Guildfest and You on 06/02/2017 09:02 AM CDT
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Hi all,

Just wanted to remind folks about how Necromancer shops work in relation to Guildfest.

* Necromancer-only shops are rarely within the Guildfest grounds. Most of the time they are elsewhere in the world, with locations that make much more sense for them. If a Necromancer shop ever is on the GF grounds, it will be accessed from a hidden/otherwise obscured entrance.

* The locations of all Necro-only shops are considered game secrets. Do not post on the forums or Elanthipedia about the location of (or means to access) any Necromancer shops you might find.

* Please reasonably obscure/remove any Necromancer NPC names you find in any shop/shops if you're helping with Elanthipedia documentation.

And to answer a question from another thread:

>>Any chance for anything Risen specific at Guildfest?

Not likely, as Risen are still in QC.

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