I was just wondering if their was any reason for us to post a bunch of ideas we have for the village since its probably already done, or if its still being worked on as far as items and history goes?
Also, I've asked something along these lines before but who do you think is the highest gnome right now? Eyedrop? Zelaide? Outside of moonies, how many gnomes we got 50+? Any higher up gnomish Bards? If so, got a name and/or circle?
Re: Gnomes on 03/27/2004 11:07 PM CST
Re: Gnomes on 03/28/2004 12:44 AM CST
Re: Gnomes on 03/28/2004 04:20 AM CST
I'm mid 60s.
>>I was just wondering if their was any reason for us to post a bunch of ideas we have for the village since its probably already done, or if its still being worked on as far as items and history goes?
Post away Najo, worst that happens is they get filed away for later use or they spark an idea.
- Zelaide -
The only way to survive the impending doom: kill every last Zolurenite. -- GM Veyl, tongue firmly in cheek.
>>I was just wondering if their was any reason for us to post a bunch of ideas we have for the village since its probably already done, or if its still being worked on as far as items and history goes?
Post away Najo, worst that happens is they get filed away for later use or they spark an idea.
- Zelaide -
The only way to survive the impending doom: kill every last Zolurenite. -- GM Veyl, tongue firmly in cheek.
Re: Gnomes on 03/28/2004 05:28 AM CST
Re: Gnomes on 03/28/2004 11:08 AM CST
I know Mrena is a Gnome Bardess of a greater amount of skill than I. I'm a 40th Kaldaran Bard, taking a large detour from advancing for a while. So, she's most probably great than 40th circle. But I know from my experience and looking around, being a 40th Bard puts me in the top five of highest Albarian Bards.
By the way, if any Albarian Bards are higher up than I, please let me know, and I'll add them to the order, probably knocking me down to 6th.
~Tamul Satiyona Sorthak.
I know Mrena is a Gnome Bardess of a greater amount of skill than I. I'm a 40th Kaldaran Bard, taking a large detour from advancing for a while. So, she's most probably great than 40th circle. But I know from my experience and looking around, being a 40th Bard puts me in the top five of highest Albarian Bards.
By the way, if any Albarian Bards are higher up than I, please let me know, and I'll add them to the order, probably knocking me down to 6th.
~Tamul Satiyona Sorthak.
Re: Gnomes on 03/28/2004 01:48 PM CST
Gnomes of Shard on 06/09/2007 03:31 PM CDT
Heya all,
Was speaking with two fine Gnomes last night, Yamaga and Norim, and we were thinking we would start the 'Gnomes of Shard' group back up. As always, its main purpose is for fellowship with other Gnomes, and to help any young Gnomes who are beginning their adventures in the Realm. And as always, our Kaldar kin are always welcome, and for that matter, any who just wish to enjoy some fellowship.
If any of you Gnomes out there are interested, please leave which day/s would be good for you to meet on. Initially we are thinking: Friday/Saturday night, or Sunday afternoon. If you would, please leave the day of your first choice, along with a second, even if it is not one of the days mentioned here.
We will meet at our usual place, the Gorbesh Fort south of Shard in the meeting room. Leave a post here if you need directions.
We are hoping to have our first meeting in two weeks. Each week we will try and have a guest instructor who will teach, answer questions, offer insight and instructions on their particular field of expertise, or a combination of all these things.
Our first guest/s will be Sabashtin and/or Galain. Two GRAND Warrior Mages who will no doubt be able to offer great insight into many different subjects and historical events. Even if they can't, it should be great fun just having them in our midst. :P
Was speaking with two fine Gnomes last night, Yamaga and Norim, and we were thinking we would start the 'Gnomes of Shard' group back up. As always, its main purpose is for fellowship with other Gnomes, and to help any young Gnomes who are beginning their adventures in the Realm. And as always, our Kaldar kin are always welcome, and for that matter, any who just wish to enjoy some fellowship.
If any of you Gnomes out there are interested, please leave which day/s would be good for you to meet on. Initially we are thinking: Friday/Saturday night, or Sunday afternoon. If you would, please leave the day of your first choice, along with a second, even if it is not one of the days mentioned here.
We will meet at our usual place, the Gorbesh Fort south of Shard in the meeting room. Leave a post here if you need directions.
We are hoping to have our first meeting in two weeks. Each week we will try and have a guest instructor who will teach, answer questions, offer insight and instructions on their particular field of expertise, or a combination of all these things.
