Elothean Houses on 02/07/2005 07:35 AM CST
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Are the houses functional any any way yet? I have an Elothean charater, and I would like for her to join a house. What is the procedure for joining a house? Has anything been affected by the Shard occupation?

On that note, is anything planned for Shard in the near future? My character is a Shard exile, now living in the Crossing, and would dearly love to return to her home.

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Re: Elothean Houses on 02/07/2005 05:47 PM CST
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There aren't any ways to 'officially' join a House as of yet, as in there aren't any systems in place or House leaders to talk to. We're currently in the process of gathering up all of your ideas- what would all of YOU like to see when it comes to a House system?

-GameMaster Nhia
Elothean Champion Duo
Wedding Team
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Re: Elothean Houses on 02/07/2005 08:49 PM CST
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Also, remember, even if there's no "official" way to join a house, you can certainly RP membership in a house.

Just be reasonable. Don't expect folks to take you seriously if you're publically announcing that you're in Glittering Diadem, for instance...::g::

Elothean Champion duo (the other half)
Bard Liaison

"Reject me not, sweet sounds! oh, let me live,
Till doom espy my towers and scatter them.
A city spell-bound under the aging sun,
Music my rampart, and my only one."
-Edna St. Vincent-Millay
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Re: Elothean Houses on 02/08/2005 06:47 AM CST
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I'd like to see some kind of actual building set up for each house. They wouldn't have to be huge, just enough to give a feeling of that house and their ways.

Maybe some free food and drink.

Hey, who knows, there could be some nifty people to talk to, or relics to look at, or anything, really.

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Re: Elothean Houses on 02/08/2005 06:54 AM CST
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>>what would all of YOU like to see when it comes to a House system?

Well first and foremost, when I think of the houses I think of them working similar to citizenship. You join a house, either by way of payment for those that allow that, guild requirement, oath, or quest for those houses that must pick you. You gain certain perks for being of a certain house in area that are elothean strong culturely. For instance, a member of the house of the steel dove might be the only ones allowed ranking positions in the military, or recieve a discount at weapon and armor shops in the area. But other houses like might not like to be known around the area like the House of the All Seeing Eye. That house would thug and kill(thus removing them from the house) any member that allowed the identity of the house to be known. But that house might have a library filled with books covering the arts of killing(guide books on poison making, ambushing, backstabbing, et al.) and provide a resting place for it's member.

While having perks would be nice, even if status was the only thing you might be able to obtain, a way to publicly reinforce elothean rp would be great.

Death is the enemy. I spent 10 years of my life singlemindedly studying, practicing, fighting hand to hand in close quarters to defeat the enemy, to send him back bloodied and humble and I am not going to roll over and surrender.
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Re: Elothean Houses on 02/17/2005 04:23 PM CST
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Anyone know how the GemStone people have Houses?

I would imagine that we would start off with NPC Heads of Houses who would pick PCs to manage the day to day details.

There would have to be an actual house, charter, insignia, and special housing areas.

A dark brown Zoluren marnet scampers after a small beetle then chitters with disappointment as the insect unfurls its wings and flies away.
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Re: Elothean Houses on 02/18/2005 02:37 PM CST
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I'd like post titles for those houses that are not secretive.

You are Ahriana Aerdia of the House of the Verdant Lily.

Or something like that.

Other things I'd like to see:

--Entry into a House (and penalties for disloyalty) be what is described...Like a pledge of silence for the Rowan Branch...that would be kinda tough.

--House Leaders and an actual House where members can go or live possibly?

--Items with the crests on them...shields for Steel Dove, instruments for Silk Strings...things like that.

Hmm...sounds good for now.


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Re: Elothean Houses on 02/21/2005 10:11 PM CST
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::compares your notes with her notes::

::hides her notes::


-GameMaster Nhia the Secretive
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Re: Elothean Houses on 03/03/2005 10:35 PM CST
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Why not pre-titles? Solomon is up to his neck in redoing the pre-title system. Let's put him up to his ears! Why not!?


The trouble with this Moon Mage,
And he's quite convinced he's right.
He says, "Moradus just too lucky,
And they grab up all my vit."
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Re: Elothean Houses on 03/05/2005 10:52 AM CST
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If there were pretitles, what would you like them to be? Let's see some suggestions!

-GameMaster Nhia
Elothean Champion Duo
Weddings Team
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Re: Elothean Houses on 03/23/2005 09:25 AM CST
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Any further information on the houses? I was so looking forward to this.

Mists and Magic, Ocean Breazes, Deep Rivers Under the Sea, Trails Between the Stars: Where nothing is as it seems.
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Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 05/31/2005 11:21 PM CDT
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The recordkeepers of Shard need your help!

