Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/16/2017 03:33 PM CDT
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The next Mountain Elf social will be held on April 4th, please contact Sendithu in game for details.
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/17/2017 05:13 AM CDT
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Yay! Can any elves out there help me out with where my elf might be from? She's from 1996 and I don't remember there being any delineation in elves back then. She has grey eyes, grey hair, and tanned skin. Thanks!
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/17/2017 05:34 AM CDT
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>>Nathara: Can any elves out there help me out with where my elf might be from? She's from 1996 and I don't remember there being any delineation in elves back then. She has grey eyes, grey hair, and tanned skin.

Each clan page lists physical traits that are commonly associated with it. (Additionally, some clans are associated with particular settlements or regions.)

Most PC Elves are arguably Celestial Elves, having left the insular life of the clans to become adventurers. However, many at least trace their heritage back to one or more clans.

Forest: Skin tone tends to be dark brown or black, or very pale. Pale Forest Elves most often have reddish colored hair - auburns, amber, and lighter browns; whereas dark skinned have either very light blonde or white, or dark brown or black. Their body types tend to be on the muscular side.

Mountain: commonly pale and thin with dark hair and eyes, although a child of summer season's hair or sky-colored eyes does appear from time to time.

River: Wiry and thin, River Elves have darkened skin and sandy blonde hair. They tend to be shorter than other Elves.

Sand: Hardy and strong, the Sand Elves are usually tall and wiry with long black hair, ebon to mahogany skin, and bright (sometimes even blue) eyes.

Snow: They are frequently tall and stocky, with pale blonde hair and chapped skin.

Wind: Wind Elves are hearty folk with tanned skin. Tall and slender.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

Paladin new player guide:

armor and shields:
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/17/2017 06:18 AM CDT
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Awesome, thank you! I had looked on Elanthepedia but the pages I found only had like 3 types of elves. I think she must be a wind elf, then.
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/18/2017 01:55 AM CDT
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>>I think she must be a wind elf, then.

However, you can always be an outlier (or half-) and have slightly different features than are standard for the clan. Dig into the lore and see which one seems to suit your character best (or worst, if you want to play that route).
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/18/2017 07:16 AM CDT
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<However, you can always be an outlier (or half-)

<That said, I think what I and others are trying to say is that we may not want to engage with someone whose RP directly violates in game lore. If someone tries to claim to be a Half-Elf - Navesi

Wait can a person be half or no? I literally am lost here.
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/18/2017 07:54 AM CDT
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From Elanthepedia:

"According to The Elven Folk, the children of an Elf and a non-Elf are born completely resembling either an Elf or the non-Elf race; there are no Half-Elves. If the child is born the race of the non-Elf, it will also possess the lifespan of that race, which is a source of grief for mixed-race couples."

So... Elves and others can breed, but there aren't any real mixed genetics happening. So if it's a dwarf and an elf, they either come out elfy or dwarfy but not half and half. :( Sadness.
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/18/2017 07:58 AM CDT
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Viggu is an orc chieftain of the Red Bear clan who raids Therenborough and Rossman's Landing, often kidnapping women for his orcs to breed with. -Elanthipedia

Dear god if I am understanding you correctly this means that the REASON there are so many elves might be because Viggu actually succeeded!
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/18/2017 09:13 AM CDT
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>>So... Elves and others can breed, but there aren't any real mixed genetics happening.

Of course. I suspect what SORTIK was saying, however, was that your character could be a pale-skinned Elf of Sand descent, for example, if the story was something along the lines of "Well my mother is from the Sand Clan but my father is River and I was raised in the south after she left the desert to distance herself from those awful Outcasts." Since Elves are matrilineal, the resulting child could make a claim to being a Sand Elf despite not having the leathery skin typical of that Clan.

Basically, choose your Elf's clan based on the personality you wish to play and the backstory you come up with more than the features you rolled.
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/18/2017 09:20 AM CDT
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Is there any reference for personality/cultural aspects of the different clans?
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/18/2017 09:38 AM CDT
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That book is a good start. There's lots of published books in game for more clues, including a whole series on marriage customs that might be helpful.
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/18/2017 02:30 PM CDT
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Also note that you can have your features shifted by an Empath. You definitely don't have to choose Clan based solely on what your character looked like at creation. If, however, you are interested in Wind Elves, I suggest visiting Horse Clan near Shard. It's the main in-game home of the Wind Elves.

Some additional race information, including inter-breeding info:

- Navesi
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/18/2017 02:41 PM CDT
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<Some additional race information, including inter-breeding info:

I think the take away here is according to these charts. That despite female elves being 5'.25" - 6.5 tall and male Elothean's being 5.75 - 6.25.

Every Elf lady in the game STILL reaches DOWN to touch my character.

The chart is racist and I DEMAND an accounting!
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/19/2017 10:05 AM CDT
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my character has no idea what kind of elf she is, she was raised by a s'kra and prydaen sister. she thinks elves are weird and goes to Sendi's elf things because she loves Sendi and rarely gets to spend time with her.

in general, just like you pick your characters features, you can also choose their background. should you choose to be identified by a clan, then you can easily manipulate the characters features to match that, or have a back story that makes it part of who they are. i didn't know about clans when i made my character, so i don't know for sure where she would fit in that part of the lore. because, i have no desire to strictly align her with a clan, except loosely mountain elves from her time in shard and association with Sendi, i don't focus much on that aspect of race. (barring the dwarf hate, because Uthgaar <3 ) the fluidity of characters in the game makes for room for flexibility.
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Re: Mountain Elf Social 4/4 on 03/20/2017 05:05 PM CDT
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I am not so much concerned with playing her as expected, but at her age, she likely has some familiarity with the assumptions people will make as well as what "normal" is - which I do not. When she was rolled, there was no access to clan information and I don't think I would have even checked if I had. But you guys have given great resources!
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