Our first guest/s will be Sabashtin and/or Galain. Two GRAND Warrior Mages who will no doubt be able to offer great insight into many different subjects and historical events. Even if they can't, it should be great fun just having them in our midst. :P
Re: Gnomes of Shard on 06/09/2007 11:29 PM CDT
Re: Gnomes of Shard on 06/12/2007 08:35 AM CDT
Re: Gnomes of Shard on 06/12/2007 12:35 PM CDT
Re: Gnomes of Shard on 06/15/2007 11:45 PM CDT
Sorry for the late reply but i dont play in prime i'm the only gnome pally in TF and the second active paladin in TF i was just wondering if it was a foolish act of me picking a gnome to be a paladin guess i was wrong :p.
call me crazy but i made a gnome paladin to prove to someone that u can forge armor with a gnome lol
and if you guys are wondering how i am train up this are my stats and skills note this is TF.
Strength : 20 Reflex : 20
Agility : 20 Charisma : 20
Discipline : 20 Wisdom : 20
Intelligence : 20 Stamina : 20
Circle: 20
Showing armor skills (with ranks).
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Shield Usage: 110 04% clear Leather Armor: 107 23% clear
Light Chain: 80 56% thoughtful Heavy Chain: 76 32% clear
Light Plate: 76 64% clear Heavy Plate: 75 50% clear
Cloth Armor: 95 32% learning Bone Armor: 99 05% learning
Showing weapon skills (with ranks).
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Parry Ability: 92 80% learning Multi Opponent: 100 10% learning
Light Edged: 1 50% clear Medium Edged: 1 50% clear
Heavy Edged: 13 51% clear Twohanded Edged: 3 00% clear
Heavy Crossbow: 91 46% mind lock Pikes: 1 50% clear
Halberds: 91 30% clear Brawling: 110 59% learning
Showing survival skills (with ranks).
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Evasion: 105 52% learning Climbing: 148 60% clear
Perception: 135 07% clear Hiding: 58 15% clear
Stalking: 54 44% clear First Aid: 113 78% clear
Foraging: 113 54% clear Escaping: 50 28% clear
Skinning: 77 78% muddled Swimming: 77 97% clear
Survival Average: 81 (Total: 818 in 10 included skills)
Showing magic skills (with ranks).
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Primary Magic: 129 29% bewildering Harness Ability: 129 39% perplexed
Power Perceive: 120 32% muddled Magical Devices: 119 42% bewildering
Targeted Magic: 119 75% clear
Magic Average: 123 (Total: 616 in 5 included skills)
Showing lore skills (with ranks).
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Scholarship: 131 15% clear Mechanical Lore: 179 98% mind lock
Appraisal: 225 56% perplexed Teaching: 109 17% clear
Vocals: 150 75% clear
Lore Average: 161 (Total: 644 in 4 included skills)
~Gnome Paladin
call me crazy but i made a gnome paladin to prove to someone that u can forge armor with a gnome lol
and if you guys are wondering how i am train up this are my stats and skills note this is TF.
Strength : 20 Reflex : 20
Agility : 20 Charisma : 20
Discipline : 20 Wisdom : 20
Intelligence : 20 Stamina : 20
Circle: 20
Showing armor skills (with ranks).
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Shield Usage: 110 04% clear Leather Armor: 107 23% clear
Light Chain: 80 56% thoughtful Heavy Chain: 76 32% clear
Light Plate: 76 64% clear Heavy Plate: 75 50% clear
Cloth Armor: 95 32% learning Bone Armor: 99 05% learning
Showing weapon skills (with ranks).
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Parry Ability: 92 80% learning Multi Opponent: 100 10% learning
Light Edged: 1 50% clear Medium Edged: 1 50% clear
Heavy Edged: 13 51% clear Twohanded Edged: 3 00% clear
Heavy Crossbow: 91 46% mind lock Pikes: 1 50% clear
Halberds: 91 30% clear Brawling: 110 59% learning
Showing survival skills (with ranks).
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Evasion: 105 52% learning Climbing: 148 60% clear
Perception: 135 07% clear Hiding: 58 15% clear
Stalking: 54 44% clear First Aid: 113 78% clear
Foraging: 113 54% clear Escaping: 50 28% clear
Skinning: 77 78% muddled Swimming: 77 97% clear
Survival Average: 81 (Total: 818 in 10 included skills)
Showing magic skills (with ranks).
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Primary Magic: 129 29% bewildering Harness Ability: 129 39% perplexed
Power Perceive: 120 32% muddled Magical Devices: 119 42% bewildering
Targeted Magic: 119 75% clear
Magic Average: 123 (Total: 616 in 5 included skills)
Showing lore skills (with ranks).
