Suggestion: Reduce Ritual RT for Thana + BuE on 04/21/2018 03:22 PM CDT
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Quick suggestion for a small QoL change...

Let us reduce the roundtime of rituals with Thana skill and BuE.

1) Rituals have static RT forever.
2) I never have any reason to cast BuE.
3) Thana skill could use more things to do.
4) Several other guild skills already reduce RTs for performing actions related to that skill; RT for observing celestial bodies reduces with Astrology, RT for meditation reduces with Summoning, etc.

Example formula: Every 200 Thana ranks you get -1 ritual RT, to a minimum of 2 RT per ritual (maybe minimum 1 RT for rituals with a base RT under 5). BuE has a base -1 RT effect folded into it on top of any Thana rank boost. While active, it also increases the efficiency of your Thana ranks, reducing the threshold to -1 RT for every 150 ranks.

For clarity:
Without BuE: RT reduction = (Thana / 200)
With BuE: RT Reduction = 1 + (Thana / 150)

Under this model, with 500 Thana a dissect would be reduced from 10 to 8 seconds. (500 / 200) = 2.5, truncated to 2 RT reduction.

With a capped BuE (granting 100 bonus Thana) it would be 5. 1 + ((500 + 100 from BuE)) / 150) = 5 RT Reduction.

Under this formula you would reach maximium RT reduction on a 10 second ritual (dissect/arise) at 1600 Thana skill (1600 / 200) = 8. With a capped BuE you would reach this threshold at 875 ranks: 1 + ((875 + 175 from BuE) / 150) = 8.

This gives both an effect for high level Thana, and an increased incentive to cast BuE. And with the various different RTs that rituals have this creates additional accomplishment points throughout a Necromancer's career for reducing each ritual to minimum RT.

Thanks for any consideration!

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Re: Suggestion: Reduce Ritual RT for Thana + BuE on 04/21/2018 04:01 PM CDT
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>>2) I never have any reason to cast BuE.

It helps with stitching risen and helps a little with the awake/asleep timers. Not trying to derail, just tossing it out as a general FYI.
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