Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 09:59 AM CST
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I've been trying to understand this for a while. How exactly does a snake charm bat me on the nose or drape itself over my earlobe?

Does it magically grow a nose on the side of my face beside my snout? Or does it do some weird dark empath magic and shift my snout into a nose? Does it regurgitate a dead mouse that it has eaten and then stick it over my ear to create an earlobe? If so, have people been laughing at me like they do when one has a piece of broccoli stuck between their teeth at a dinner party? Or does everyone just laugh at me all the time, regardless of what I have stuck to my face?

Suddenly, as if somehow startled from its sleep, your snake wakes and plunges down your chest. As the last coil unloops from your neck the snake flips its tail and bats you on the nose!
Reaching your belt, the snake drapes itself over the buckle and resumes its slumbering state.

Your golden snake moves its head away from your waist, swaying slowly back and forth, forked tongue flicking the air. Gazing upwards, it looks at you intently through one jewel-like eye and then slithers upwards towards your throat!
Winding its way around your neck, it continues its journey until it coils about your head. Bobbing and weaving, it finally drapes its shimmering head over your earlobe, hanging like a large, tear-drop shaped earring.

P.S. For those who aren't so observant, I'm S'Kra. :-)

- Mehathi

La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid ...
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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 10:10 AM CST
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Oh right. I guess I should make a suggestion, if you dare to take a creative suggestion from a computer geek.

Suddenly, as if somehow startled from its sleep, your snake wakes and plunges down your chest. As the last coil unloops from your neck the snake flips its tail and bats you on the snout!
Reaching your belt, the snake drapes itself over the buckle and resumes its slumbering state.

Your golden snake moves its head away from your waist, swaying slowly back and forth, forked tongue flicking the air. Gazing upwards, it looks at you intently through one jewel-like eye and then slithers upwards towards your throat!
Winding its way around your neck, it continues its journey until it coils about your head. After an apparent moment of confusion, it slithers its way down your back and gently coils around your tail, in the form of a large, elaborate tailband.

Dunno. Someone else come up with something!

- Mehathi

La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid ...
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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 01:57 PM CST
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It's basic scripted, from a long time ago. You DO have a nose, regardless of what you call it. Earlobe, not even a half-hearted excuse for.

But really, is it worth posting repeatedly? Porlock's bound to be aware of it, and it's not honestly a 'omg game die' thing.
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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 02:20 PM CST
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Who knows? The way DR seems to work, snake charms could be coded into magic, magic resistance, the weather, mana levels, Xibar's timer, chance to critical, shift cost, effects of charisma on gem cost and the chance the Yankees have of winning the pennat next year.

The second post was only asking for suggestion, FWT. I don't know what that means, but I think it sounds spiffy.
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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 02:41 PM CST
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<<P.S. For those who aren't so observant, I'm S'Kra. :-)

<<- Mehathi

Some of us have tugged on your tail enough to know ;)

<<But really, is it worth posting repeatedly? Porlock's bound to be aware of it, and it's not honestly a 'omg game die' thing.


If you are a S'kra its annoying. Not something thats make or break but people whine for a lot less. I would think something like this is a quick fix. Just a guess though.

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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 02:46 PM CST
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>>Some of us have tugged on your tail enough to know ;)

So when this yay back to DR thing wears off we're not going to have to see the constant flirting and tail yanking comments anymore right?


It's mind over matter. I don't mind, because you don't matter.
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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 02:53 PM CST
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Unless I am mistaken, I posted once, then added a suggestion. If there is an edit post button that I am not aware of, I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my a--er--heart. If there was a search option, I could have verified that this bug was never reported. Alas ...

S'Kra surely have nostrils. A nose though? I suppose you could call it that, if anything containing olfactory components is a nose. Boy, do elephants have a long nose! It's neat how they can pick things up with it.

Since when is this folder only for 'omg game die' issues? Also, who decides what an 'omg game die' issue is?

>It's basic scripted, from a long time ago. You DO have a nose, regardless of what you call it. Earlobe, not even a half-hearted excuse for.

>But really, is it worth posting repeatedly? Porlock's bound to be aware of it, and it's not honestly a 'omg game die' thing.

- Mehathi

La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid ...
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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 03:05 PM CST
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>S'Kra surely have nostrils. A nose though? I suppose you could call it that, if anything containing olfactory components is a nose. Boy, do elephants have a long nose! It's neat how they can pick things up with it.

That's what I was saying, hehe. Technically you DO have a nose, so it's not inaccurate (wouldn't go so far as to call it accurate though).

>Since when is this folder only for 'omg game die' issues? Also, who decides what an 'omg game die' issue is?

I do, obviously. Since everything is subjective. But really, one 'mispoken' word or two is hardly comparable to, say, 'Hey, I'm in combat, and these rats keep one shot killing me regardless of anything' kinda thing.
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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 03:41 PM CST
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<<So when this yay back to DR thing wears off we're not going to have to see the constant flirting and tail yanking comments anymore right?


Not on the boards.. but I will always be yanking her tail. You could always ignore my posts. I usually don't have anything important to say anyways. :P

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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 04:08 PM CST
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You'd think that instead of making it a general description like the one you are seeing, that it would have a variable in the places where Mehathi suggested for races without a nose, but instead a snout.

- Simon
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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 04:45 PM CST
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I hear ya, but I wonder if that wasn't possible back when snake charms were created. I think I had my first one shortly after Shard opened, so that was a long time ago. Maybe the code wasn't as flexible back then.

>You'd think that instead of making it a general description like the one you are seeing, that it would have a variable in the places where Mehathi suggested for races without a nose, but instead a snout.

~ Mehathi Malk'Irhhnth

La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid ...

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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 06:59 PM CST
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'Snout' in this case is synonymous with 'nose.'

S'kra have snouts.

So yes, you do have a nose.

Rev. Reene

"It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." - Jane Eyre

Make some action!
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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm on 11/22/2006 07:06 PM CST
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Tell me then, why the tune verb was changed to say snout instead of nose, when used on a S'Kra character. Do GMs just get bored and change things that do not need changing? (heh) Or does this "case" you speak of only refer to a snake charm and nothing else? Please elaborate. Thanks.

>'Snout' in this case is synonymous with 'nose.'

~ Mehathi Malk'Irhhnth

La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid ...

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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm ::NUDGE:: on 11/22/2006 08:05 PM CST
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Bug posted, suggestion made.

Bickering belongs elsewhere.

Senior Board Monitor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing Senior Board Monitor, or Message Board Supervisor
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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm ::NUDGE:: on 11/22/2006 08:09 PM CST
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Thanks, Annwyl. I honestly didn't start this thread to get subjective opinions from various people. :-)

~ Mehathi Malk'Irhhnth

La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid ...

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Re: Presumptuous Snake Charm ::NUDGE:: on 11/23/2006 12:47 PM CST
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That's one tail that deserves perpetual yanking.


Kadru exclaims, "Nimmi has crazy eyes!"

Haha. Dulci thinks men can reach maturity... --Rayje

I dunno just seems like every woman just hisses when your name is mentioned... --Anonymous
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