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Scholarship: 131 15% clear Mechanical Lore: 179 98% mind lock
Appraisal: 225 56% perplexed Teaching: 109 17% clear
Vocals: 150 75% clear
Lore Average: 161 (Total: 644 in 4 included skills)
~Gnome Paladin
Re: Gnomes of Shard on 06/23/2007 06:49 PM CDT
Re: Gnomes of Shard on 06/28/2007 10:12 AM CDT
Re: Gnomes of Shard on 06/28/2007 03:34 PM CDT
<<Short notice, I know, but you suggested I post here when I was sure. I can make Sunday, about 4-5 est
Heya Red,
Ok... what say we give this a shot and see what happens.
FIRST RE-MEETING OF THE GNOMES OF SHARD - 5:00 p.m. Sunday by the reckoning of the eastern shore. We meet in the meeting room of the Gorbesh Fort south of Shard. Leave word here if you need directions or help getting there. Make sure to tell your Gnome friends and family that they are invited.
Hopefully we'll have enough in attendance to try and pencil in a tentative regular meeting day and time that is good for everyone. Aside from that, we can discuss activities, etc. I know a festival has been mentioned to me a couple times. Perhaps we'll kick that around and see if everyone thinks it a good idea to attempt.
I was going to try and have a guest speaker that could lecture on different skills and such. Kind'a short notice, but I'll see if he can make it anyway.
If DART reads this before the meetings, maybe he'll stop in and chat with us about the village a little. Some hope > No hope.
Heya Red,
Ok... what say we give this a shot and see what happens.
FIRST RE-MEETING OF THE GNOMES OF SHARD - 5:00 p.m. Sunday by the reckoning of the eastern shore. We meet in the meeting room of the Gorbesh Fort south of Shard. Leave word here if you need directions or help getting there. Make sure to tell your Gnome friends and family that they are invited.
Hopefully we'll have enough in attendance to try and pencil in a tentative regular meeting day and time that is good for everyone. Aside from that, we can discuss activities, etc. I know a festival has been mentioned to me a couple times. Perhaps we'll kick that around and see if everyone thinks it a good idea to attempt.
I was going to try and have a guest speaker that could lecture on different skills and such. Kind'a short notice, but I'll see if he can make it anyway.
If DART reads this before the meetings, maybe he'll stop in and chat with us about the village a little. Some hope > No hope.
Re: Gnomes of Shard on 06/29/2007 06:16 PM CDT
Re: Gnomes of Shard on 06/30/2007 01:21 AM CDT
Re: Gnomes of Shard on 06/30/2007 11:26 PM CDT
Gnomes of Shard - open enrollment? on 07/03/2007 09:46 PM CDT
Re: Gnomes of Shard - open enrollment? on 07/03/2007 10:26 PM CDT
<<Hello. Are you open for the very young? I am a Gnome just starting out in the celestial guild, and have been frequenting Shard more often.
<<Thank you,
<<--/\-- Peshel
Heya Peshel,
Of course we're open to the young, and old for that matter. It is one of the most basic reasons we exist, to help Gnomes. Once you get to Shard, gweth if you can and we'll come get you if you do not yet know where the Fort is.
Welcome to the group.
<<Thank you,
<<--/\-- Peshel
Heya Peshel,
Of course we're open to the young, and old for that matter. It is one of the most basic reasons we exist, to help Gnomes. Once you get to Shard, gweth if you can and we'll come get you if you do not yet know where the Fort is.
Welcome to the group.
Re: Gnomes of Shard - open enrollment? on 07/03/2007 10:50 PM CDT
Re: Gnomes of Shard - open enrollment? on 07/03/2007 10:56 PM CDT
Gnomes Welcome on 01/11/2009 08:36 AM CST
Gnomes of the Past - Where are they now? on 01/24/2009 11:50 AM CST
Heyo all!
Shortly after the Gnome race had been released, I tried documenting (via our meetings and just wandering around) all the Gnomes of that era. My goal was to try and record the first Gnome to reach Elanthia.
Thought it might be fun to see who all is still around; what they're up to these days, and if they remained in the same profession.
I'm going to try and list by oldest to youngest, age and profession. If I've missed anyone from that time I sincerely apologize. Red, Yamaga, Replin, you guys were always around and I never thought to actually record all your info..sorry. ::bop Halfstaff::
((Gnarm Tinkertwittle had the distinction of being the eldest Gnome at that time, but re-rolled professions which also changed his age.))
I remember Beya being a member of our group, but for some reason do not have her info recorded.
After this initial list I took a layoff from the game and did not really record any more Gnomes, as the initial goal was to try and record the first Gnome/s to set foot on Elanthian soil. I know there were probably others before those listed, but was not able to track them down, or they did not come to our meetings to have their names listed.
