Tails, Tales, Songs, and Snacks, Vol. 1 on 10/10/2016 10:57 PM CDT
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My first time editing such a long log! Let me know if there's anything I can do to make it easier to read next time, please!

[The Grove, Ancient Tree]
Several fireflies dart about the limbs and branches, lighting this airy landing. An outline of a hide can be seen stretched between two branches. Scattered along the floor are several lumpy mounds and a shadowy string of skulls hang from a nearby branch.
You also see a tree trunk, a lifesculpted ironwood sideboard with several things on it, a dark hole and an ironwood drink cart with several things on it.
Also here: Instrumentalist Jadetiger.
Obvious paths: none.

You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Jadetiger.

You pull a pale blue nubby woolen cloth out of your picnic basket, setting the basket aside as you spread the cloth out on the ground.

You relax your ears for a moment, letting them sag slightly.

You say to Jadetiger, "Good to see you here..."

An odd clicking noise eminates from the sideboard, and you notice one of the crabs waving its claws around above the edge of the aquarium and snapping them on empty air.

You sit down.

Jadetiger exclaims, "Oh hi!"

Jadetiger hugs you.

You trill softly at Jadetiger.

Jadetiger says, "Was so happy we were having a party, I was here early and fell asleep."

You say, "I don't really t'ink dat many people vill show up..."

You chortle softly at some secret joke.

Jadetiger smiles at you.

Jadetiger says, "Well we can keep trying."

You give a slight nod.

Spread out on the nubby woolen cloth you see a wounded squirrel, a wounded squirrel, a wounded squirrel, a wounded squirrel, a wounded squirrel, a wounded squirrel, a wounded squirrel, a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne, a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne, a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne, a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne, a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne, a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne, a fan-tailed warbler, a fan-tailed warbler, a fan-tailed warbler, a copperhead viper, a copperhead viper, a copperhead viper and a copperhead viper.

Almiwey climbed up a tree trunk.

Jadetiger grins at Almiwey.

You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Almiwey.

You see Almiwey Dozypaws, a Prydaen.
Almiwey has a round face, a dark green stem displaying alabaster freesias that droop over one of her ears, limpid cat-slitted amber eyes, a small nose and dimples. Her silver-streaked white mane is long and thick, and is worn loose. She has creamy white fur with grey points and grey stripes, a slender tail and a blooming mapha vine twining a colorful inflorescence of moth orchids to climb a plump figure.
She is slightly under average height for a Prydaen.
A cloisonne butterfly with large rose-patterned wings floats lazily around her head, glowing with a lustrous sheen against her fur.
She appears to be a bird-hunter.
Her right hip has a tattoo of three ragged crimson lines made to look like claw marks.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a black raven feather, a delicate braided circlet interwoven with painted steel boneflowers, a dark green stem displaying drooping alabaster freesia flowers, a pair of acorn earrings, a glittery white snowflake pendant, a deeply cowled indigo spidersilk longcoat trimmed with cobalt aniline leather, a blooming mapha vine twined around a colorful inflorescence of moth orchids, an enameled-iron black fox pin with bright amber eyes, a silver medium suede case, a white Elven silk duffel bag beaded with icy blue crystals, a pure white backpack, a snug moonsilk bandeau wrapped around the chest, a bronze armband inlaid with a cambrinth triquetra, a fragrant orangewood basket lined in vibrant blue-green bourde, an albredine crystal ring, a cambrinth pick, a brilliant gold hip-chain embellished with azure-blue sapphires, a white leather sheath, a lockpick ring, a dark sapphire-blue tail drape edged with tiny silver stars, a flirty circle skirt of layered cobalt and indigo spidersilk, a bronze thigh knife featuring a gryphon-carved hilt, a twilight blue silk garter embroidered with tiny silver shadowlings, a twisted gold anklet with miniature cambrinth dancers and a pair of black leather cord sandals.

Almiwey waves.

Ears tilted forward, Almiwey curls her tail around your shoulders loosely.

Jadetiger says, "Some do not know how to find this tree."

A Prydaen kit slinks into the room and dumps some rats into the bowl of wine, pausing to watch them flounder around for a moment before wandering off.

Almiwey hums to herself.

You say, "I vonder..."

Jadetiger says, "Maybe a moon mage to help would be good for kittens."

Jadetiger says, "The only meeting I have been to here was when I was a kitten and a moon mage opened a gate outside the empaths guild."

Jadetiger says, "Took me forever to find this tree again."

You think, "For the next anlas or two, there will be a gathering in the food tree west of Crossing, for Prydaens. If you do not know how to find it, send me a thought and I can guide you."
You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

You nod to Jadetiger.

You say, "A good idea... maybe next time..."

You nibble on your lip.

You ask Almiwey, "Your husband, maybe?"

Almiwey asks you, "Do you want me to see if I can wake him up?"

Jadetiger says, "There seems to be activity at the war mage guild also."

You shake your head.

You say, "And moon mages haffink anot'er vision."

You sigh.

Jadetiger pets her woodlouse. It wriggles its antennae happily.

Almiwey settles herself on a pale blue nubby woolen cloth.

Almiwey rubs your head.

You lean on Almiwey.

A gentle summer breeze warms the air.

You say, "Vell, I brought some gifts, or prizes..."

You get a stone claw sharpener etched with mountains from inside your traveler's pack.

You begin to run your claws along your sharpeners edge, smoothing out the rough edges. With care, you hone your claws to a lethal sharpness.

You shake your sharpener vigorously, dislodging bits of nail in random directions.
You believe the sharpener is as clean as it can be.

Jadetiger laughs!

You chortle softly at some secret joke.

Almiwey says, "It won't be much of a party if there are only three of us..."

You ask Almiwey, "T'ink it vould be more off a party vit' just two?"

You catch Almiwey's eye, smile slowly, and begin flirting with her. Smiling demurely, she gives you her full attention.

Almiwey is giggling at you.

Jadetiger says, "Ohh I could leave."

Jadetiger giggles.

You ponder.

You catch Jadetiger's eye, smile slowly, and begin flirting with her. Jadetiger gives you a quick grin in return.

You say, "Or join in."

You snicker.

Jadetiger laughs!

A Prydaen kit strolls into the room and shakes the iron cage on the sideboard, then pushes a few more mice into it and eliciting a round of squeaks. Giving it one last shake, he wanders off.

You break out in a silly grin.

You ask Jadetiger, "Do you haff a sonajero?"

Jadetiger says, "You could save prizes for next meeting."

Jadetiger asks, "Is that a hat or an instrument?"

You fix Jadetiger with an intent, predatory stare.

You slowly say, "An instrument..."

Jadetiger giggles.

Almiwey laughs!

Jadetiger says, "No."

Jadetiger says, "But I have a vault full of instruments."

Almiwey gets an elaborate four-sectioned ceremonial sonajero crafted from elmod from inside her pure white backpack.

Almiwey shows Jadetiger her elaborate sonajero.

Jadetiger says, "Very pretty."

Almiwey begins a masterful polka on her elaborate sonajero with only the slightest hint of difficulty.

You get an elaborate four-sectioned ceremonial sonajero crafted from elmod from inside your traveler's pack.

Jadetiger says, "Very nice."

You ask, "Dis is von off der prizes... perhaps for beink first to arrife?"

Jadetiger giggles.

Jadetiger says, "Wow."

You offer your elaborate sonajero to Jadetiger, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Jadetiger has accepted your offer and is now holding an elaborate four-sectioned ceremonial sonajero crafted from elmod.

You perk up your ears happily.

Jadetiger exclaims, "Thanks!"

Jadetiger beams at you! What a warm feeling!

Ears tilted forward, you curl your tail around Almiwey's waist loosely.

You ask Jadetiger, "Do you know how to teach?"

Almiwey pulls several of the legs off a crab, avoiding its snapping claws. Sinking her fangs into them to break up the exterior shell, she lets the loose pieces fall away and then nibbles on the morsels that remain.

You get a wounded squirrel from atop a pale blue nubby woolen cloth.

You dangle a wounded squirrel by one of its front paws for a moment, then bite off its hind end, making the squirrel squeal in agony.

Almiwey yanks the left claw off a legless crab and snaps the outer shell off with her fangs. Almiwey pops the succulent meat into her mouth, watching the crab struggle.

You say, "So fuzzy."

Almiwey yanks the right claw off a legless crab and snaps the outer shell off with her fangs. She pops the succulent claw meat into her mouth.

You pop the remaining half of a wounded squirrel into your mouth, ignoring its death squeals to savor the warm, rich taste.

Almiwey sinks her fangs into the body of a salt crab, crunching through one half of the exterior shell and shaking the loose pieces off. She picks out some of the succulent meat hidden inside and pops it into her mouth.

You say, "Der tail alvays tickles."

