corruption effect, all accuse attempts will be successful. However both Hiding and Invisibility will help keep you out of sight. And above all, if you know someone is spamming accuse against your necro character, stay out of town for an hour or so before going back. The timer in the courthouse is 24 hours, IIRC... More then enough time to wait out someone trying to get you purged.
mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
>I was accused and busted for forbidden practices 2 days ago. Understood...i booked it out of town and havent gone back till today.
I think 3-5 days is a safer time frame to avoid town.
>Please give us some of defense against this nonsense. A timer...a minute even to let us GET OUT OF TOWN before we can be jailed yet again for this nonsense.
If you are in the open in town and under the Social Corruption effect, all accuse attempts will be successful. However both Hiding and Invisibility will help keep you out of sight. And above all, if you know someone is spamming accuse against your necro character, stay out of town for an hour or so before going back. The timer in the courthouse is 24 hours, IIRC... More then enough time to wait out someone trying to get you purged.
mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 05:04 PM CDT
Yeah from the "evil, evil necromancer we hate you" perspective it makes sense that there's no relief from the heat, but from an "I pay money to play this game" perspective, what you described kinda sucks. Even 60 seconds would be enough.
I've never been in that situation, but I've always been paranoid enough to carry at least like 5-10 plat at all times just in case. I'd be curious about the escaping question... Pretty sure it helps avoid guards, since I've always trained it as a top 8 and have never been nabbed anywhere except the Market Plaza (which seems to be like insta-arrest if you have a warrant), but don't know if it makes a difference using the bank, etc. That might only be about SO.
Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
I've never been in that situation, but I've always been paranoid enough to carry at least like 5-10 plat at all times just in case. I'd be curious about the escaping question... Pretty sure it helps avoid guards, since I've always trained it as a top 8 and have never been nabbed anywhere except the Market Plaza (which seems to be like insta-arrest if you have a warrant), but don't know if it makes a difference using the bank, etc. That might only be about SO.
Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 05:42 PM CDT
<<Yeah from the "evil, evil necromancer we hate you" perspective it makes sense that there's no relief from the heat, but from an "I pay money to play this game" perspective, what you described kinda sucks. Even 60 seconds would be enough.
The Necromancer guild is "Hard Mode." You as a paying customer decided to pick an advanced guild/class. If you do not like the restrictions and stigma of playing the Necromancer class then might I suggest a Ranger or a Thief maybe a Moon Mage?
The Necromancer guild is "Hard Mode." You as a paying customer decided to pick an advanced guild/class. If you do not like the restrictions and stigma of playing the Necromancer class then might I suggest a Ranger or a Thief maybe a Moon Mage?
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 05:57 PM CDT
Spare me your condescending "ooh its hard mode".
Its not hard mode, its mech abuse when someone can script a accuse over and over again to prevent me from even leaving the guard house without another accuse already waiting to land seconds after i leave. Hard mode is getting accused in the first place, it landing, me being a pariah, thrown in jail, paying alot of plats, then forcing me to leave town in shame and disgust for several days. 4 accuses in a total of 7 and a half minutes and 3 trips to jail...that is not "hard mode". I wouldnt even complain about that if given a opportunity to face my accuser who feels its necessary to run to the guards shirttails instead of RPing a confrontation. Or if i was even given 30 seconds to a minute to get out of town before being thrown back in jail.
Its not hard mode, its mech abuse when someone can script a accuse over and over again to prevent me from even leaving the guard house without another accuse already waiting to land seconds after i leave. Hard mode is getting accused in the first place, it landing, me being a pariah, thrown in jail, paying alot of plats, then forcing me to leave town in shame and disgust for several days. 4 accuses in a total of 7 and a half minutes and 3 trips to jail...that is not "hard mode". I wouldnt even complain about that if given a opportunity to face my accuser who feels its necessary to run to the guards shirttails instead of RPing a confrontation. Or if i was even given 30 seconds to a minute to get out of town before being thrown back in jail.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 05:59 PM CDT
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 06:16 PM CDT
If someone is spamming 'accuse' then thats just mech abuse and I'm pretty sure in policy it says something about people preventing others from playing the game are to be jumped on and hit multiple times with a stick with a mysterious brown substance on!
I hope its fixed soon as I can really imagine how much it must suck.
I hope its fixed soon as I can really imagine how much it must suck.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 06:30 PM CDT
>Its not hard mode, its mech abuse when someone can script a accuse over and over again to prevent me from even leaving the guard house without another accuse already waiting to land seconds after i leave.
