teaching smoke images on 09/13/2015 02:13 AM CDT
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As an Olvi I am able to teach smoke images but how long does it take, or am I doing something wrong that I cannot teach all the images I have at master level.

>smoke list


deer - master* dragon - master rabbit - master
pixie - master kitten - streamer troll - streamer
horse - master paladin - streamer whip - streamer
cloak - streamer stump - streamer fleas - streamer
daisies - streamer unicorn - master rams - streamer
bandit - whiffler ship - wheezer grave - streamer
fish - sneezer

* = Teachable Image

Total images known = 19

After hitting master level on dragon I used 3 more cigars and I still cannot teach it. Am I just not advanced enough or is there something else I need to do to be able to teach images. (I started having the ability to teach deer)
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Re: teaching smoke images on 09/13/2015 02:17 AM CDT
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Only the ones that are mastered and have the asterisk. In your case if I am seeing this right you can only teach deer.
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Re: teaching smoke images on 09/13/2015 02:22 AM CDT
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Maybe I was not as clear as I should have been. I am looking for information on what is needed to get the images I've mastered that are not teachable to become teachable.
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Re: teaching smoke images on 09/13/2015 03:11 AM CDT
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Keep smoking until you see an * next to masters like your deer image (even after you mastered). In my cause I am still smoking to master rams and to make fleas teachable.


deer - master* dragon - master* rabbit - master*
pixie - master* kitten - master* troll - master*
horse - master* paladin - master* whip - master*
cloak - master* stump - master* fleas - master
daisies - master* unicorn - master* rams - streamer
bandit - master* ship - master* grave - master*
fish - master* web - master* phoenix - master*

* = Teachable Image
Hope that helps
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Olvi Smoking Master Class on 09/24/2015 06:53 PM CDT
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Vaguely IC Post:

A small note pinned to doorframe of Fine Leaf's End reads:

"After attending the Black Fox Smoking and Banter evening, and having too much to drink, I made some promises. I've decided to share my knowledge of the Bracelet smoke image with any Olvi capable of displaying a mastery of smoking. Mastery will be determined by me. I'll be holding the class in my favorite cigar shop, in a few months. -- Raji Greenbottle"

OOC Details: November 3rd at 8pm EST I'll be teaching any Olvi who have mastered all other smoke images the elusive Bracelet image. The class will be for Olvi only, but after the class it will hopefully be much easier to find. The location is going to be Cloudwalker's Smoke Shop at the Hollow's Eve festival. Expect to be asked to prove your mastery of smoke images, so get smoking.
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Re: Olvi Smoking Master Class on 10/01/2015 02:49 AM CDT
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That is absolutely wonderful of you to do this. The timing of it is remarkable for me though and I'll explain why. The Bracelet was an image that JD who played Boobuh talked about so often, wishing he could learn it. We met over smoke images. November 3rd marks the one year anniversary of his death. Apparently I will have to bring Ciressa to learn it for him.
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Re: Olvi Smoking Master Class on 10/27/2015 04:50 PM CDT
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Just reminding people this is still going on, November 3rd, at 8PM EST in Cloudwalkers Shop
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Re: Olvi Smoking Master Class on 10/29/2015 06:35 PM CDT
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Omg, I haven't checked this folder in forever just because it's usually not to biusy. But this may be the most exciting news ever!

That said, I work on the west coast. Is there any chance this event will still be going on by 9 pm EST? I get off work at 8 pm and I have to get from work to home...
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Re: Olvi Smoking Master Class on 10/29/2015 06:42 PM CDT
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I would say yes, I'm going to keep teaching until I either pass out or theres no one left to teach.
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Re: Olvi Smoking Master Class on 11/03/2015 08:44 AM CST
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One last reminder since this is happening today!

November 3rd at 8pm EST I'll be teaching any Olvi who have mastered all other smoke images the elusive Bracelet image. The class will be for Olvi only, but after the class it will hopefully be much easier to find. The location is going to be Cloudwalker's Smoke Shop at the Hollow's Eve festival. Expect to be asked to prove your mastery of smoke images, so get smoking.
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Re: Olvi Smoking Master Class on 11/04/2015 06:21 AM CST
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I missed this didnt i.... I messed up the time and date difference for me being in Australia

Any chance Raji will be around again? Kinda half the reason i came to the fest heh.

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Re: Olvi Smoking Master Class on 11/04/2015 07:17 AM CST
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Yep! I won't be running another large class but you can certainly bribe me to teach you. I'm usually camped out by the spinneret.

The class last night was loads of fun too! I hope everyone enjoyed being there as much as I did running it. Hopefully someone got a log of it, cause it slipped my mind completely.
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Re: Olvi Smoking Master Class on 11/04/2015 07:57 AM CST
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Thank you so so so much, you made my day doing that. that was great!

Sorry for taking so long, while some people get the PvP shakes.... i get the RP shakes heh

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