The Human Experience on 04/21/2012 02:10 AM CDT
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So humans are relatively boring and staid, excusing Therengian political theater.

With the teaching system likely to get looked at in the not-too-distant future I wanted to float an idea that ties into the successful nature of humans as a race.

While typically racial bias affects the quality of instruction, perhaps humans are capable of transcending that. So a human instructor is considered "of the same race" for all of their students, and a human student is considered "of the same race" for any instructor.

A small but not pointless advantage to being human, possibly.
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Re: The Human Experience on 04/21/2012 12:44 PM CDT
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I like the concept, if anyone else has anything please give it a shot. I don't play many humans, but I feel that they could get a bit of love.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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