>I wouldnt even complain about that if given a opportunity to face my accuser who feels its necessary to run to the guards shirttails instead of RPing a confrontation.
I am not too sure about that, but then again things have changed in the past.
<Armifer>I'll say this flat out: anyone is free to ACCUSE a Necromancer at any depth of roleplaying that they desire. And if your character is successful in the accusation, he gets money for it. It is our intended tool for creating a power imbalance between Necromancers and everyone else, and nothing pleases me more than to see it used.
Again, you are not forced to enter town and each time you do you are risking the angry mob. If you keep getting caught going back for your gear, you can just stop going back for your gear. It's your choice as a player to try, but know that its a gamble that you willingly put your character in and the odds are already stacked against you. If it happens that other players know you will try, your chances are pretty slim that you will be successful. Its incredibly unfair, but that's life as a Necromancer and clearly by design. If its something you enjoy, great. If its not, there are other options out there.
Personally, Id leave town and wouldnt come back. Learn to live without items, learn to live without town services, learn to be known as a Necromancer and above all learn have fun with what you have.
mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
>I wouldnt even complain about that if given a opportunity to face my accuser who feels its necessary to run to the guards shirttails instead of RPing a confrontation.
I am not too sure about that, but then again things have changed in the past.
<Armifer>I'll say this flat out: anyone is free to ACCUSE a Necromancer at any depth of roleplaying that they desire. And if your character is successful in the accusation, he gets money for it. It is our intended tool for creating a power imbalance between Necromancers and everyone else, and nothing pleases me more than to see it used.
Again, you are not forced to enter town and each time you do you are risking the angry mob. If you keep getting caught going back for your gear, you can just stop going back for your gear. It's your choice as a player to try, but know that its a gamble that you willingly put your character in and the odds are already stacked against you. If it happens that other players know you will try, your chances are pretty slim that you will be successful. Its incredibly unfair, but that's life as a Necromancer and clearly by design. If its something you enjoy, great. If its not, there are other options out there.
Personally, Id leave town and wouldnt come back. Learn to live without items, learn to live without town services, learn to be known as a Necromancer and above all learn have fun with what you have.
mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 06:32 PM CDT
>>Personally, Id leave town and wouldnt come back. Learn to live without items, learn to live without town services, learn to be known as a Necromancer and above all learn have fun with what you have.
Or move to Hib. You can squat around town all day there and no one gives a crap. It's an undead town anyways, in the sense of being a ghost town.
Or move to Hib. You can squat around town all day there and no one gives a crap. It's an undead town anyways, in the sense of being a ghost town.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 06:44 PM CDT
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 06:52 PM CDT
I think it sounds more like the SO death spiral than a series of successful accuses, but again this has never happened to me, so I'm basing that on things I've heard from others.
Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 07:04 PM CDT
I hit the death spiral once. From what he described, it doesn't sound like it. He didn't seem to be using services other than withdrawing coin, which is the one town service you are allowed to use when under SO. I would tend to support that one or a team of people were specifically griefing this individual.
That said, I agree with Divult. You are totally capable after like 5th circle of getting everything you need in the wilds. Give it a run.
That said, I agree with Divult. You are totally capable after like 5th circle of getting everything you need in the wilds. Give it a run.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 07:25 PM CDT
Im not speculating on what happened. Im reporting what i was told by a GM who answered my assist. I was being spammed accused by a individual who was successful. "Busy accusations" was the words used. Im not disagreeing with anything anyone says about staying away from town etc etc. Or that i made a mistake in going in....but when i leave jail only to be thrown back into it with in seconds....that isnt me being stupid and not leaving, that is complete mech abuse and frankly it gets old. If you win a successful accusation...congrats! you won, here is money, and here is the stick we are going to use to beat the necro....that should be end of story for a few minutes.
Guard "Greeting citizen"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Thank you, we are on it"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "My god! He must be powerful indeed. On it"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Sweet mercy! He is already in jail but i will make sure we jail him again!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "God help us all! He is in front of the judge right now but i will make sure he is arrested again!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Unholy mother of god! He must be powerful!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Sweet beard of Merauld! Thank you Jerk McJerkface for you vigilance!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "He just paid his debts! That will show him with another arrest!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "You are a saint and a gentleman Jerk"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Great teeth of Trothfang! Is there no end to this necromancers evil! To jail again!
Guard #2 "He is already in jail!"
