Who Was That Masked Man? on 10/09/2008 09:36 AM CDT
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OK, it wasn't a masked man; it was a bearded man. And it wasn't a man, it was a Dwarf. And it wasn't one Dwarf, it was two of them. Both with low profiles.

You may have noticed a couple of Dwarves looking around and muttering to themselfes, and maybe you asked yourself, "Are these the Dwarven Race Champtions?" Well...


GMs Bursal and Socharis will be the Dwarven Race Champions, effective immediately, and I am happy to say that we didn't have to threaten, bribe, coerce, blackmail, cajole or torture them to get them to agree.

Treat them kindly.


This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms, Dwarves - The Mead Hall. To discuss the above follow the link below.

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