What happened? on 08/16/2003 10:27 PM CDT
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Some probably remember my rant way back when about Kaldar being reputed for strength and endurance but getting bonuses to strength and charisma. Since then, some of us have found hidden stamina bonuses for Kaldar and so far it looks like that same trend will be showing as racial feats.

Today I am working on rebuilding the racial burden chart Soim once built but is now inaccurate ... and I found something disturbing.

One of those hidden Kaldar bonuses was the fact that they got double the burden relief from stamina that they did from strength. We may get strength cheaper (-1 compared to 0) but with 200 coins of extra burden to "light" from stamina compared to the 100 from strength (per point, in both cases) stamina was the better choice for burden.

Not any more. I am getting the same amount of increase from stamina as I am from strength. In both cases, that's 135 coins per point of increase. At first I thought perhaps someone just goofed and made them all even across the board (working my way from top down and str/stam are even in benefit for Togs, Kaldar, Rakash and Human) but I get to Dwarves and notice that they STILL get more from stamina than strength, as they did before ... 115/str and 130/stam.

So ... what happened to ours? Can we please have it back? Or is this planned to be given back as a racial feat, in which case why do we have to buy ours back but the Dwarves don't?

"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
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Re: What happened? on 08/20/2003 09:36 PM CDT
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<<Today I am working on rebuilding the racial burden chart Soim once built but is now inaccurate .>>

Snort! Hey now The humans should be "Dead on balls accurate"! I'm calling my cousin Vinnie...

You go, then I will not have to do the work. It's not hard to do anyway...

Shadow Judge

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Re: What happened? on 08/21/2003 02:49 PM CDT
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>>Soim>>Snort! Hey now The humans should be "Dead on balls accurate"! I'm calling my cousin Vinnie...

They're not. Unfortunately, I can't seem to communicate the problem well enough for Ellerina to understand what I mean, but I am trying.

On the old chart, humans got 1.5 times as much from strength as from stamina ... 150 coins and 100 coins, respectively. Not anymore, now they are 120/120. So those humans who relied on strength saw a loss of burden tolerance, those who relied on stamina saw a gain, and those who kept them even saw little change at all (240 compared to 250 for 1 point in each at a time ... 1 freaking stone difference).

Looking at most of the numbers, it appears to me that they really didn't change much. They simply took the combined str/stam bonus then divided it equally. So those who relied on the lesser-yielding stat saw a gain, those who were smart and relied on the greater-yielding stat took a loss.

Which makes no sense to me, it penalizes those who showed a bit of care in planning their stats, rewards those who chose willy-nilly and totally removes the reasoning for planning them at all. It also does nothing to address the race issue, it simply addresses how we spent our TDP's.

Was going to continue training stamina. Not anymore, thanks to these changes. Few more points to build my vitality pool then start tanking it onto strength since I get that cheaper and with my fighting style (stealth, ranged), the idea is to not get hit in the first place. Better to jack the strength for lowered weapon RT's and to have the power to handle high draw weights when the fletching rewrite arrives. At least until racial feats arrive, at which time I can determine if it's even worth raising stamina again to reach a level for any particular racial feat that might be available.

There were more races that were more reliant on stamina than strength than there were vice versa. This change brings burden down to more an issue of what your TDP's cost you entirely rather than comparing cost to yield as it used to be. And here I thought strength was going by the wayside as the end-all be-all combat stat. <sigh>

"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
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Re: What happened? on 08/21/2003 06:34 PM CDT
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i have to get rid of my armor entirely to get back to where i was before it...27th circle s'kra, for those counting...

Jaebom --i guess it's back to neglecting my mentals for a few more years
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Re: What happened? on 08/24/2003 11:41 PM CDT
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<<Which makes no sense to me, it penalizes those who showed a bit of care in planning their stats, rewards those who chose willy-nilly and totally removes the reasoning for planning them at all. It also does nothing to address the race issue, it simply addresses how we spent our TDP's.>>

Well as a Olvi I trained 46 strength and 45 stamina.

I did it till I could pack alot of weapons, swing fast and pack a few armors and I struggled alot putting 46 into strength with a double penality.

Your base Strength is forty-six(46).
It will cost you 184 TDPs to raise your Strength from 46 to 47.

184 to me is very expensive and getting there really did hurt... SO I guess that makes me a willy nilly trainer. but I always felt I was training smart for what I wanted.

Now I can even pack more or so it seems. AND THAT ROCKS! but I rarely see my burden higher than none these days. It was nice getting to this point...

Shadow Judge

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