As of right now, there is a massive scroll in the Entryway to the Great Tower in Shard with the express purpose of rebuilding the House records lost in the Outcast occupation. Elotheans should READ the scroll, and the WHISPER to it the corresponding number of the House they 'belong' to. You'll then receive the appropriate posttitle and membership in the House.

This is the first step in a larger plan -- there's a lengthy thread in the Races - Elothean Library boards if you have questions about Elothean Houses or would like to see where we're going with them!

~GameMaster Nhia
Elothean Champion Duo
Weddings Team

"I was married once in an online fantasy game. We were thinking of having children, but it would have severely drained my power crystals." -- The Simpsons, comic book guy
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 05/31/2005 11:29 PM CDT
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How long is this scroll planeed on being there Nhia? A few dyas, a couple weeks? Got a couple eloths I know might be interested but way north right now. And they would need to do a bit of brush up work.

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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 05/31/2005 11:41 PM CDT
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It'll be there for the foreseeable future. Rome wasn't built in a day, and Shard certainly won't be rebuilt in one!

I'm thinking a minimum of a month, though possibly until the permanent House structures are put into place, which will be several months from now. :)

~GameMaster Nhia
Elothean Champion Duo
Weddings Team

"I was married once in an online fantasy game. We were thinking of having children, but it would have severely drained my power crystals." -- The Simpsons, comic book guy
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 01:32 AM CDT
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First off, very very cool! Thank you!

>You are Kythryn Silverspruce of the House of the Gilded Longleaf, an Elothean Empath.

First, might there be a way we can store our post titles if we didn't have an open spot when we chose our House? I had 2 stored before I chose my House and realized that if I tap my Commander badge, this one is going to go poof. I cleared one of my post titles, but don't see any way in the IG help to store my active one. I would be happy to return to the Tower to update it too, but from the note on the scroll, seemed like you could only whisper once?
(This is something I'd liked looked into regardless, I lost my Subject of the Ferdahl post-title because I didn't have a way to store it from the active title to the saved list either...bah)

Next, I've been RP'ing that Kythryn was 'working on the quest' for her to gain entrance to the House. From the IG documentation, some of the different Houses have different methods to getting in. Are we ever going to see the quests, invites, etc. for these, or should I just start integrating that Kyth finally suceeded in finishing the quest and is a member now? I'm happy to adapt to that (hurrah for Houses!) but don't want to say I finished the quest only to turn around next year and have everyone need to quest to get in...hehe.

And finally...hurrah for Houses!
Thanks so much for the very nice tie-in to Shard being Outcast free.

~ Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down. -Mary Pickford ~
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 01:42 AM CDT
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Thank you so much for this Nhia and Vaeldriil! It may be a small release when compared to the more complicated giants like developing the Houses themselves, but it's a really enjoyable first step and one that has myself and all the other Elotheans I know quite happy! Kudos on the timing as well; releasing this just after the city was reclaimed has only bolstered the feeling of happiness and general well-being flowing through Shard right now! =)

~ Scholar Aunrae of the House of the Silver Star ~
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 01:55 AM CDT
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>You are Aetherie FireOrb of the House of the Rowan Branch, an Elothean.

I like. ;)
Very nice release, thank you.

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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 06:44 AM CDT
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Right now the posttitle system only holds so many titles -- there's not really a way around it, I'm afraid, but rumor has it there will be slightly more slots in the near future.

The quests/invites for the Houses will be coming with the larger system, but feel free to roleplay it out however you like. You won't have to redo the quest unless you'd like to. :)

I'm so glad everyone has been enjoying the scroll! :D

~GameMaster Nhia
Elothean Champion Duo
Weddings Team

"I was married once in an online fantasy game. We were thinking of having children, but it would have severely drained my power crystals." -- The Simpsons, comic book guy
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 11:38 AM CDT
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<<You are Knight Magister Trebber Muldarin of the House of the Gentle Lion, an Elothean Warrior Mage.
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 11:48 AM CDT
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Is there a circle requirement?
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 11:49 AM CDT
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<<Is there a circle requirement?

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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 12:19 PM CDT
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Will it be possible to join the House of the All-Seeing Eye eventually?
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 12:25 PM CDT
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Will there be anytime one can join the other two houses mention.. House of the all seeing eye and the House of the Glittering Diadem.

I figured there was a reason they aren't on a public list but was hoping the all seeing eye might be open in private or a unknown location one has to quest for.

Those who pride themselves on being the Hunter can easily become the prey.
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 12:47 PM CDT
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As was stated previously: You'll have to earn your way into those houses. In otherwords, RP your way in.
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 01:10 PM CDT
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Yep! To recap earlier posts, it is technically possible BUT improbable and exceedingly difficult, and not something that can be done via pure mechanics.

