Making a Title mean something. on 04/06/2016 12:18 PM CDT
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Upon being recognized as a Munan, my first thought was this. I now have a true duty to our People. How can I best do this? It means sacrificing my personal interests to some degree and I'm more than willing to do so.

Why do you care? Perhaps you do not and I don't blame you for such. Those who live in a Hub or belong to one while claiming their own territory do not need my wisdom, but might still be interested in my news from other places when I travel.

Perhaps you are no longer part of a Hub and have no territory of your own for hunting and have become a part of the culture in one of the cites here in the East, by your own choice or not. Do you wish to know more about our culture or simply keep in contact with the People? This I can do for you. Do you have questions about faith, the Three vs the Thirteen? I can answer these questions. I will be happy to, for it is what I am trained to do as a Priestess.

There are many reasons more I can think of why perhaps you would wish to seek me out, and I'm making myself available to be found easily. I always wear an albredine crystal ring and am easily contacted that way. I also begin each day in the Hut of the Three, Silverclaw Hub and I stop in before I retire as well. You can seek me out there (@ 1pm EST or 9pm EST (ish)) if you do not have a ring or simply wish to speak face to face.

I do not take my duties lightly. Please, allow me to be of service to our People.
- Shaidval

Prydaen prayer for the hunt:
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Re: Making a Title mean something. on 05/13/2016 07:26 AM CDT
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Munan Shaidval,

I seek an audience to ply you for knowledge. I am attempting to transform the History of our People into song, and am having difficulty finding much of what I am looking for. I already sing Praises to Eu, and have some Historical Poetry (which I have written), but I am looking for knowledge of The Homeland, The Migration, the current status of the Claws, and also a better understanding of how Eu has Blessed us.

I think that one of my main goals is to become a member of the Claw of Azca, but I have no inkling of where current members (if there are any remaining) can be located. A secondary purpose of mine is to help the Claw of Eu with recording memories. Much was lost in The Migration, and the loss of The Homeland, and I am reticent to see it happen again if I can help it.

I do travel often, but mostly make my home within the boundaries of Crossing. If I am able I would like to arrange a meeting with you in Silverclaw Hub in the Hut of The Three. Since I am unable to fight my way through the area, this may not be an option unless I have an escort. Please contact me through the albredine crystal ring if you wake and find me in the Realms.

I look forward to speaking with you.

Eu's Blessings be upon you,

Gypsy Khylynnia,
Prydaen Bardess,
Faithful of Eu,
Prydaen History Student
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