Hey Raesh I do have one question when it comes to the Albarian worship of the Thirteen. Was wondering how the 39 come into play, do the Kaldar simply ignore the aspects as weaker versions of the true god? Or have we just not gotten that far in the lore. I only ask because I have a Kaldar cleric dedicated to Eylhaar and was wondering if I should just switch him to Urrem'tier to fall in line with the lore. Thanks!
Oritai Jerecis Luyovathe, Siron vaz Wena
-player of
Kaldar and the Thirteen on 11/10/2011 11:30 AM CST
Re: Kaldar and the Thirteen on 11/10/2011 11:52 AM CST
Back on the original post about the Kaldar/how they view the thirteen, something was said to the effect of "The most striking deviation is that the Kaldar tend to view all three faces of an Immortal as the same being, without reference to light or dark aspects. Though they recognize the other names, they are rarely used within Kaldaran worship." Amusingly enough, I also have a Kaldar who I'd been playing as a worshipper of Eylhaar.
-Broichan Leshyahen
> hum tuneless
You hum a tuneless tune.
-Broichan Leshyahen
> hum tuneless
You hum a tuneless tune.
Re: Kaldar and the Thirteen on 11/10/2011 09:13 PM CST
Essentially there are two options.
They can be dedicated to the Thirteen and follow the Kermoria traditions -- because they grew up surrounded by non Kaldar, or because they choose to adapt their worship to the locals.
The other option would be to keep to the Kaldaran traditions, in which case the God would be recognized by it's neutral name. The Kaldar are familiar with the other names, but don't really use them -- afterall, why use three names to refer to the same person? It's possible to keep the Kaldaran traditions and still use a non neutral name, but it's certainly unusual. Other Kaldar would know what you're talking about, but they'd think you're a bit odd.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
They can be dedicated to the Thirteen and follow the Kermoria traditions -- because they grew up surrounded by non Kaldar, or because they choose to adapt their worship to the locals.
The other option would be to keep to the Kaldaran traditions, in which case the God would be recognized by it's neutral name. The Kaldar are familiar with the other names, but don't really use them -- afterall, why use three names to refer to the same person? It's possible to keep the Kaldaran traditions and still use a non neutral name, but it's certainly unusual. Other Kaldar would know what you're talking about, but they'd think you're a bit odd.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose