Stone Clan Social on 11/17/2011 11:45 AM CST
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Come on out to the Brodger this Saturday 7pm est! There will be pie... I mean ale. Going to try my hardest to start having these more regularly. (An if you don't come, I'll hunt you down and scalp your beard off :P)

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/19/2011 09:27 PM CST
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Krewftis Trur attended the social and told us all wonderful news about how she plans to expand the clan. She also gave those who attended a gift, a preview of one of her wares for the shop she is going to have at the clan, a set of Stone Clan Stomping Boots. They have lots of verbs and I don't think I've found them all.

some thick-soled Dwarven stomping boots with steel-capped toes

Cut in a traditional Dwarven style, often worn to a thing, or whenever gathering for a stomp. Cobbled together from pieces of oiled stormbull hide with double-thick soles and waxed steelsilk stitching, rows of rounded hobnails are set into the bottoms of each boot, designed to click and clatter with each move and step. Engraved brass buckles hold them securely to the wearers feet, while a lining of soft lambswool cushions each from the blows of hard dance steps.

If you want to hear the news about how the clan will be expanded come to the next social, keep an eye on the calendar for a date.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/20/2011 05:49 PM CST
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That is really cool, sorry for my lack of Knowledge but where was this stone clan anyways?

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/20/2011 05:59 PM CST
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>>but where was this stone clan anyways?

Between Dirge and Arthe Dale, right near the beisswurms area.
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/21/2011 06:24 PM CST
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Oh, good so that place still exists from back when I played this in 1996, is there still the password you need to use to get in?

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/21/2011 06:25 PM CST
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>is there still the password you need to use to get in?

Nah, the guardians got blown to bits by... Sorrow?

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/21/2011 06:27 PM CST
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Blasword maybe to, he says he didn't... but the gweth at the time indicated he was headed that way with his bombs.


None yet... maybe soon.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/22/2011 07:17 AM CST
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I believe a trader was hired at the time who carried a cauldron full of Naptha. And Blasword definately had planned it or something to that effect. :-)

Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/22/2011 08:27 AM CST
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History lesson:

Stone clan and it's Militia, lead by Hegemonic, were charged with guarding the entrance to the Clan after it was learned that Sorrow's plan was to invade the Clan and steal the book.

That day the Militia, and assorted others, were in place at the doors when someone suggested they stop standing around doing not a whole lot, but take action and bring it to Sorrow's forces. Most everyone there thought it was a good idea. Led by Lef - the Gor tog Paladin that Marstan raised from the dead - they invade the Reach.

Unfortunately, this left the Sentinels entirely unguarded giving an opening for Prayk and Darkensi to blow them up. The explosion, complete with green magical light from the Sentinels, was felt as far south as Crossing.

The only time Blasword's bomb ever worked was weeks later when Darkensi killed Blasword and swiped his cauldron. Darkensi then used it to collapse part of the road/tunnel within the Reach trapping people for several hours.

... the more you know.

Message Board Supervisor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/22/2011 03:22 PM CST
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hey look at that, a history lesson...

Thanks! I was always told the sentinels got locked when Prayk went after the book, and they had to use a bomb of Blasword's to blow it open... always wondered about that.

mind sharing what was in the book? or anything else? I got some info from someone, but his memory's fuzzy and a bit untrustworthy...

I actually was looking into this again recently since Madigan mentioned it in his last journal.
Further prying on my part and with some assistance just seemed to end with the Dwarves deciding to lock up their secrets completely and bury them deep underground... then a bunch of GM's showed up pushed me over and laughed at me and said none for you :o(

I'm gonna miss that warrior mage with the ice bow...

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/23/2011 07:08 AM CST
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it was said that the book contained magical power in ungodly amounts. Hence why sorrow wanted to get his hands on it.

any red-blooded necro worth their symbols would.

perhaps it still does...

Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/24/2011 12:24 AM CST
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Now I know Blasword was on his way up to the clan, and a few times in the past he stopped right in front of the doors or just below it to "light the fuse to his bomb." I didn't see the door go boom, but was in that certain secret room at the time. I know Prayk and/or Darkensi had stolen one of his bombs, but I'm not sure if they used it or got rid of it(they stole a second too), they did kinda claim they got the idea from Blasword at the least though I believe. Blasword did drop dead right around this time to. He claimed almost immediately at least to me, it wasn't his fault that he got ambushed(he was vague about by who), and then later denied he ever said anything.

I don't recall if those folks were up in the Reach attacking it at the time or not, but they might have been.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/24/2011 02:26 AM CST
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... and that's the guy I'm relying on for my info.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/24/2011 11:40 AM CST
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>>... and that's the guy I'm relying on for my info.

...and that could be one of the reasons you don't deserve to know anything.

If you can't accept that I was there, in the center of a lot of it and that a -ton- of things happened at the same time, and one view point isn't necessarily the only correct one. (Hey it was a war.) Then revel in your ignorance. There was a ton of things that happened, that I was the only observer of/only person left that was also there.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/24/2011 12:38 PM CST
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I am very glad the Dwarves have posts, so any Dwarves want to get done for a shindig (or whatever dwarves call it), in December or January.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/24/2011 02:08 PM CST
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The snarky comments stop now.


If you have questions or comments, please email me at MOD-SVAFA@PLAY.NET or Senior Board Monitor Sidatura at
DR-SIDATURA@PLAY.NET or Message Board Supervisor Annwyl at DR-ANNWYL@PLAY.NET
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/24/2011 05:12 PM CST
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He knows I'm messing with him, I've been bugging him for over a year before he finally told me what he knew. Things get fuzzy, specially about something from a decade ago.

I thought the Blasword bomb thing wasn't true for years, I'd ask Blasword about it and he was always vague about his 'bomb' and what happened. That was another bit of history I never got the full/any story from cause people disappear.
The GM story is the most complete sounding account of events I'd heard, even from people who were there.

I just prefer people share some of the neat hidden game lore before it's lost, y'know?
I asked Digmo about when Amiss threw Dzree's staff into the Fist. He had no recollection of it at all, and I think he was the only PC there.

Wren's Nest is only so helpful for old stuff.

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/24/2011 09:07 PM CST
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Next time I hang out with him I'll have to say his bombs are still brought up on the forums. He'll get a kick out of that.
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/24/2011 10:40 PM CST
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This Blasword? Was a PC? And he had bombs? That's very cool, was he a dwarf (he is a he right)?

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/24/2011 10:52 PM CST
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He was a PC and a human, and he just had a thing for bombs. I don't think they were "real" so much as RPed? But I can't say I remember anything about that time period with any accuracy.

You see Holy Warrior Blasword maxson of Therengia, a Human.
He has deep-set stormy grey eyes. His amber hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn in a tousled, finger-combed style. He has dark skin.
He is a bit over average height for a Human.
He is in his prime for a Human.
He has some light stubble on his face.
He has a tattoo of a thirteen-pointed star swirled in black and white symbolizing the Immortals on his right palm.

-- Player of Eyuve
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/25/2011 01:44 AM CST
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>>I don't think they were "real" so much as RPed?

Basically this. IIRC he literally bought a cauldron, literally bought a bunch of naphtha vials, and put the latter in the former while declaring "LOOK A BOMB!"
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/25/2011 06:57 AM CST
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There was also a time you could blow up everyone in the room with box traps and he'd collect them and use those. I've been caught more than once in a Blasword "bomb".

Oleveir says, "One must be careful around the angry ODS women."
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Re: Stone Clan Social on 11/25/2011 11:44 AM CST
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All of this makes for a very funny early afternoon of the dreaded... 'black friday' :quiet voice: Bright and sunny here in Buffalo, NY.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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