Shared Titles? on 11/27/2018 02:10 AM CST
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There are currently a handful of titles that are shared by multiple guilds. Any chance that Necromancers could get in on that?

- I am not advocating for a pretend guild system like the Thieves have.
- I am not advocating for flagrant (SO-inducing) Necromancer titles, though I would love to have that option.

Reviewing what’s currently in the system, I see a handful of titles claimed by other guilds that would (a) suit us and (b) help those who want to blend in.

The obvious example: Philosopher. I personally would never use it (for RP reasons), but that we don’t have access to it is a bit strange.

Beyond that, I see several MM, Empath and Cleric titles that I believe would fit. I’m sure there are others, but I haven’t delved deeply though each of the various guild-restricted lists.

- I
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Re: Shared Titles? on 11/28/2018 09:59 PM CST
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>>There are currently a handful of titles that are shared by multiple guilds. Any chance that Necromancers could get in on that?

I've been thinking of trying to make a SafeNecro title category that is Necromancer only but has things like this. Titles is an intensely... intense system, though, and I'm not sure if this will ever be a reality.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
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Re: Shared Titles? on 02/14/2019 07:33 PM CST
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Title system may need a re-write. Maybe something I could put on my next GM application. :D :D :D
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