So I was once accuse of necromancy in the Crossing, and ever since I've been having trouble getting into my vault and ordering from shops and such... I'm not sure if its my Social outrage thats keeping me from doing these things. Anyone able to help? What can I do... here is the messaging I'm getting.
As you speak up to use the facilities, you suddenly hear a loud commotion around you. People look fearful and angry!
"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity suddenly moves away, giving you a wide berth! It goes without saying you'll be wanted for forbidden practices in City of <AREA> now.
"Stop right there!" The shout reverberates through the area as the Warden charges towards you. "You're under arrest!"
I'm doing nothing necromatic that I'm aware of... Please help!