Greetings, Humans!
I am pleased to announce a contest to members of our distinguished race for new, improved snap variations! Currently, we have the basic SNAP verb along with a few different types: ponder, music, loud, command, curse and several others. I am seeking ideas for additional snaps, so if you play a Human and you love to express yourself through hand gestures, this contest is for you.
1. The format for an entry should include the following:
~ The syntax designator (snap LOUD).
~ What the snapper will see (You raise your arm in the air and loudly snap your fingers, demanding attention.).
~ What a Human observer will see (Tiesse snaps her fingers loudly in the air, trying to get your attention.).
~ What a non-Human observer will see (Tiesse snaps her fingers loudly!).
2. Your snap should be in good taste and adhere to general DR policies. Anything graphic, vulgar, OOC, or generally in poor taste will not be admissible.
3. Prizes will be awarded to the top three entries to be determined at a later date.
4. Any account with a Human character may enter. The limit is one (1) entry per account. Please email entries to DR-TIESSE@PLAY.NET with the subject line, "New Snap - Contest Entry." Please include your account name, character name, and instance along with your submission. Please include the submission in the body of your email, not as an attachment.
5. The deadline for entries is 11:59 p.m. EST on Friday, November 14th. Winners will be announced after a short judging period.
If you have any questions, feel free to post here and I'll answer as I'm able. Good luck, and don't let your fingers get too tired from practicing!
-- GM Tiesse
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
To GM Tiesse, Its great to see a GM still looking out for us
primative primates. We have some Great People who have/play
a Human. They will met your challenge, as for me I don't have
brains for it.
But I'm looking foward to reading my fellow Human suggestions.
Sadly, ...... I have nothing
Lowca, Human Ranger
primative primates. We have some Great People who have/play
a Human. They will met your challenge, as for me I don't have
brains for it.
But I'm looking foward to reading my fellow Human suggestions.
Sadly, ...... I have nothing
Lowca, Human Ranger
In an effort to help stimulate the snap contest, I thought I'd list the snaps we have. We have the standards found in snap help: Snap ponder, music, loud, curse, and then we have:
Snap Angry
>snap ang
You snap your fingers as you seethe in attempt to keep down your anger.
Snap disgust
>snap dis
You snap your fingers once and spit in a display of pure disgust.
Snap happy
>snap hap
You snap your fingers to a happy beat and dance around excitedly!
Snap Quick
>snap qui
You quickly snap your fingers letting everyone know it's time to move!
Snap soft
>snap soft
You softly snap your fingers as if wondering what to do next.
Snap Angry
>snap ang
You snap your fingers as you seethe in attempt to keep down your anger.
Snap disgust
>snap dis
You snap your fingers once and spit in a display of pure disgust.
Snap happy
>snap hap
You snap your fingers to a happy beat and dance around excitedly!
Snap Quick
>snap qui
You quickly snap your fingers letting everyone know it's time to move!
Snap soft
>snap soft
You softly snap your fingers as if wondering what to do next.