RE:commons on 01/20/2010 10:04 PM CST
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1. shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.: to take refuge from a storm.
2. a place of shelter, protection, or safety.
3. anything to which one has recourse for aid, relief, or escape.

So i guess it is a refuge, get a dictionary, and its called depart guild before you start running your mouth.

I posted this to ask for some little things to help new necromancers. It's hard out there. Every little bit helps us. I was haveing a little fun with the post, but certain things like rats in a catacomb under the guild, foraging and a low level climbing/swimming area would help the newbs.
A foolish necro wanders outside the gates without first going to the commons and asking questions. (No beginners guide, thats why they've asked us to make one) Is it risky due to people meta-gaming and sending their alts into the commons; yes. The information i got there in the first week was GOLD. I wouldn't have made it far without it.
I'm sure some very exciteing things are in the future for us, and once again THANKS A LOT.


(i'm being ironic before you start harping on my kisses and hugs, and yes i need a grammar dictionary.)
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RE:commons on 01/20/2010 10:20 PM CST
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Don't forget that one effective way to get your SO down is to accuse another necromancer. We have an incentive to betray each other - no metagaming or alts are required. I think that's what makes the common room dangerous - even moreso for beginners who may not be able to make it through town without being seen.

You're arguably better off asking your questions here on the forums than outing yourself before you're ready to deal with consequences.
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RE:commons on 01/20/2010 10:29 PM CST
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<<<<Don't forget that one effective way to get your SO down is to accuse another necromancer. We have an incentive to betray each other - no metagaming or alts are required. I think that's what makes the common room dangerous - even moreso for beginners who may not be able to make it through town without being seen.

You're arguably better off asking your questions here on the forums than outing yourself before you're ready to deal with consequences. >>>

You do make a good point, i admit. We all start on the same path, but eventually a fork will arise. Different people will take different paths, and this is the nature of our guild, or atleast the intention of it in the future.
Still few read through the thousands of posts on this board, and a little leg up would be appreciated, even though there is a risk involved, but is it not just as risky going outside the guild. I try to swim the brook and people tap me on the shoulder and ask me questions. Rats, frogs covered with hidden inquisitors. Like i said you make a very good point, but every little helps, and i personally feel the risk is worth the reward... my opinion though. Everyone has one.

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