Quick CFB Option on 02/24/2018 09:28 PM CST
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Maybe a high level ritual that can summon a small critter we can CFB on the fly in a remote place. Like a shadowing, but then we can engage and kill it for CFB.
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Re: Quick CFB Option on 02/25/2018 09:24 AM CST
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A ritual that 'stored' a critter to be worked on elsewhere or resummoned elsewhere has been suggested in the past. I think the general idea is 'why bother?'.
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Re: Quick CFB Option on 02/26/2018 09:43 PM CST
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This could fall in line with some abilities that are just more cantrip-y and secondary in nature, perhaps for more opportunities to RP crazy stuff. But mechanically speaking, I was stuck in a invasion full of stuff I couldn't kill, but a zombie might. It was like dude I'm /KINDA/ hlc right now, I gotta leave battle, go to a hunting ground and kill something in order to zombie-fy it and then return. That's some newbie necro type stuff. A master necro at the most. Just thinking any legendary transcendent hlc necrolord type could pull something more exotic off. #spitballinhere
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