Guard "let him out, charge him, take his money then THROW HIM BACK IN!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Im out of guards to find this necromancer. I will go myself!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
.....no ya i see how this is completely legit and in the spirit of how DR works.
Guard "Greeting citizen"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Thank you, we are on it"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "My god! He must be powerful indeed. On it"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Sweet mercy! He is already in jail but i will make sure we jail him again!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "God help us all! He is in front of the judge right now but i will make sure he is arrested again!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Unholy mother of god! He must be powerful!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Sweet beard of Merauld! Thank you Jerk McJerkface for you vigilance!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "He just paid his debts! That will show him with another arrest!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "You are a saint and a gentleman Jerk"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Great teeth of Trothfang! Is there no end to this necromancers evil! To jail again!
Guard #2 "He is already in jail!"
Guard "let him out, charge him, take his money then THROW HIM BACK IN!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Guard "Im out of guards to find this necromancer. I will go myself!"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
Jerk "I accuse necrodude of necromancy"
.....no ya i see how this is completely legit and in the spirit of how DR works.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 08:50 PM CDT
I completely feel your pain as this happened to me early on with my Necro too...first I would recommend you stay out of town for at least a week or longer at this point, as you aren't going to be welcome for quite some time. I had to wait at least a week before I could even dart in and out again. It was a big lesson for me to learn!
I too think that this spam accuse isn't really a smart idea - how about a short timer on it? At least that way they don't get to sit there and just plug away at it. I also think that you should be able to at least pay up before you get hit again, but I know that is part of the process.
I too think that this spam accuse isn't really a smart idea - how about a short timer on it? At least that way they don't get to sit there and just plug away at it. I also think that you should be able to at least pay up before you get hit again, but I know that is part of the process.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 09:23 PM CDT
Just to ask, you said you were nabbed the first time you were in town with EotB up? And when trying to leave town, you didn't put it back up? I'm curious if it would have helped.
And yeah, I agree that there should be a pause between allowable accuses to prevent people from spamming a guard.
And yeah, I agree that there should be a pause between allowable accuses to prevent people from spamming a guard.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 10:26 PM CDT
It could be considered mech abuse in a sense, because the person who is accusing you is getting "free" money from the game. Just like the issue of duplicating plats, I don't think this should be allowed. There should be a "cool-down" period.
>accuse Lyras necromancy...
too late, she's already dead...
Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
>accuse Lyras necromancy...
too late, she's already dead...
Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 10:58 PM CDT
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 11:11 PM CDT
That just blows. Seriously. I would have just logged, or reported the accuser for disruptive behavior. IMO, the dude should definitely be punished for it. He was intentionally spam accusing you, so intentionally being disruptive by trying to be as much of an annoyance to you as possible. Sure, I understand the need for the ability to anonymously accuse necromancers. We're hunted, I get it. But stepping out of your way to spam accuse someone to not allow them to enjoy gameplay, that's purely disruptive, and should be treated as such.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/08/2011 11:12 PM CDT
true, but if someone set up a 24/7 type script to accuse a person, they are gaining money while afk, which is against policy.
it should be relatively simple to figure out who is doing it, have some friends take a tour of crossing or whatever town it is happening in, and see who is sitting near the guard, moves when the guard moves, etc. Do not confront them. If they are open, melt his/her face off. If they aren't, wait for them to log out of the game and then go get your gear. If they never log off, see the above paragraph and report 'em for afk scripting. If someone seriously has nothing better to do in the game than grief others, who needs 'em?
Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
it should be relatively simple to figure out who is doing it, have some friends take a tour of crossing or whatever town it is happening in, and see who is sitting near the guard, moves when the guard moves, etc. Do not confront them. If they are open, melt his/her face off. If they aren't, wait for them to log out of the game and then go get your gear. If they never log off, see the above paragraph and report 'em for afk scripting. If someone seriously has nothing better to do in the game than grief others, who needs 'em?
Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/09/2011 12:05 AM CDT
I don't know of anyone who afk scripts accusing, but I do know of several people who run accuse scripts... It's just a lame thing to do, and I agree that it is mech abuse. I don't think someone should be able to accuse the same person more than once within a set time frame. If you went to the police station and repeatedly accused someone of the same crime for like an hour straight, they wouldn't get arrested or tried any faster, nor would it increase their culpability. I realize there's a significant difference IG, but the repeat accuse mechanics don't really make any more sense IMO.
Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/09/2011 06:22 AM CDT
>>I don't know if it would be abuse for that. As far as I understand the person accusing essentially just gets a cut of what the necro gets fined.
