Neutral Gathering Places on 09/10/2020 06:56 PM CDT
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With guilds moving to a more hardline stance on which philosophies are admitted in to which guilds, there's a problem I think we have when it comes to gathering for events and such. With that alone we're stuck with only one very out of the way location to gather and when you add in guildhall bans it becomes even more difficult. I'm not arguing against either of these things as I think it definitely adds to the flavor of the different ideologies and repercussions of a character's actions. It does have an impact when you want to run events for an already small subset of the population that can't necessarily do things in public though.

I have considered that maybe this is fully intentional and just another difficulty Necros are expected to get creative with (like using player housing) but if it's not, having places to gather that are private and flavored towards team necro without being guildhalls or specific to particular ideologies would be a really useful addition for the social side of things.
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Re: Neutral Gathering Places on 09/11/2020 12:37 PM CDT
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Would be neat if each province had a "neutral" Necro only area that was independent of a specific guildleader. Maybe the logic can be that it's a secreted-away storefront for Necro devices (thinking of how some merchants have hidden rooms for Necros to buy Necro stuff), and they're not as picky over which group of Necros they do business with.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Neutral Gathering Places on 09/11/2020 01:46 PM CDT
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>> With that alone we're stuck with only one very out of the way location to gather and when you add in guildhall bans it becomes even more difficult.

I can think of a second location: out in Ilithi there's a spot where the State of Being quest(s) start. I don't know how the resident would react to folks gathering, but the area is hidden and the interior is Necromancer-only.

Point taken, though.

- I
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Re: Neutral Gathering Places on 09/11/2020 04:10 PM CDT
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>add in guildhall bans

Just to clarify something here - guildhall bans are not common, and they are typically not something that are given without warning, and they are always something that can be lifted with some RP.

The suggestion for additional gathering places is valid, though I am not sure what that would look like given the ideological conflicts. As Inneth points out, there is one place that is open to everyone, and it is extremely unique, and I would suggest treating it respectfully.
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Re: Neutral Gathering Places on 09/13/2020 10:05 AM CDT
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>The suggestion for additional gathering places is valid, though I am not sure what that would look like given the ideological conflicts

I assume because some links between IC and OOC mechanics needs to be respected. Does the making of a necromancer only place pretty much require some character of great power to justify it? for the creation/maintenance of spells or things that keep the place secure and hidden?

In my head a gathering place would be, aside from aesthetics, functionally and probably literally empty with the only service offered being exclusivity. Can something on that smaller scale work through purely mundane means such as being off the beaten trail or in some abandoned, forgotten place?
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Re: Neutral Gathering Places on 09/13/2020 10:24 PM CDT
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>Does the making of a necromancer only place pretty much require some character of great power to justify it? for the creation/maintenance of spells or things that keep the place secure and hidden?

Generally, the IC means for evading detection, both mundane and supernatural, are not simple feats. The newest location is something wholly different.

>probably literally empty

Heh. It is not, but maybe people would expect more from such an achievement. Maybe there is more than meets the eye. Maybe there is not, and that is in and of itself the point.

>with the only service offered being exclusivity

There is bread on the table.

The creation of that space was not to create a gathering space for all Necromancers, though it may serve that purpose. The Forfedhdar guildhall will remain open to all ideologies. Can you clarify why it is not sufficient for your needs?
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Re: Neutral Gathering Places on 09/14/2020 04:35 PM CDT
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That was all in reference to what my idea of a small scale gathering place might be rather than the valley which clearly has a lot going on.

>Can you clarify why it is not sufficient for your needs?

I don't really think any of the halls are insufficient, just that enterprising necromancers can be poor guests. It's probably not too hard to come up with RP ideas that should get you thrown out of whatever guild you tried it in. Then you have attendance considerations beyond date and time like "how many people aren't allowed in this hall" or "will people go to the more out of the way places". I don't think any of these are insurmountable concerns, but having more common gathering locations would help make them non-issues.
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Re: Neutral Gathering Places on 09/15/2020 08:42 AM CDT
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>It's probably not too hard to come up with RP ideas that should get you thrown out of whatever guild you tried it in.

I certainly will not discourage you from trying, though how much time we can dedicate to each case is going to vary by GM availability and how horribly novel and offensive each idea is! We had a lot of fun with the last round of misbehavior, and hope you guys did too.

>I don't think any of these are insurmountable concerns, but having more common gathering locations would help make them non-issues.

The issue of guild bans notwithstanding, because again, they do not represent the norm but rather the exception, there are still two locations that are available to all Necromancers. Not all events NEED to be inclusive for everyone. Not all events should be styled for everyone. A Perverse meeting is likely NOT going to appeal to a Redeemed Necromancer, and it is perfectly fine for Perverse Necromancers to NOT want non-Perverse Necromancers in attendance. Similarly, it is perfectly fine for Redeemed Necromancers to hold a meeting in the Temple!

I am not against the notion of building more locations for more meetings, but it is admittedly low on the priority list due to there already being other options.
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