SNAP Contest Winners! on 12/17/2008 03:53 PM CST
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My apologies for not posting this sooner, but I got a bit tied up with some other things. Thanks so much to all the participants and their creative entries. Even if your name isn't mentioned here, there's a chance you might see your submission as part of the new and improved SNAP verb. I'm happy to announce that there was a tie for first, one second place winner, and a tie for third! I won't be listing the entire submission for each person, but participants are welcome to post their entries if they desire. Onward!


Megwyn, for SNAP IDEA, and Cyiarriah, for SNAP <BODY PART>!


Posiden, for SNAP APPLAUD!


Callahan, for SNAP KNUCKLES, and Drexella, for SNAP TEASE!

HONORABLE MENTIONS go to Sathraine, Dulcinie, Chandose, Derivan, Vlatir, Ignifera, Marsais, Powerhaus, and Iliani!

Congratulations to all the winners! All entries were judged independently of me, so a big thanks to all the GMs who've helped thus far (and will help in the future) with this project. I'd also like to especially thank GM Equity for all of her support and advice since I started with Team Human. I will be in touch with the first/second/third place winners at some point to help them claim their prizes.

Thanks again for all of the submissions, and keep on snappin'!

-- GM Tiesse

"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms, Humans - Human Nature. To discuss the above follow the link below.
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