Almiwey picks the last bits of meat from a crab shell and nibbles on them slowly.

Jadetiger asks, "Teach what?"

You ask, "Brawlink?"

You gaze hopefully at Jadetiger.

Jadetiger begins to lecture you on the proper usage of the Brawling skill.
You begin to listen to Jadetiger teach the Brawling skill.

You praise Jadetiger's efforts, supporting her with your approval.

You say, "I neffer could wrap my head around instructink somevon else..."

Almiwey exclaims, "Thanks!"

Almiwey pats you on the back.

Almiwey says to you, "It's okay, me neither..."

You say to Jadetiger, "Lasika. I don't t'ink I effer said. My name is Lasika. For now."

Jadetiger grins.

You point at Almiwey.

You say, "Dat's Almivey Dozypaws."

You see Instrumentalist Jadetiger of Elanthia, a Prydaen Bard.
Jadetiger has an oval face, cat-slitted jade eyes and a classical nose. Her golden brown mane is shoulder length and thick, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by some whimsically enameled writing spiders. She has tortoiseshell fur, a curving tail and an athletic figure.
She is tall for a Prydaen.
She appears to be a moth-stalker.
She is in good shape.

She is holding a slice of ram tenderloin in her right hand and an elaborate four-sectioned ceremonial sonajero crafted from elmod in her left.
She is wearing a pair of copper zills, a multi-hued traveler's pack of woven faille cording, a blue haversack crafted from silk, an intricate khor'vela armband sculpted to resemble an ouroboros, an albredine crystal ring, a bronze lockpick ring, a gleaming steel shield embossed with avatars of the immortals, some steel brigandine gloves crafted from tempered bands, a lumium mail balaclava, some wolf tooth knee spikes, a silver jadeite gwethdesuan, a petite segmented fawn-brown woodlouse with buff speckles, a lumpy bundle and some coarse gryphon-pelt leathers sealed with protective wax.

Jadetiger says, "I am Jadetiger."

Jadetiger feeds her woodlouse a bit of ram tenderloin, and it munches on it contentedly.

Almiwey says, "Oops, sorry, I did forget to introduce myself..."

Almiwey grins like an idiot.

Jadetiger finishes playing a spritely reel on her elaborate sonajero.

Jadetiger says, "And this is Horatio."

Vixonia climbed up a tree trunk.

Jadetiger points at a petite segmented fawn-brown woodlouse with buff speckles she has.

You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Vixonia.

Vixonia smiles warmly.

You see Vixonia Toryan of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Prydaen Bard.
Vixonia has a triangular face, cat-slitted crystal blue eyes and a narrow nose. Her blue-black mane is long and wavy, and is worn loose, tucked behind her ears. She has silver fur with black points, a curving tail and an athletic figure.
She is a bit over average height for a Prydaen.
She appears to be a moth-stalker.

She is wearing a silver jadeite gwethdesuan, a platinum kyanite gwethdesuan, a black tankard-shaped badge etched with the insignia of the Tavern Troupe, a soft leather music shoulder bag with a string of notes embroidered along the strap, a shimmering nightsilk blouse designed to be tied around the midriff, a mother-of-pearl vakoti banded in silver, a luminescent albredine ring, a cambrinth ring bearing the crest of the Bard's Guild, a triple-strand blue gold hip chain linked with crescent-shaped charms, a leather patchwork pouch, a supple leather instrument case embossed with the crest of the Bards' Guild, a twisted blue gold tailband adorned with moonstones, a dancing skirt crafted from many layers of gauze, some blue-gold toe bells inlaid with crescent moons and some thin-soled velvet slippers with nightsilk laces.

Jadetiger smiles at Vixonia.

Almiwey exclaims, "Yay, more people!"

Jadetiger says, "Yay."

You say to Vixonia, "Velcome."

Vixonia says, "A warm hello to my kin! A pleasure to meet you."

Vixonia takes a seat.

Jadetiger exclaims, "Oh and a Tavern Troupe Bard!!"

Vixonia perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Jadetiger.

You angle your ears forward in curiosity.

You ask, "More bards?"

Jadetiger says, "I am so happy to meet you."

Vixonia says, "One of the few! But yes... we're starting to rebuild again."

Vixonia makes a rumbling noise of contentment in Jadetiger's direction.

Almiwey exclaims, "We're taking over the world!!"

Almiwey cackles!

You ask Vixonia, "Who do I talk to about joinink?"

Vixonia giggles.

Jadetiger says, "I am glad that you are ... Tavern Troupe is terrific."

Jadetiger says, "I am in Apostles and we were all so sad when you guys disbanded."

Vixonia exclaims to you, "Anjinson is the new speaker. I'm happy to give him your name!"

Several songbirds chirrup nervously from within their birdcage. An older Prydaen male strides in and checks to make sure the birdcage doesn't need replenishing before wandering off again.

You nibble your lip thoughtfully.

Vixonia says, "My mom and aunt were Troupers from long ago, so I was happy to hear that he's starting up the Troupe again."

You say, "Lasika. I am not entirely sure I vish to join... how much use I could be..."

You say, "But I am interested."

Jadetiger smiles at you.

Vixonia says, "I'm Vixonia by the way. It's a pleasure to meet others of the kin."

You trill softly at Vixonia.

Almiwey exclaims, "I'm Almiwey, nice to meet you!"

Vixonia perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Almiwey.

Jadetiger says, "I am Jadetiger and the guy on my shoulder is Horatio."

Jadetiger points at a petite segmented fawn-brown woodlouse with buff speckles she has.

You say to Vixonia, "Ve didn't really plan anyt'ink..."

Vixonia exclaims, "I was very luck to grow up with a family who remembered much of our history, and instilled many of the old songs in me. But I'm always looking to find more songs and storys!"

You say, "If anyvon has a story or sonk to share..."

Vixonia is giggling at you.

You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Vixonia.

Vixonia exclaims, "I think we had the same idea!"

Jadetiger begins a spritely reel on her elaborate sonajero with only the slightest hint of difficulty.

You glance up at the sky.
Thousands of brilliant stars shine in an exceptionally clear sky.

You get an intricately carved ramkie made of peregan wood from inside your traveler's pack.

You begin a spritely reel on your peregan ramkie with only the slightest hint of difficulty.

You exclaim to Almiwey, "Join in!"

Almiwey exclaims, "I don't really know that much about Prydaen history... but I do have a few songs I could sing I suppose!"

Jadetiger whispers, "If you want Vixonia to have the sonajero ... it is ok."

Vixonia asks, "Would you like for me to start off?"

Jadetiger says, "I know a couple my self."

Jadetiger says, "Sure."

You ask Vixonia, "Do you haff a sonajero?"

Vixonia gets a skyfruit sonajero carved with triquetra symbols from inside her instrument case.

You grin at Jadetiger.

Jadetiger grins at you.

Vixonia shows you a skyfruit sonajero carved with triquetra symbols. Made of burnished skyfruit wood, this sonajero has been embellished with bas-relief carvings of triquetra symbols all over the handle and single cymbal chamber, giving it a curious pock-marked look.

You say to Jadetiger, "If you haff von already, you can giff it back, safe it for der next gat'erink."

The clear, ringing tones of Jadetiger's song define a soothing melody that sails easily into the high reaches of her range.

You nod to Vixonia.

You say, "I vanted a skyfruit von, not an elaborate von... but now I am happy vit' my ramkie."

You give an intricately carved ramkie made of peregan wood a hug. I'm quite sure that the ramkie appreciates the sentiment.

Jadetiger says, "I don't have one ... just didnt want Vix to go without."

Vixonia asks, "You all know about Cizayu, right?"

An older Prydaen female enters and checks the sideboard to see if anything needs replenishing, then wanders off again.

Vixonia angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Vixonia makes a rumbling noise of contentment in Jadetiger's direction.

Vixonia exclaims, "Thank you for the kindness!"

Jadetiger smiles at Vixonia.

Vixonia stands up.

Vixonia puts her sonajero in her instrument case.

Vixonia gets a well-crafted beribboned tambourine painted with the image of a Prydaen hub from inside her instrument case.

Almiwey says to Vixonia, "Hmm I don't, actually..."

Vixonia says, "I'd like to sing about Cizayu, an ancient ceremony that heralds the transformation from kit to hunter... child to adult."

You blink at Almiwey.

You rub Almiwey's head.

Vixonia smiles softly to herself as she gazes fondly at the image of the hub detailed out on her tambourine. Sighing wistfully for a brief moment, she looks up and starts to beat out a strident rhythm.

You say, "I could use a refresher. I grew up vit' mostly Rakash. T'inks vere a little different."

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"The bonfire burning, flames raging bright...
I stand here waiting in the flickering light,
The Elders watch as my nerves are frayed
It's time to show them of what I'm made."

Almiwey says, "Ooo..."

Vixonia's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"I seek my place within the pryde,
From these searching eyes I will not hide.
Circling around me the Elders then walked,
"Who here taught this young kit to stalk?""

(Vixonia gazes intently at you with almost a predatory stare, her voice suddenly carries out over the staccato beats of her druming.)

Jadetiger grins.

Vixonia chants in a soprano voice:
"It's time to hunt! Off to the kill!
It's time to show them my strength and will.
When young I learned how to hunt and move,
But a kit no more now I seek to prove!

With a roar, I join the hunters of my pryde!"

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"To stand beside me my teacher came,
A series of questions too numerous to name.
Shifting under the pressure of this onslaught,
He proudly told them of what I was taught."

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"He told of my strengths, how I learned my skills,
And then of my failures when I lost my kills.
The Elders gazed at me with proud ears held high
"Now let this kit's teacher of the gods draw neigh!""

Vixonia chants in a soprano voice:
"It's time to hunt! Off to the kill!
It's time to show them my strength and will.
When young I learned of the gods and lore,
But I will show I'm a kit no more!

With a roar, I join the hunters of my pryde!"

You relax your ears for a moment, letting them sag slightly.

Jadetiger lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"Lessons of Eu, I studied with attention and care
My teacher stepped forward, prepared to share.
She spoke in depth of my passionate yearning,
Fielding those questions of my religious learning."

Jadetiger shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

Vixonia hesitantly sings in a soprano voice:
"A grueling session, 'twas query after query,
Trying not to fidget and not to look wary.
Would they find me worthy to join the rest?
Would they allow me to complete the test?"

Vixonia twitches an ear nervously.

Vixonia chants in a soprano voice:
"It's time to hunt! Off to the kill!
It's time to show them my strength and will.
I stand here before you to prove my worth,
It's the chance I've sought after since my birth!

With a roar, I join the hunters of my pryde!"

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"Eyes aglow with recognition and respect,
A serious disposition I did not expect.
Looking for assistance was not allowed.
The Elder's voice rang out across the crowd."

Vixonia sternly sings in a soprano voice:
""Now turn from this child as she leads this quest,
To enter the land alone to complete this test."
"Discard your weapons, start as you were born...
In a natural state to face the beast that you've sworn.""

Vixonia chants in a soprano voice:
"It's time to hunt! Off to the kill!
It's time to show them my strength and will.
Only basic equipment to take down my prey
With Demrris in mind, I seek my way.

With a roar, I join the hunters of my pryde!"

Vixonia cautiously sings in a soprano voice:
"I had until the blood moon had cycled and set
To kill a bear without weapon or net.
I stalked and prowled, a snarl on my face
I had to prove an asset to my race."

Jadetiger feeds her woodlouse a bit of ram tenderloin, and it munches on it contentedly.

One of the rats in a bowl on the sideboard tries to crawl out, but slips back into the wine sauce with a wet plop.

Vixonia confidently sings in a soprano voice:
"A triumphant return, my ears are held high
Around the bonfire I heard a bold cry.
Presenting my trophies to the Elders there
A proud glance my family and I then did share."

Vixonia smiles with a feral gleam in her eyes as she bends over her tambourine, casting a flourish of notes out to the winds.

Vixonia chants in a soprano voice:
"It's time to hunt! Off to the kill!
It's time to show them my strength and will.
I've shown my mettle, I've met my goal,
Today I present to my hub, my whole.

With a roar, I AM a hunter of my pryde!"

You rumble contentedly and then suddenly stop, as if embarrassed that you were doing it at all.

Jadetiger gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Jadetiger lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

(Vixonia roars fiercely as she finishes off the song with a cascade of rapid beats. With ears held high she sinks into a deep curtsy, the air echoing with the remains of her performance. )

Almiwey applauds.

You gaze into Vixonia's eyes and applaud her heartily.

Vixonia emits a rumbling noise of contentment.

Vixonia takes a seat.

Vixonia coils her tail, looping it loosely around her waist.

Jadetiger looks at Vixonia and applauds!

You say, "Dat vos very good..."

Vixonia says, "Many years ago that song was used to teach others in the Crossing about some of our rituals."

Vixonia perks her ears up happily as she gazes at you.

Vixonia exclaims, "Thank you!"

Almiwey says, "That was a beautiful song! I don't have anything nearly as good..."

Jadetiger exclaims, "Thank you!"

Vixonia grins at Almiwey.

You reach over and groom Almiwey's ears for a moment, purring softly.

Almiwey lovingly snuggles up to you.

Vixonia says to Almiwey, "Oh, good is always subjective! The importance is having fun and sharing. Or at least that's my opinion."

You nod in agreement.

You say to Almiwey, "No better, no vorse. Just different."

Vixonia asks, "Exactly! Please share?"

Almiwey says, "Like I said, I don't know much about Prydaen history and customs... I've only started learning recently in Silverclaw, so I only have one song that's kind of Prydaen-related..."

Vixonia emits a rumbling noise of contentment.

Vixonia gets a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne from atop a pale blue nubby woolen cloth.

Vixonia takes a sip of her bloodwyne.

Vixonia licks her lips.

Vixonia rubs a well-crafted beribboned tambourine painted with the image of a Prydaen hub.

Vixonia puts her tambourine in her instrument case.

Vixonia asks, "Can we hear?"

Almiwey twitches an ear nervously.

Almiwey nods.

Almiwey stands up.

Almiwey says, "It's a song I wrote, called A Prydaen's Pride..."

Jadetiger smiles.

Vixonia perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Almiwey.

Almiwey effortlessly begins a quiet ballad on her elaborate sonajero, her eyes sparkling with pride at her hard-won skill.

You say to Almiwey, "I don't t'ink I haff efer heard any off your sonks..."

Jadetiger perks up her ears, glancing around alertly.

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"It may come as a surprise,
To hear that I never saw the sunrise,
In my brethren s native land,
From which they were banned."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"They left their land,
To find shelter,
To be saved, and,
To escape the miser."

Almiwey knowingly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"I was to be born,
My parents left their home,
And decided to roam,
To give me a good life, they sworn."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Leaving our land, was it right?
Many of us wonder still,
To flee as they did, to escape their plight,
Many wonder, and always will."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"But, even if we have been uprooted,
We still have our lives, our identity,
And as long as it lives in memory,
The Prydaen race will not be defeated. "

Vixonia nods in agreement.

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"And our history will never be forgotten."

Almiwey twitches an ear nervously.

Almiwey says, "It's kind of short..."

Vixonia's ears straighten up smartly as she gazes at Almiwey, a look of pride on her face.

Vixonia looks at Almiwey and applauds!

Almiwey finishes playing a quiet ballad on her elaborate sonajero.

Almiwey says, "It was one of the first songs I wrote after I joined the guild."

Vixonia exclaims, "That is an excellent first piece!"

Jadetiger applauds.

You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Almiwey.

Almiwey takes a seat near you.

Jadetiger says, "Its outstanding that you composed it yourself."

Vixonia nods in agreement.

Almiwey says, "I have a lot more that I wrote, about plenty of different things..."

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

Almiwey exclaims, "I'm glad you enjoyed it!"

Vixonia says, "Oh yay! I hope we'll get to hear others? That's one thing I miss in the guild hall.. no one just sings and shares anymore."

You shake your peregan ramkie.

Jadetiger says, "I can do a Prydaen song I learned from a scroll."

Vixonia exclaims, "Please!"

Vixonia grins at Jadetiger.

You nod emphatically.

Jadetiger says, "I will sing 'The Wheel Song', a traditional Prydaen song.

You gawk at Jadetiger.

Vixonia perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Jadetiger.

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"Demrris told us before he left
A promise of a life beyond our deaths.
The Great Old One must have known
That the world is too wide for one life alone."

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"So though this soul goes to Tenemlor
Soon it shall return to us once more,
Passing from her blessed home,
Back to the plains with us it will roam."

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"And wander the forests and drink down the wind
And sing this song with us again.
And when the wheel has turned once more,
It will hear this song, as it did before."

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"Hear us, hear us, hurry along,
Take your rest, but don't stay long.
For leaves fall to ground and nourish the tree
The leaves come back, and so shall we!"

Jadetiger ends the song with a deep vibrato hum.

You hum to yourself.

Vixonia looks at Jadetiger and applauds!

Almiwey looks at Jadetiger and applauds!

Jadetiger grins.

Jadetiger curtsies.

Vixonia exclaims, "Well done!"

Jadetiger says, "Thank you."

You gaze into Jadetiger's eyes and applaud her heartily.

You ask Jadetiger, "You learned dat from a scroll?"

Jadetiger says, "Yes I did."

Vixonia asks, "Oh, I have one that's probably a little known tale... Years ago there was a story that was being told about the Deathwalker... have you heard it?"

You blink at Vixonia.

You shake your head.

Almiwey says, "That sounds scary..."

Jadetiger says, "No please sing for us."

Vixonia stands up.

Vixonia says, "It's a tough tale.. but I'm happy to share."

Vixonia gets a smooth ebony lap harp carved with silver-painted crescent moons from inside her instrument case.

Vixonia says, "Among my kin there are those called to serve a very singular purpose, to eradicate the undead. Known as the Claw of Tenemlor, they are chosen by our goddess of the night."

Vixonia says, "These chosen are the most controversial among my people, some revere them... some fear them... and some hold them as being little better than the undead that they hunt."

(Vixonia starts to absently strum a wandering path of notes on her harp as she continues to speak.)

Vixonia says, "A long time ago, one of our bards, Daerinilor Tailbiter, sat down and spoke at length with Eidola Tiatra Moonstalker of the Claw of Tenemlor about the 5 members of the Claw that stayed behind to fight the undead forces of Lyras when the Great Barrier was erected."

Vixonia says, "Tonight, I'd like to sing to you about one of these left behind, Eidola Tucote... otherwise known as the Death-Walker..."

(Vixonia tucks a stray wisp of her mane behind her ear before picking up the pace of the melodic meanderings coming from her harp and starts her song in earnest.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"Out into the forest on a dark and windswept night,
An expecting mother wraps her cloak around her tight
The dream of death still echoing as it woke her with a cry
Her purpose was so clear to her, beneath the starlight sky
Cradling her unborn babe, she slowly makes her way
Up the rocky slope and then into the seer's cave."

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"Wringing her hands nervously, she told him how she dreamed,
Then begged of him to tell her it was not all as it seemed.
Oh shaman of our kin, can you please tell me what you might?
What is it you see about my unborn baby's plight
What future is in store? Perhaps a mighty warrior's heart...
What is it that you see, as this precious life will start?"

(Vixonia's ears twitch forward as the music from her harp starts to take a darker turn and she moves into the chorus.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"They'll call him Death-Walker as he roams the night
He'll be an undead stalker, single-minded in sight
Little care for the living, he'll train day-by-day
And they'll call him Death-Walker..."

(Vixonia's eyes drift close as the music of the chorus echo out and fade away before returning to the main theme of her song.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"The ancient sage took time and thought on the request,
Gazing at the anxious mom who was his evening guest.
Would she be so pleased to really know what time foretold?
Could she bear the pain of what her baby's fate would hold?
He settled for a moment, gazed into the flickering flame
Nodded as he made his choice and spoke of her kit's fame."

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"Into darkened chaos like a spear thrown strong and true,
Your child will be guided to know just what to do.
Giving up the light, he will bear Tenemlor's spark,
And walk a shadowed path to protect us from the dark.
To move among undead shall be how his time is spent.
No light walker shall he be, but one with grim intent."

Vixonia trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"They'll call him Death-Walker as he roams the night
He'll be an undead stalker, single-minded in sight
Little care for the living, he'll train day-by-day
And they'll call him Death-Walker... "

(Vixonia gazes into the distance as her voice rings out and then fades away. After a brief pause, a chorus of notes drifts from her harp bringing her back to the present.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"Through many a grim battle his fearful mom would weep.
Deadly blows beat down upon him and still he kept his feet
It was supernatural how he never caved to death
He must have been god-touched as he always kept his breath
Too stubborn to lay down and die, his war hammer hit true
Even woefully outnumbered he stayed standing until through."

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"When Lyras came upon our lands, his mission became clear
To end this evil undead scourge was where his course would steer.
He would not flee to brave new lands, where surely he would die
Instead stayed behind the barrier and let out a battle cry
Ignoring pleading mother's cries, his purpose would not sway
But crunching through the undead bones he fiercely made his way."

(Vixonia concentrates on the tricky fingering that heralds the coming chorus.)

The sun rises in a crisp, clear blue sky, heralding another fine day.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"They called him Death-Walker as he roamed the night
He was an undead stalker, single-minded in sight
Little care for the living, he'd train day-by-day
And they called him Death-Walker..."

(Vixonia's eyes drift close as the final notes of her song drift eerily out over her audience to fade into silence.)

(Vixonia reopens her eyes and smiles softly as she tucks her harp under her arm and drops into a formal curtsy.)

Jadetiger lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Jadetiger applauds.

Vixonia grins sheepishly.

You rub your left eye.

Vixonia takes a seat.

You say, "It vos beautiful..."

Vixonia exclaims, "Thank you!"

Almiwey says, "It really was..."

Almiwey nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Vixonia says, "That one, my Aunt Nivenya wrote."

Vixonia exclaims, "And if any of you would like to retain and sing these songs to teach others of our history.. please do!"

Jadetiger says, "Really awesome."

Almiwey exclaims to Vixonia, "I was just about to ask about that!"

Vixonia exclaims, "I've been collecting them for pretty much as long as I've been alive!"

Vixonia says, "But then again... I was lucky to grow up in a family that wasn't quite as fractured after the exodus than most. So these were taught to me at an early age."

Almiwey nods to Vixonia.

Almiwey says to Vixonia, "You really were lucky..."

You say, "Truly..."

Vixonia exclaims, "I miss them, I really do. But I felt it was important to come back to the Crossing and learn more about folks in the East. So many interesting things here that I don't understand!"

You chuckle.

You say, "Can grow up in der East and not understand dese people."

Vixonia is giggling at you.

Jadetiger finishes playing a quiet battle song on her elaborate sonajero.

Vixonia asks you, "Will you play something for us?"

You nibble on your lip.

You fidget nervously.

Jadetiger says, "I was an orphan ... was adopted and raised by Olvi."

Vixonia angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Jadetiger.

Vixonia asks, "Olvi?"

You elbow Almiwey in the ribs in a playful sort of way.

Jadetiger says, "Well they have furry feet anyway."

Almiwey says to Jadetiger, "I grew up in Arthe Dale, actually..."

You ask Almiwey, "You two could be sisters?"

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

Jadetiger grins.

Jadetiger says, "Maybe."

Vixonia says, "Oh! The little ones! How fun. They seem like a merry bunch."

Jadetiger nods to Vixonia.

Jadetiger says, "They are very cheerful and kind."

Vixonia exclaims, "One started teaching me whistles the other day. Was fun!"

Jadetiger grins at Vixonia.

You catch Vixonia quietly whistling a mid-leveled, clear note to Jadetiger.

Jadetiger says, "They can do interesting things with smoke also."

Almiwey says, "I wasn't an orphan though, my parents are still alive but that nice Olvi couple took them in when they didn't have anywhere to go and didn't speak a word of Common..."

Vixonia puts her harp in her instrument case.

Jadetiger smiles at Almiwey.

Vixonia grins at Almiwey.

Jadetiger says, "Well Lasika let's hear you sing."

You rub your nose.

You say, "I don't haff any... Prydaen sonks..."

Vixonia says, "My folks are still alive too, just not a big fan of cities, so they chose not to journey with me."

Vixonia shrugs.

Jadetiger says, "Any song will do."

Vixonia exclaims, "Any song!"

Vixonia grins at Jadetiger.

You flail your arms about.

Vixonia nods in agreement.

You exclaim, "It's sad!"

You let out an exasperated, "Pbpbpb."

Vixonia says, "Ooh.. I'm a sucker for sad songs..."

You say, "So somevon has to sink a happy sonk after it..."

You pluck experimentally at the strings of your peregan ramkie. After a moment, you think maybe that it is slightly out of tune and flat.

Almiwey exclaims, "It's okay, I'll sing a silly weasel song after!"

Vixonia lets out a hearty cheer for Almiwey!

You frown.

You say, "I am bit out off tune..."

You shrug.

Almiwey asks you, "Want me to tune it for you?"

You offer your peregan ramkie to Almiwey, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Almiwey has accepted your offer and is now holding an intricately carved ramkie made of peregan wood.

Almiwey plucks at the strings of her peregan ramkie, listening intently.

Almiwey offers you an intricately carved ramkie made of peregan wood. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

You accept Almiwey's offer and are now holding an intricately carved ramkie made of peregan wood.

You ask, "Just like dat?"

You pluck experimentally at the strings of your peregan ramkie. After a moment, you think maybe that it is in perfect tune.

You beam at Almiwey!

You take in a great breath of air.

You say, "Okay..."

Almiwey smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You effortlessly begin a mournful ballad on your peregan ramkie, your heart swelling in pride at your hard-earned skill.

