I awoke torn to pieces as the last of the life pooled around my body, I exhaled and relinquished it. Then I got up, it's time I got some answers. How did I get here? Just off the Clans beaten path...
My teacher had no answers, he wouldn't even tell me if the Master lived. As if anything could destroy that man, if he or I for that matter could count ourselves among mankind anymore. So left alone again. I haven't been alone since... No! She's...gone? The bond feels so empty. The wayward Cleric, he'll have some idea where to start. But first to find out whats happened and why that monstrous metal spider is all I remember. I guess I'll be rousing sis' contact in Illithi, I used to enjoy respite in the shadows of that rose garden once...
No sign of anything familiar the whole way. Not a whisper of the Master nor the glimmer of her moonlight. If I have truely lost them both I, I fear I am lost. The garden's divinations reflected no answer's just further questions. The unending questions have begun to manifest is whispers, like thoughts in my head but not controlled by my will. Curse the blasted immortals for crippling these forms for their amusement and assured dominance. Yes, it seems patience is my course. The only answer is The Work now....
The Family, yes perhaps I can reclaim my contract. Perhaps I can do better. Either way it's north to study. Perhaps the next body will hold the answer. Nyka always told me she gained a glimmer of prophetic knowledge from the scattered organs of a failed experiment. Oh Terrible Freedom, I am coming for you.
You feel a brief sense of unease, as if somehow, somewhere, you'd run afoul of the law.