~GameMaster Nhia
Elothean Champion Duo
Weddings Team

"I was married once in an online fantasy game. We were thinking of having children, but it would have severely drained my power crystals." -- The Simpsons, comic book guy
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 02:08 PM CDT
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>You are Faithful Entyycement Kentura of the House of the Waxen Moons, an Elothean Cleric.

I love it, thank you!
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 02:34 PM CDT
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>>it is technically possible BUT improbable and exceedingly difficult

If we have joined one house can we get "recruited" to a special house still?
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 02:48 PM CDT
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I've read that the House of Waxen Moons has been known to have human and elven members...

So my question of course is will elves and humans be allowed to join?
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 05:57 PM CDT
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There has to be a way. I can't see myself as part of any other house but the one that I have always thought I was :)

If we join a house now will we be able to switch later if the other houses are released?

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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 06:17 PM CDT
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Good grief, there's going to be a million of you Melyo Ren'shaa, or whatever it is. Just leave it to Estius, I think he's the only one that deserves to be in the house. Eh, biased opinion though, I suppose.

-Player of Krahas
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 06:19 PM CDT
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Oh, and Nhia, do I have to renounce one of my character's membership into the All Seeing Eye (Since Kukalakai appointed them) once the new Ferdahl is chosen? :P

-Player of Krahas
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 06:56 PM CDT
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Given the outcast war and some Elothean's known slander of the three and disrespect of the Three. Would this be grounds for a house to reject them or not accept them. I find it odd that a Elothean house would accept someone who once stated they wished to murder the Three. Keeping with RP my character knowing this will be informing Berric of the persons role in the war even though during the end they had a change of heart... I think consequences for peoples actions should be upheld.
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 07:30 PM CDT
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<<Given the outcast war and some Elothean's known slander of the three and disrespect of the Three. Would this be grounds for a house to reject them or not accept them. I find it odd that a Elothean house would accept someone who once stated they wished to murder the Three. Keeping with RP my character knowing this will be informing Berric of the persons role in the war even though during the end they had a change of heart... I think consequences for peoples actions should be upheld.

I agree, my friend. It is tough to RP one way and then pretend it never happen when its time for consequences.

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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 09:15 PM CDT
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Good grief, I've seen tons of that. It's ironic and sickening. But heck, that's hypocracy. I'm sure most everyone has been a hypocrite at one point or another. They'll get what they deserve, simply put.

-Player of Krahas
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 09:22 PM CDT
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As of right now, Elothean Houses are only available to Elotheans. Later on down the line (maybe sometime this year?) the Houses that are known to let in some non-Elotheans will be able to do so. That'd be something to come with the larger system.

As far as switching Houses, I don't see anything in the 'official' documentation that says once you join a House, you're in it no matter what. There's all kinds of guidelines for "if so-and-so betrays the House", but there's nothing about "if so-and-so decides that at this stage in his life, X House might be better". Running with that idea, coupled with this phrase from 'Elothean Studies' : "If the child leaves, it is accepted by the House, as the Eloths believe every person must choose their own fate.", I am planning on setting up Houses that you can join/leave/rejoin within reason. That's another thing that won't be around until the larger system, however -- the scroll right now allows for only one choice which may be changable when the larger system comes out. That should answer your questions about the "special" Houses, too. :)

~GameMaster Nhia
Elothean Champion Duo
Weddings Team

"I was married once in an online fantasy game. We were thinking of having children, but it would have severely drained my power crystals." -- The Simpsons, comic book guy
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/01/2005 11:45 PM CDT
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I'm so pleased with this release and thank you!

Basthet Thutmose of the House of the Rowan Branch
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/02/2005 12:38 AM CDT
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I agree, looks like the Elothean Champion Duo has put a lot of thought into all this, and it's all looking REALLY fun!

I'm glad you'll be letting other races into some of the Houses as well, I know there were at least a couple folks that during the war related to and came to treat the Elothean government as their own, they've been watching on all this, happy for the Elotheans to get it of course, but wishing they could be part of the fun too!

Oh, another question. Any chance that after a week or two, you might post the current House tallies? I know last night, the Verdant Lily seemed to be the strong front runner that folks were choosing, I'd be curious (without names of course!) to see which houses folks are interested in.

~ Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down. -Mary Pickford ~
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/02/2005 06:51 AM CDT
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Does that like mean our sect?
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/02/2005 09:23 AM CDT
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Daydreaming about well in the future things... Might it be possible if a provincial order of Ilithi got together and big enough it could become an official House? I've always taken it that there were more houses than listed just that these were the major of any consequence houses. I know there's nothing in the books that support this but it just seemed relativly reasonable.
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Re: Elothean Houses -- Joining Scroll on 06/02/2005 11:07 AM CDT
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Hopefully those that supported the Outcasts will be banned from any house and exiled from Shard.

'Slimy Yet Satisfying' - Miko Mido

Supreme Bunny Overlord Zairius
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