You solemnly sing in a sopranino voice:
"Vhen dere's no von to question vhere you've been all day
Vhy der vindows are closed, vhy you're cofered in hay
Vhen no von demands vhy you alvays smell like rum
Vhere der stains on your new clot'es came from
Dat's freedom...
Oh, dat's freedom"

You intently sing in a sopranino voice:
"Vhen dere's no von to vait up for you all night lonk
Because dey needed your warmt' and shoulder to cry on
Vhen dere's no von to rouse vhen you're turnink in bed
No von to pry and pry at der t'oughts in your head
Dat's freedom...
Oh, dat's freedom"

With consummate skill, you immerse yourself in a mournful ballad, merging the power of your lore and your instrument.

Karaagel Ormildr climbed up a tree trunk.

Vixonia shifts her weight.

You faintly sing in a sopranino voice:
"Vhen dere's no von to vorry about feedink dat veek
To get up and follow you, vhen you just haff to leaf
Vhen dere's no von to hold you and comb out your mane
And make you reliff your day ofer and ofer again
Dat's freedom...
Oh, isn't dat freedom?"

Continuing a mournful ballad on your peregan ramkie, you focus and let the music pour from your soul.

Vixonia's ears perk up happily.

You stutteringly sing in a sopranino voice:
"Vhen dere's no von to cry for vhen it gets too much
Vhen dere's no von fo-... vhen...
Vhen you've no von to quiet you vit' a single touch
Vhen dere's no von to kiss vhen you disembark
Vhen you've no von to t'ink off vhen you're bleedink in der dark...
Dat... dat's freedom...
Vell, I don't vant freedom..."

You breathe very slowly and deliberately, calming yourself.

Vixonia perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Niaura.

You see Bladesinger Niaura Shiabangail, Flora Sage, a Prydaen.
Niaura has an oval face with elegant arched eyebrows, slightly pointed ears, limpid cat-slitted eyes, one crystal blue and one crystal green and a small nose. Her strawberry-streaked blonde mane is shoulder length and wavy, and is worn loose, tucked behind her ears. She has creamy white fur with black points and silver rosettes, a slender tail and a svelte figure.
She is a bit over average height for a Prydaen.
She appears to be a bird-hunter.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a wicker duffel bag, a deep violet vela'tohr flower, a sandstone lockpick ring, a polished steel parry stick, an artisan's silver charm bracelet resembling a stylized vine, a lumpy bundle, a shadowling-shaped badge stamped "Leave me alone!", a small steel skinning knife with a leather-wrapped hilt, a diamond pin, a silver kyanite gwethdesuan, a silver jadeite gwethdesuan, a sharply serrated knife with a black leather hilt, a suede pouch, a sapphire eyebrow ring, a broadcloth duffel bag, a rugged oilcloth rucksack with leather straps, a white canvas sack, a delicate brass oak leaf anklet, a threadbare ankle pouch with faded black and white convict stripes, a length of moonsilk fabric, a pure white feathered cloak with a bird-shaped lapis lazuli clasp, a grey sharkskin cartographer's toolbag clasped with a brass compass rose, a delicate lapis lazuli pendant on a twisted elven silver chain, a dragon mouth orchid, an alabaster white pick, a supple warcat suede belt with an interlocking clasp of ivory fangs, a pale velvet herb pouch bound by a serpentine emerald viper and an ornate platinum brooch set with an orichalcum icosahedron.

Jadetiger applauds.

You nod.

With a tightly controlled technique, a mournful ballad flows from your peregan ramkie.

Jadetiger grins at Niaura.

You say, "I can't get der... last verse right. I alvays forget."

You trill softly at Niaura.

Vixonia applauds.

Jadetiger hugs you, and you give her a smile in return.

You nod to Ormildr.

Almiwey reaches over and grooms your ears for a moment, purring softly.

Your ears relax slightly as you gaze at Jadetiger contentedly.

You finish playing a mournful ballad on your peregan ramkie.

Vixonia grins at Ormildr.

Vixonia perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Niaura.

Jadetiger gets a sparkling red crystal rose from inside her traveler's pack.

Jadetiger offers you a sparkling red crystal rose. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

You angle your ears forward, gazing curiously at Jadetiger.

You accept Jadetiger's offer and are now holding a sparkling red crystal rose.

Almiwey says to you, "It really is a sad song..."

You sniff at your crystal rose and find that it has a sweet, subtle but somewhat artificial fragrance.

Jadetiger says, "A prize for you."

You put on a sparkling red crystal rose.

You chortle softly at some secret joke.

Jadetiger grins.

You say to Almiwey, "I am a sad person."

You say to Niaura, "T'ank you for comink."

Vixonia exclaims, "Welcome, newcomers! We've just been sharing songs and stories... some from our homeland... some just for fun!"

You say to Ormildr, "And you..."

Vixonia asks Almiwey, "So what was this about a weezle?"

You nod to Almiwey.

You ask, "Happy sonk, I hope?"

Jadetiger grins at Vixonia.

Almiwey says, "It's a silly song..."

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

Jadetiger says, "Weasel."

Almiwey stands up.

Vixonia flicks her tail at Jadetiger, giving her a baleful look.

Jadetiger giggles.

Almiwey recites:
"I will now sing Ode to the Weasel!"

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Someone told me, as a joke, surely,
That I should write a song,
About some little critters, very furry,
Weasels, as it is, I wonder now, was it wrong?"

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Agreed, these little fellows are sneaky,
But aren t they cute?
They re so soft and cuddly!
If anyone wants to hurt them, they re just a brute!"

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"I never really thought about weasels, myself,
Until I was told something rather embarrassing.
Apparently, as it turns out, I am just like a weasel.
Is that really something I should talk about? Or even sing?
I am cute but a fierce hunter, the man said himself."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"So! That being said About weasels now?
I wonder what can be told?
Surely these critters deserve a bow,
Something to acknowledge their place in the world."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Because if we didn t have weasels,
Who would hunt the rats and the mice?
For the innkeepers, they are such evils!
Scare the customers away, no need to think twice!"

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"So praise the weasels! Them fierce warriors, hunters of rats!
These valiant warriors that never give up!
Like us Prydaen, they ll hunt until their strength fails!
So was my man right, comparing me to their pup?
Cute and deadly is what he said, worth a few pats?"

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Ah! Nothing like me, the weasels are.
Much braver, much more majestic.
Where I cower, the weasels shine by far.
I have to agree then, they are fantastic."

You observe Almiwey with fascination.

Vixonia giggles.

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"So, this is my song about weasels."

Jadetiger gets a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne from atop a pale blue nubby woolen cloth.

Almiwey bows.

Vixonia lets out a hearty cheer for Almiwey!

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

You chortle softly at some secret joke.

You gaze into Almiwey's eyes and applaud her heartily.

Raising her Prydaen bloodwyne to Almiwey, Jadetiger gives her a toast.

Almiwey takes a seat near you.

You say, "Dat vos... different."

Jadetiger lets out a hearty cheer for Almiwey!

Vixonia exclaims, "Very fun... I liked it!"

Vixonia giggles.

You help yourself to a wine-soaked rat. Yum!

Ears tilted forward, Almiwey curls her tail around your waist loosely.

You dangle a wine-soaked rat by one of its front paws for a moment, then bite off its hind end, making the rat squeal in agony.

You pop the remaining half of a wine-soaked rat into your mouth, ignoring its death squeals to savor the warm, rich taste.

Almiwey exclaims, "I'm glad!"

Vixonia says, "I could sing a silly song I learned as a kit... or an even sillier song about smoochies..."

Jadetiger nods to Vixonia.

Vixonia gnaws on her lip.

You ask, "Bot'?"

Vixonia says, "Or a song about a mace..."

You say, "Smoochies first."

You fold your arms across your chest.

Jadetiger says, "Silly song."

Vixonia exclaims, "Okies! Smoochies it is!"

Vixonia stands up.

You grin ear-to-ear.

Almiwey reaches over and scratches behind your ears, purring happily.

Vixonia gets some small bardic blue tankards carved with the symbol of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order from inside her shoulder bag.

Vixonia blinks.

Vixonia puts her tankards in her instrument case.

Vixonia closes her instrument case.

Vixonia exclaims, "Wrong tankard!"

You chortle softly at some secret joke.

Vixonia gets a tall pewter tankard labeled "Bard Juice" from inside her shoulder bag.

Vixonia flips open the lid on her pewter tankard.

Almiwey says, "It's not a good sign when you have more than one..."

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

Vixonia guzzles down some of the rum in her tankard and then smacks her lips and wipes them with the back of one hand.

Jadetiger laughs!

Vixonia sighs happily.

Vixonia opens her instrument case.

Vixonia gets a smooth ebony lap harp carved with silver-painted crescent moons from inside her instrument case.

Vixonia says, "I'd like to sing the "Smoochie Song" by Zazu Turning'leaf."

(Vixonia grins over at you as she begins to play her harp in a very up beat 4/4 time. She settles down into a folksie melody as she begins her song.)