When I returned G.N.O.M.E had already been formed and to the best of my memory those core Gnomes were:
((These Gnomes may have been around as long as those in the first group, but I never encountered them at that time)).
Sincere apologies to anyone I may have missed.
Shortly after the Gnome race had been released, I tried documenting (via our meetings and just wandering around) all the Gnomes of that era. My goal was to try and record the first Gnome to reach Elanthia.
Thought it might be fun to see who all is still around; what they're up to these days, and if they remained in the same profession.
I'm going to try and list by oldest to youngest, age and profession. If I've missed anyone from that time I sincerely apologize. Red, Yamaga, Replin, you guys were always around and I never thought to actually record all your info..sorry. ::bop Halfstaff::
((Gnarm Tinkertwittle had the distinction of being the eldest Gnome at that time, but re-rolled professions which also changed his age.))
Name | Age | Professions | |
-Gnarm Tinkertwittle | 62 | - Paladin | |
-Gnarm Tinkertwittle | 41 | - Moon Mage | |
-Nootie McDoogal | 55 | - Thief | |
-Sanaria Valentos | 53 | - Moon Mage | |
-Elsbette Kizardon | 52 | - Warrior Mage | |
-Ooglebie Pickterschlogon | 51 | - Bard | |
-Reltrerock Drowherkarr | 50 | - Moon Mage | |
-Stormtears WindofDespair | 49 | - Paladin | |
-Cogwheel Rust'Thumper | 48 | - Cleric | |
-Pendil Renstones | 47 | - Moon Mage | |
-Darcilius Manasata | 46 | - Warrior Mage | |
-Twinklie Jewelcatcher | 45 | - Empath | |
-Frappy Dustmaker | 44 | - Trader | |
-Ezzra Slothberg | 41 | - Empath | |
-Zelaide Dela'Mist | 40 | - Moon Mage | |
-Chantia Sitaros | 39 | - Empath | |
-Qaton Aletheo | 39 | - Cleric | |
-Boriken Caribe | 38 | - Barbarian | |
-Kainoo Pickterschlogon | 37 | - Moon Mage | |
-Azhag VonReichman | 33 | - Trader | |
-Negligen Krackatoa | 29 | - Empath | |
-Eyedrop Darpole | 29 | - Trader | |
-Tacea Gerwen'Belu | ? | - ? | |
-Sapling Shortfry | ? | - ? | |
-Ephen Indare | ? | - ? |
I remember Beya being a member of our group, but for some reason do not have her info recorded.
After this initial list I took a layoff from the game and did not really record any more Gnomes, as the initial goal was to try and record the first Gnome/s to set foot on Elanthian soil. I know there were probably others before those listed, but was not able to track them down, or they did not come to our meetings to have their names listed.
When I returned G.N.O.M.E had already been formed and to the best of my memory those core Gnomes were:
((These Gnomes may have been around as long as those in the first group, but I never encountered them at that time)).
Sincere apologies to anyone I may have missed.
Re: Gnomes of the Past - Where are they now? on 02/04/2009 08:29 AM CST
Kaldar Gathering --- Gnomes wanted on 08/20/2009 10:49 AM CDT
Greetings and Salutations!
The following was posted on the Kaldar forum but I wanted to make a point of inviting our Gnomish breathern. Both because the trivia contest and the announcement applies to both races AND because we just love having Gnomes at the meetings!
Hope to see you there,
GM Belladzia
<<Just a reminder that we will be meeting in the ampitheater on the 30th of this month at 9:00 PM EST. Vyraka will be hosting a trivia contest (complete with prizes) and afterwards I'll have a very special announcement to make. Should be a lively evening.>>
<<No I won't give anyone any hints about the announcement, you'll just have to show up and find out for yourselves. :) Ha!>>
<<GM Belladzia>>
<<Kaldar Champion>>
<<"At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities" Jean Houston>>
The following was posted on the Kaldar forum but I wanted to make a point of inviting our Gnomish breathern. Both because the trivia contest and the announcement applies to both races AND because we just love having Gnomes at the meetings!
Hope to see you there,
GM Belladzia
<<Just a reminder that we will be meeting in the ampitheater on the 30th of this month at 9:00 PM EST. Vyraka will be hosting a trivia contest (complete with prizes) and afterwards I'll have a very special announcement to make. Should be a lively evening.>>
<<No I won't give anyone any hints about the announcement, you'll just have to show up and find out for yourselves. :) Ha!>>
<<GM Belladzia>>
<<Kaldar Champion>>
<<"At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities" Jean Houston>>