My understanding is that it's a portion of the coin they have on them at the time. I've accused a few times and received zero coin in return, reason from the guard was that the necro/accused was broke.
My understanding is that it's a portion of the coin they have on them at the time. I've accused a few times and received zero coin in return, reason from the guard was that the necro/accused was broke.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/09/2011 07:29 AM CDT
>>Im not speculating on what happened. Im reporting what i was told by a GM who answered my assist. I was being spammed accused by a individual who was successful. "Busy accusations" was the words used.
From what I can see, your log isn't very representative of what happened.
[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
From what I can see, your log isn't very representative of what happened.
[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/09/2011 09:25 AM CDT
<<zero coin in return, reason from the guard was that the necro/accused was broke>>
reason for that isn't no coin on the necro. reason for that is necro has no coins in the bank. In ANY bank. I did that a couple of my necros in the very beginning when accusations were flying around like wildfire and my necros were too young to fend for themself. I wasn't about to give anyone collecting names in the guild any reward for abusing things in that way.
Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
reason for that isn't no coin on the necro. reason for that is necro has no coins in the bank. In ANY bank. I did that a couple of my necros in the very beginning when accusations were flying around like wildfire and my necros were too young to fend for themself. I wasn't about to give anyone collecting names in the guild any reward for abusing things in that way.
Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/09/2011 09:54 AM CDT
Actually you know what i stopped caring a few hours after i vented. I was going to respond asking for clarification but bump that. Instead i will follow suggestions posted earlier. If i run into this situation again i will find the person who is humping a guards leg and rob him/her blind if they are closed or melt their face if they are open...or find someone who can if they are a bit big heh. I really hope there arnt circle 50+'s doing this...if that was the case...thats extremely sad.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 08/21/2011 09:24 AM CDT
>>I really hope there arnt circle 50+'s doing this...if that was the case...thats extremely sad.
In my experience, griefers tend to be of reasonably high level. They tend to be survival-prime or of a guild with an invisibility spell/ability or both. Odds are, the reason they tend to be higher-level is because they buy mid to high level character with the expressed purpose of griefing. Most greifers who start off small probably find greifing difficult and time-consuming, then quit. Clearly, this isn't 100% applicable and further, there are greifer who don't consider themselves as such (2 or 3 potential candidates come to mind), but as a whole, this is my perception of them.
--Croegar/Shatteringwave/Someone Else
You try, but in the cramped confines of the tunnel, there's just no room to do that.
In my experience, griefers tend to be of reasonably high level. They tend to be survival-prime or of a guild with an invisibility spell/ability or both. Odds are, the reason they tend to be higher-level is because they buy mid to high level character with the expressed purpose of griefing. Most greifers who start off small probably find greifing difficult and time-consuming, then quit. Clearly, this isn't 100% applicable and further, there are greifer who don't consider themselves as such (2 or 3 potential candidates come to mind), but as a whole, this is my perception of them.
--Croegar/Shatteringwave/Someone Else
You try, but in the cramped confines of the tunnel, there's just no room to do that.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 09/05/2011 04:34 PM CDT
I am suprised that this hasn't been addressed or responded to yet. I mean regardless of what did or didn't happen to the Origional poster, I think that this shines light on a very clear problem with the current accuse system. It would only make sense that once a necromancer has been successfully accused under the current system they should be immune to further accusations for a reasonable length of time (an hour?) so they can get their things back and get out of town.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 09/05/2011 05:48 PM CDT
>>I am suprised that this hasn't been addressed or responded to yet. I mean regardless of what did or didn't happen to the Origional poster, I think that this shines light on a very clear problem with the current accuse system. It would only make sense that once a necromancer has been successfully accused under the current system they should be immune to further accusations for a reasonable length of time (an hour?) so they can get their things back and get out of town.
The system is balanced against the assumption that people will try to abuse the system to accuse people. Ergo, necromancers actually get the better end of the deal, since that doesn't happen all the time.
TG, TG, GL, et al.
The system is balanced against the assumption that people will try to abuse the system to accuse people. Ergo, necromancers actually get the better end of the deal, since that doesn't happen all the time.
TG, TG, GL, et al.
Re: Accusation Cooldown on 09/14/2011 07:29 PM CDT
>It would only make sense that once a necromancer has been successfully accused under the current system they should be immune to further accusations for a reasonable length of time (an hour?) so they can get their things back and get out of town.
They are immune. This exists. You have ten minutes precisely.
They are immune. This exists. You have ten minutes precisely.