Vixonia cheerfully sings in a soprano voice:
"As a kit in my youth, I was terribly shy
(My littermates oft told me so)
But after my first smoochie
I was just the kit to know!"

(Vixonia taps her foot absently to the tempo created by the notes cascading from her harp. )

Vixonia teasingly sings in a soprano voice:
"But what is in a smoochie?
I often wonder on this.
If what he wants is a smoochie
What can I expect for a kiss?"

(Vixonia smacks her lips into a wry smile as she looks over the crowd, her music merges playfully with her words.)

Vixonia smiles as she winks at you knowingly.

Vixonia playfully sings in a soprano voice:
"So Smooch me here, smooch me there
Just be careful not to smooch up my hair!
Pucker your lips, for a soft gentle kiss
And smooch the nose you can't resist!!"

Vixonia smiles oddly as she wrinkles her nose and flips her mane over her shoulder.

Vixonia cheerfully sings in a soprano voice:
"Cuz everyone loves a smoochie!
(I get them all the time)
Oh everyone loves a smoochie!
Kick back and pass the wine!"

You cackle!

(Vixonia grins broadly as her fingers pause momentarily on her strings. Quickly, she drains some mulled wine from her tankard and picks up the beat on her harp.)

Vixonia slowly sings in a soprano voice:
"As smoochies come and smoochies go
I find them hard to compare.
Smoochies for friends and that special beau
I get smoochies from everywhere!"

(Vixonia winks at you playfully as she flicks her tail from side to side.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"When you find a perfect smoochie
One that you really want to keep
Hold on to the lad or lassie
And smooch them in their sleep!"

Vixonia smiles gently for a moment, her music slows before picking up again.

Vixonia's ears perk up happily.

Vixonia playfully sings in a soprano voice:
"So smooch me here, smooch me there
Just be careful not to smooch up my hair!
Pucker your lips, for a soft gentle kiss
And smooch the nose you can't resist!!"

Almiwey kisses you on the nose.

You swoon, your body falling to the ground in an ungracious, though quite dramatic, heap.

Vixonia smiles softly to herself and flips her mane over her shoulder again.

Vixonia wrinkles her nose.

Vixonia cheerfully sings in a soprano voice:
"Cuz everyone loves a smoochie!
(I get them all the time)
Oh everyone loves a smoochie!
Kick back and pass the wine!"

Vixonia's tail undulates lazily through the air.

(Vixonia blows a kiss to the audience and raises her tankard once again for a quick sip of her wine. )

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"One last thought on smoochies today
As they line up for one last kiss
Smoochies are fun in every way
Unless you happen to miss!"

(Vixonia winks playfully at you and smooches her harp before taking a graciously deep bow. )

Almiwey lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Jadetiger applauds.

You leap to your feet!

Almiwey exclaims, "That was adorable!!"

You gaze into Vixonia's eyes and applaud her heartily.

Vixonia flashes a wide grin.

Jadetiger lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Vixonia takes a seat.

Vixonia coils her tail, looping it loosely around her waist.

You sit down near Almiwey.

You break out in a silly grin.

Jadetiger asks, "Do you have a song Niaura?"

Vixonia flips the lid on her pewter tankard closed.

You nibble on Almiwey's nose playfully.

The short, brisk notes of Vixonia's chant zing with spectacular speed as she comes to a refrain of the main verse in her enchante.

Vixonia puts her tankard in her shoulder bag.

Almiwey's tail brushes you lightly, but it does nothing against your dense fur.

Jadetiger says, "Well that was delightful Vix."

You nod in agreement.

Vixonia says, "Or stories... or jokes! I love all of the above."

Vixonia emits a rumbling noise of contentment.

Vixonia exclaims, "And thank you!"

You say, "Jokes..."

You get a thoughtful expression on your face.

Niaura shakes her head.

Vixonia exclaims, "I'm a collector... love all of the above!"

Almiwey says, "I could tell a story about a murderous zither..."

You ask Almiwey, "Vot is dat von Nakori is alvays tryink to tell?"

Vixonia exclaims, "Oh yes please!"

You blink.

You ask, "Murderous... Zit'er?"

Almiwey says to you, "I'm not sure what joke you're talking about... Nakori isn't very good at telling jokes."

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

You say to Almiwey, "Dat is vot makes dem so fascinatink."

Jadetiger laughs!

Vixonia giggles.

Almiwey stands up.

Almiwey says, "Okay, so, this is a tale that I call The Zealous Zither..."

Almiwey says, "I really do need to get a zither though, that would make a lot of sense while telling the story... Oh well."

Jadetiger asks, "Scandalous sonajero?"

Almiwey exclaims, "Also, my husband gave it the alternate title of "The Adventures Of Hero McFancypants And The Mutant Killer Avenging Zither Of Ne er-Do-Well's Doom!"

Jadetiger giggles.

Almiwey says, "...don't ask..."

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

Almiwey clears her throat.

You squint at Almiwey.

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"The story begins, in all innocence,
With a simple man, a traveler of sorts,
Who left his homeland in search of fame,
And food and money, and a place to call home."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"The man traveled long and far,
Seeking, desperately, for the things he sought,
But he didn t know what it was,
He searched and searched, but was never satisfied."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"How fortunate he was on that day,
To find such a delicate instrument,
Lying on the side of the road, in the dirt.
A delicate zither, worn-out from the rain,
Abandoned, apparently, at the mercy of the elements.
It called out to him, spoke his name in his mind."

Vixonia angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Almiwey curiously sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Enthralled, the man picked it up.
It was just a zither, a simple instrument.
A simple instrument, a simple tool,
An object to be used in order to win his next meal."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"So, when in the next town he stopped at the inn,
He pulled out the zither and began to play,
A simple song, really, nothing fancy,
But everyone in the room stopped and listened."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"They tossed gold and platinum coins on his table!
They cheered and demanded more!
This was all the man had ever dreamed of!
The mysterious zither, somehow, made it all possible!"

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"So the man became known, through rumors and words,
Words reached the ears of kings and monarchs,
And the man was invited to the finest places,
Royal courts and lush palaces,
Places he never could have seen but in dreams,
But dreams, sadly, often turn into nightmares "

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"One night, one of many, while the man was sleeping,
In a fancy palace room, in silks and duvet pillows,
The guards came in and accused him of murder.
'Of murder??' the man asked in a daze."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Our sovereign was found dead in his chambers,
Strangled, with marks on his neck,
Twenty-four of them, to the count,
Twenty-four strings, like a zither! "

Jadetiger applauds.

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"In all innocence, the man fled,
Out the window, into the moat.
Why did he flee, he did not know.
Flee, FLEE! His mind kept on screaming."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"After that, it happened again.
And again. Not in every town,
Or in every castle, but some,
Murders caused by strings unknown!"

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"But always when the strings hit,
Always when the zither played,
Always, there was a shadow looming.
Always something dark lurking!"

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"The man and his zither,
They did not simply entertain
They studied, understood, saw !
Saw everything! Saw the evil
The despicable, oily truth,
Hiding behind every living soul."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

"If you live, you can be corrupted.
If you live, if you give in, you will be.
But if you believe, just for a moment,
That you can be redeemed."

Almiwey sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Then, maybe, the zither won't kill you."

Vixonia grins.

You give yourself a tight hug.

Almiwey bows.

You shudder.

Vixonia looks at Almiwey and applauds!

You say, "Neffer goink into der instrument shop again."

Jadetiger applauds.

Vixonia is giggling at you.

Almiwey says, "That was entirely fictional, by the way..."

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

Jadetiger giggles.

Almiwey takes a seat near you.

Almiwey rubs your head.

Jadetiger lets out a hearty cheer for Almiwey!

Vixonia takes a sip of her bloodwyne.

Vixonia's ears relax for a moment in obvious enjoyment.

Jadetiger begins to sing "Snowfire Beer".

Vixonia grins at Jadetiger.

Jadetiger grins at Vixonia.

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"Oh, as I sit and tune my strings
I'm asked why I never sing of love
of sweetheart's words close and dear
of kisses as soft as a dove..."

Vixonia holds a little mouse by the tail, dangling it above her briefly before dropping it into her mouth. It lets out a muffled squeak as Vixonia sinks her fangs into the tidbit then swallows it whole.

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"The requests would not cease
no matter how I protested.
So here and now I give in to the tease
and sing of my loves true and tested."

Vixonia licks her lips.

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"Snowfire beer and Jadewater sling
they are m'all and every thing.
Apricot nectar and Therengian mead
Fill my each and every need!"

You groan.

Jadetiger chuckles.

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"You may long for a lover's touch
her breath soft upon your ear,
but when the choice is up
I'll take a mug of snowfire beer!"

Vixonia lets out a hearty cheer for Jadetiger!

Almiwey giggles.

