PP and crazy-making on 01/21/2010 05:16 PM CST
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>The intention is a creeping fear that the Necromancer's ego (you, basically) isn't in full control of the vehicle.

I was at one point admitted to a psychiatric institution with a condition that was eventually identified as a dissociative stupor. When my mind started coming back together there was for a while an issue with my language centre, where when I tried to speak the words weren't coming out in the language I wanted them to. I thought I was starting to think straight, but then I'd try talking to people, and they didn't understand. I found myself constantly looking back over anything I said trying to figure out if my apparent thought process matched what I said. It was, as a whole massively unsettling, as I was stuck second-guessing myself, and sometimes when some of the words were right was worse than when none of them were, because I wouldn't catch myself doing it, and struggled to figure out where it went wrong in retrospect.

Is being a necromancer like that all the time?

Also I guess this post falls under too much information...
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