Vixonia guzzles down some of her bloodwyne and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.

You cover your ears with your hands.

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"Wildrose rhodomel, dark goblin grog
they set my heart and soul agog.
Llani's special rum, a shot of cider
send my spirit soaring higher."

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"You may wish for a maiden's grace
a dance to hold each other near,
but if you ask my best embrace
it's with a mug of snowfire beer!"

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"Corik's Cloud or Hangman's Noose
I hope they never cut me loose
Wine, be it red, white or peach
each gives me such sweet release!"

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"You may walk the green hand in hand
with your love so sweet and dear
me, I'll be exchanging wedding bands
with my mug of snowfire beer!"

Jadetiger sings in a soprano voice:
"Oh, Jadewater sling, mead hot and bold
they bring me such sweet sorrow
but it's my snowfire beer, sweet and cold
that I'll be waking up with on the morrow!"

Jadetiger says, "Thought it might make Ormildr feel more at home ... it is a bit more dwarven."

Jadetiger pats Ormildr on the back.

Vixonia grins.

You pant.

Almiwey says, "It's such a silly song..."

You trill softly at Jadetiger.

Jadetiger chuckles.

Vixonia exclaims, "It makes me thirsty!"

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

You say, "Hits a bit too close to home..."

You shift uneasily, gazing fixedly at your claws.

Jadetiger grins at Vixonia.

Almiwey rubs you gently, massaging your sore muscles.

Vixonia says, "Here's one that's fun for folks who like using heavy weapons rather than fighting tooth and claw..."

Jadetiger grins at Vixonia.

Vixonia playfully says, "This is a little ditty for you wielders of blunt weaponry: "A Grazing Mace"."

Vixonia firmly sings in a soprano voice:
"A grazing mace, how sweet the sound,
That felled my foe for me.
I bashed his head, he struck the ground,
And thus came victory."

Jadetiger laughs!

Vixonia matter-of-factly sings in a soprano voice:
"My mace has taught, my foes to fear,
That mace my fear relieved.
How precious did, my mace appear,
When I my mace received."

Jadetiger falls to the ground laughing hysterically!

Vixonia confidently sings in a soprano voice:
"Through many tourneys, wars and faires,
I have already come.
My mace has brought me, safe thus far,
My mace will bring me home."

Vixonia confidently sings in a soprano voice:
"The king has promised, good to me,
His word my hope secures.
I will his shield, and weapon be,
When he gives me my spurs."

Vixonia confidently sings in a soprano voice:
"And when my mace, my foeman nails,
That mortal strife shall cease.
And we'll possess, within our pale,
A life of joy and peace."

You give a rueful grin.

Jadetiger applauds.

You say, "Vot a nice melody..."

Jadetiger giggles.

Vixonia loudly sings in a soprano voice:
"A grazing mace, how sweet the sound,
That flattened a wretch like thee!
Whose head is flat, that once was round,
Done in by my mace...and me!"

Vixonia firmly sings in a soprano voice:
"A grazing mace, how sweet the sound,
That smites a foe like thee.
You're left there lying, on the ground,
You've left the field to me!"

Vixonia lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

You giggle.

Almiwey says, "Well that was something..."

You gaze into Vixonia's eyes and applaud her heartily.

Vixonia giggles at Almiwey.

Almiwey lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

Vixonia exclaims, "That was actually written by a dwarf... from what I was told!"

Almiwey says, "I would have guessed... Either Dwarf or Gor'tog."

Almiwey asks, "Oh, before I forget, does any of you know how to throw their voices and that can teach me how?"

You perk up your ears happily as you gaze at Vixonia.

Jadetiger says, "I love that one!!!! I was memorizing it."

Vixonia says, "Thirsty work, this singing is."

Vixonia shakes her head.

Jadetiger says, "I never learned to throw my voice."

Almiwey produces a muffled snap with the pads of her furry fingers.

Vixonia says, "Nor I."

A dark hole says, "Its so dark in here"

A pale blue nubby woolen cloth says, "Nor I."

You blink.

Vixonia giggles.

You squint at a dark hole.

Vixonia exclaims, "Well, obviously someone has!!"

Almiwey says, "I need to find a fellow guildmate to teach me, since I can't go to Shard to learn it from the guildleader there..."

You nervously say, "Please tell me you heard dat."

Vixonia nods to you.

You relax your ears for a moment, letting them sag slightly.

Jadetiger laughs!

A woven basket on a lifesculpted ironwood sideboard asks, "Hear what?"

Jadetiger giggles.

Almiwey hums to herself.

A gilded birdcage on a lifesculpted ironwood sideboard exclaims, "Let me out!"

Jadetiger asks, "Can you teach it Lasika?"

Vixonia exclaims, "I don't think have the skills to learn it yet.. but perhaps sometime soon!"

Jadetiger giggles.

You ask, "Vhen did Niaura fall in der hole?"

Jadetiger asks, "Did she?"

You blink at Niaura.

You say, "I guess not."

You rub your left eye.

Jadetiger says, "I think she just fell asleep."

You say, "Startink to see t'inks again..."

Jadetiger says, "Our music was so soothing."

Jadetiger says, "Or boring."

You say, "Soot'ink."

Jadetiger giggles.

You nod to Jadetiger.

Almiwey says, "There's a lullaby I could sing, if everyone else wants to fall asleep..."

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

Vixonia says, "One sec...."

You get a thick corduroy donut wrapped up in pink silk icing studded with sprinkles from inside your traveler's pack.

You lie down and make yourself comfortable, snuggling up to a thick corduroy donut wrapped up in pink silk icing studded with sprinkles with a contented sigh.

Jadetiger grins at Almiwey.

You thoughtfully say, "And, no. I don't know how to teach anyt'ink, I don't t'ink..."

Almiwey holds a little mouse by the tail, dangling it above her briefly before dropping it into her mouth. It lets out a muffled squeak as Almiwey sinks her fangs into the tidbit then swallows it whole.

Vixonia's chant soars through the air like the ringing cry of a wild hawk as she comes to a high point in her song.

Jadetiger says, "Well this has been great fun ... but I must say goodnight."

Your ears droop for a moment as you gaze sadly at Jadetiger.

Jadetiger beams at you! What a warm feeling!

You hug Jadetiger who gives you a smile in return.

Jadetiger hugs you, and you give her a smile in return.

You say to Jadetiger, "T'ank you for comink."

Almiwey exclaims, "Awww, but I didn't even sing my lullaby!"

Jadetiger waves.

Vixonia waves to Jadetiger.

Jadetiger hugs Almiwey, who wraps her arms around Jadetiger with a warm smile.

You rub Almiwey's head.

Vixonia says, "Sorry, I was lost in thoughts there for a moment."

Jadetiger says, "Another evening."

Jadetiger just hugged Vixonia.

Almiwey exclaims to Jadetiger, "Take care!"

Vixonia hugs Jadetiger, getting a smile in return.

You say to Jadetiger, "If you're sleepink here, careful vhen you vake up... you might fall."

Almiwey hugs Jadetiger, getting a smile in return.

Jadetiger stands up.

Instrumentalist Jadetiger climbed down a tree trunk.

Vixonia says to Almiwey, "And I'd love to hear your lullaby."

You take a sip of the water.

You nod to Almiwey.

Almiwey says, "Well, I wasn't really being serious..."

Almiwey chuckles.

Vixonia exclaims, "I am!"

Almiwey says, "It's just something I wrote to put my kits to sleep..."

You say to Almiwey, "Your voice is as beautiful as you are."

You catch Almiwey's eye, smile slowly, and begin flirting with her. Smiling demurely, she gives you her full attention.

Almiwey's eyelids droop slightly as she utters a low, affectionate trill at you.

Almiwey says, "Buuut I guess I can still sing it..."

Almiwey gets a square butternut ramkie with a polished femur neck from inside her pure white backpack.

Your ears relax slightly as you gaze at Almiwey contentedly.

Vixonia perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Almiwey.

Almiwey effortlessly begins a quiet lullaby on her butternut ramkie, her eyes sparkling with pride at her hard-won skill.

Almiwey quietly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Good night, little star,
Until tomorrow, when the sun rises,
No nightmares, no surprises,
Shall ever reach this far."

Almiwey quietly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Sleep well, little star,
May your dreams be filled with wonders,
With magic, and never before seen colors,
And a landscape, perfect, without a scar."

Almiwey quietly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"Sweet dreams, little star,
Across the sky, millions of you shine,
But you are unique, you are mine,
See how important you are!"

(Lasika settles back, sucking her thumb.)

Almiwey quietly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"All the stars in the sky shine brightly,
None brighter than when you first smiled,
Never brighter than you, my child,
So sleep well, sleep soundly."

Almiwey quietly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:
"I will keep you safe, always."

You purr loudly at Almiwey, a hint of your voice creeping into the sound.

Vixonia emits a rumbling noise of contentment.

Vixonia applauds.

Almiwey smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Vixonia says, "Can I sing you a song my mum wrote? She sang it to me when I was just a kit."

Almiwey finishes playing a quiet lullaby on her butternut ramkie.

Almiwey exclaims, "Please!"

You nod emphatically.

You say, "My mot'er neffer sank for me..."

Vixonia exclaims, "I have a big brother... he and I used to dance around her when she sang this. So much fun!"

Vixonia playfully says, "'A Hunt!' by my mother, Fayeza Alcalem. She used to sing this with me when I was just a kit."

Vixonia smiles softly as her eyes sparkle with the memory. She gives you a wink as she starts to sing.

Vixonia cheerfully sings in a soprano voice:
"Stretch your limbs!
Prepare to fight!
We're going on a hunt tonight!"

Vixonia perks up her ears, glancing around alertly.

Vixonia happily sings in a soprano voice:
"We'll jump! We'll climb!
We'll run real swift!
The rush of wind, our souls will lift."

You break out in a silly grin.

You say, "Definitely not a lullaby..."

Vixonia flicks one ear back as though listening for something.

Vixonia cautiously sings in a soprano voice:
"Then crouching, waiting,
Ears tilted back,
We'll watch until it's time to act."

Vixonia enigmatically sings in a soprano voice:
"Then stalk and sneak,
And pounce! And leap!
Our prey goes down without a peep!"

Vixonia teasingly sings in a soprano voice:
"Against loud roars,
They'll have no luck!
And from my claws they cannot duck!"

Vixonia witheringly sings in a soprano voice:
"Claw and fang,
We'll prove our might!
Our mamas will be proud alright!"

Vixonia's ears stand up proudly for a moment.

Vixonia excitedly sings in a soprano voice:
"So stand up tall!
Prepare to fight!
We're going on a hunt tonight!

We're going on a hunt! Tonight!"

(Vixonia grins playfully and bobs a quick curtsy as her song ends.)

Almiwey applauds.

You blow Vixonia a kiss.

Almiwey exclaims, "What a fun song!"

Vixonia says, "And no... that one never put us to bed with that one."

Vixonia giggles.

You cackle!

Vixonia blinks.

You say to Almiwey, "I am teachink dat von to your kits."

Almiwey says to you, "Sure, as soon as you finally drop by Silverclaw to meet them..."

Almiwey sticks out her tongue at you and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from her lips!

(Vixonia gazes into her bloodwine and then stretches her mouth funny, trying to make it work properly.)

You turn to Almiwey and teasingly stick your tongue out at her.

You observe Vixonia with fascination.

Vixonia giggles.

You get a fan-tailed warbler from atop a pale blue nubby woolen cloth.

You viciously tear the wings off the warbler, discard them and slowly peel the feathers and skin away from the legs, revealing fresh meat. You sink your fangs into the deliciously moist meat and swallow several chunks of meat as the creature shrieks painfully.

You dig into the warbler's flesh, going after the tender portions under the feathers while avoiding its thrashing beak and feet.

Vixonia grins at you.

Vixonia says, "It's nice to be around those that don't find my eating habbits disturbing again."

You nod in agreement.

Vixonia says, "I have a dear friend who just refuses to watch me eat."

You say, "Dat vos anot'er reason to come here..."

Vixonia sighs dramatically.

Almiwey says, "There are a lot of people like that, actually..."

Vixonia giggles.

You say, "I heard dere are Prydeans in Crossink dat don't effen eat meat anymore..."

You ponder.

You say, "At least not squirmink t'inks."

You pop the remaining pieces of a fan-tailed warbler into your mouth, savoring the tasty meal. Afterward, you pluck a few stray feathers from your mouth.

Almiwey says, "Whenever you find yourself in a place full of people, there's always one or two who'll cringe when you eat a live mouse..."

You say to Almiwey, "Der least messiest off foods."

Vixonia nods to Almiwey.

You roll your eyes.

Almiwey nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Vixonia says, "They don't seem to mind raw fish thought... I've found that it's acceptable to most."

You say, "But ve're supposed to nod and smile vhen dey get cream all ofer deir face from deir cakes..."

You say to Vixonia, "Fish can't scream."

Vixonia laughs!

Vixonia exclaims, "I can't help it... I do like cake from time to time!"

Vixonia says, "One of the best things from the east if you ask me."

Almiwey says, "I know a few Prydaens who quite enjoy cake..."

Vixonia shifts uneasily, gazing fixedly at her claws.

Vixonia exclaims, "It doesn't take the place of a warm juicy meal... but it's nice!"

You say, "I like cake. But I try not to get cream and icink all ofer my vhiskers."

You ask, "Just as I try not to let blood run down my chin... vhy vaste it?"

Vixonia nods.

Almiwey hums to herself.

You snuggle up to Almiwey.

Almiwey exclaims, "And eating live things doesn't mean that we have to be messy about it!"

Vixonia asks, "Have you guys heard about the ball tomorrow night?"

You tilt your head with a curious expression.

You ask, "Ball?"

Vixonia exclaims, "The order of Apostles is having a costume ball tomorrow night. I think it should be fun!"

Almiwey exclaims, "Ooo, yes! I forgot... I wanted to look for a mask for it today!"

You say to Almiwey, "Better start soon, der shops vill close... or most off dem already haff."

Vixonia exclaims, "I don't have a mask.. but I do have a costume. Fun masks are harder to find than I expected!"

Almiwey says, "I have a squirrel costume..."

Almiwey says, "But I'd rather wear a nice dress and a fancy mask. I have like, half a dozen gowns that I never even wore because I never get the occasion."

Almiwey grins, revealing her dimples.

Vixonia exclaims, "I'm going to be a swan princess. I always wanted to be a princess!"

Almiwey says, "Ooo..."

You say, "I don't really haff anyt'ink... just dis chmir."

You show Vixonia your sleek chmir.

Cut to flatter the feminine form, the sleek Musparan silk has been dyed a rich shade of green, reminiscent of a sun-dappled forest glade. Both sides of the tunic-styled dress have been left open for ease of movement and a woven belt of raw silk secures the garment with a white gold faiyka clasp.

Vixonia makes a rumbling noise of contentment in your direction.

You say, "Ruea gafe it to me vhen I vos haffink a bad day."

Vixonia exclaims, "It's lovely!"

You nod in agreement.

Almiwey says, "It is very pretty..."

Vixonia guzzles down some of her bloodwyne and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.

Vixonia exclaims, "I'm getting sleepy... I'm afraid that it's about time for me to dash off!"

You say to Vixonia, "Vhere did you come from, anyvay... oh."

You say, "Next time den."

You grin.

Vixonia exclaims, "It's been lovely meeting you all!"

You trill softly at Vixonia.

You nod in agreement.

Almiwey exclaims, "Thank you for all the fun songs!"

Almiwey just hugged Vixonia.

Vixonia says, "I hope we do this again! I do have another prydaen song I haven't shared... so maybe next time."

You say, "I need to make a follow-up to dat smoochies sonk..."

Vixonia hugs Almiwey, who wraps her arms around Vixonia with a warm smile.

Vixonia hugs you, and you give her a smile in return.

Vixonia stands up.

You stand back up.

You muster a quick hand salute to Vixonia by bringing two fingers to your brow.

Vixonia trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

You say to Vixonia, "Rad vut arfuse raizetawt."

You say, "Dat is... Rakash. For 'don't vorry'."

Vixonia flashes a quick grin.

Almiwey exclaims to Vixonia, "Sleep well, and stay safe!"

Vixonia exclaims, "Safe travels!"

Vixonia exclaims, "May Eu keep you safe!"

You relax your ears for a moment, letting them sag slightly.

Vixonia climbed down a tree trunk.

Ears tilted forward, Almiwey curls her tail around your ankles loosely.

You say to Almiwey, "Ve should check der plaza for you..."

You say to Niaura, "T'ank you for comink..."

You perk up your ears happily.

Almiwey nods to you.

Almiwey stands up.

You say to Ormildr, "I hope it vos a little educatink. I am sorry you missed der first few sonks."

You join Almiwey's group.

You raise two fingers to your brow in a quick hand salute.

You say, "I suppose dat wraps it up for today."

Almiwey says, "We'll need to find a way to rally more people next time..."

Almiwey rubs your head.

You say to Almiwey, "Vorkink on it."

Almiwey exclaims, "It was still fun though!"

You say, "Maybe less Asketi infadink Shard vill help, too."

Almiwey nods to you.

Almiwey says, "There may have been too many things happening at once..."

Almiwey exclaims, "Okay, off to the market!"

Almiwey waves.

You wave.

Almiwey's group climbed down a tree trunk.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
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