Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/26/2015 07:42 AM CDT
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Inspired by the conversation over within the Prydaen folder, I was curious why folks here picked a Rakash?

I had a Rakash long, long ago, and I'm returning to the game and still haven't picked my race. I don't really remember why I picked Rakash in detail, just that it was a newer race and I wanted something different. I was a Rakash Trader, which in retrospect was a really odd choice.

Rakash are the least popular race, any thoughts as to why?
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/26/2015 08:03 AM CDT
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Most recently, I picked Rakash because I knew I wanted to play Moon Mage and I thought the connection to Katamba was a natural lead-in to my character becoming interested in learning more about the moons and astrology. I also like the character concept of my Rakash turning to expertise outside the pack to understand more about himself.

The first Rakash I played (like a friggin' decade ago), I can't remember if I picked the race because of the guild or vice versa. I either wanted to play a Paladin, and the concept of a Rakash working to learn to defend others (in his pack) appealed to me, or I wanted to play a Rakash dedicated to the defense of his pack, and Paladin was a natural fit.

I was thinking about the relative lack of popularity for Rakash. I think part of it is that it is a newer race, and a lot of characters have been around for a long time, but that argument gets less convincing as the years wear on. Another thing that I think, though, is that a lot of people that want to play an "animal race" will gravitate toward Prydaen, since they're fuzzy all the time. Rakash are seldom hairy, so most of the time we're just weird humans.

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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/26/2015 09:33 AM CDT
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>>Rakash are the least popular race, any thoughts as to why?

Because the change between human/moonskin happening at the wrong time can ruin your day.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/26/2015 10:17 AM CDT
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>> Rakash are the least popular race, any thoughts as to why?

The change in general ruins my day. I have a Rakash that I enjoy playing (not currently active though) but I would vastly prefer it if the change were a time-manageable decision on my part rather than forced; or possibly both options together. I know this is a thematic issue, and by no means am I suggesting it be changed to appease my preference; just offering some explanation to why they might not be that popular.


Kneebiter Zhunee just arrived.
Zhunee glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."
Kneebiter Zhunee runs west.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/26/2015 10:35 AM CDT
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It used to be a bigger deal than it is now, but it's still a pain. Highlighting the messaging helps a bit so that way you can clear out of combat before the stun.


The change and the penalties to mental stats are likely a big reason why some people pick races other than Rakash.

>why did you pick Rakash?

I was playing around the time of the race introduction (an Elf at that time) and was intrigued by it. I made my first Rakash around then and really enjoyed it. The idea of a race that is better in a group than in the singular sounded fantastic to me, being that many in DR are solo players both then and even to this day. The group mentality along with the tradition of vocal history and lore made me first pick the race, and although I walked that first character long ago, I still have a few Rakash on my character roster to this day.

Over the years, some of the more RP-focused Rakash players have left the game for one reason or another but I have faith that they'll either return or others will step up to fill the vacancy. Until then, I will continue to run the Rakash pack that I've run for years and promote the race to the best of my abilities.

You say to Tathalus, "Have you ever tried to clean a troll den? The smell sticks around for years to come."
Liev says, "That is my cue to leave."
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/27/2015 02:36 PM CDT
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As a player, I picked Rakash because I have always liked their lore and I had a character concept at the time that I felt best fit with the race. I dug moonskin despite the completely unpleasant things that could come from not paying attention to the moons well enough to prep for it back then, and I sort of enjoyed the idea of being a not-quite-standard werewolf-ish creature. I like to think of them as werehumans, actually.

As a GM, there are things I want to help flesh out more, and I'd really like to help make Rakash seem like an attractive choice to more players. My other duties have sort of snowballed over the years, and I haven't gotten as much implemented in my plans as I've wanted to so far, but it's all being plugged away at still! Hopefully relatively soon I'll have a few more bits ready for you all.

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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/27/2015 04:21 PM CDT
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>As a GM, there are things I want to help flesh out more, and I'd really like to help make Rakash seem like an attractive choice to more players. My other duties have sort of snowballed over the years, and I haven't gotten as much implemented in my plans as I've wanted to so far, but it's all being plugged away at still! Hopefully relatively soon I'll have a few more bits ready for you all.

I probably speak for the majority of us Rakash players when I say: We're patient folks. The fact that anything is being done at all, planned or otherwise, is a relief and very welcomed.

You say to Tathalus, "Have you ever tried to clean a troll den? The smell sticks around for years to come."
Liev says, "That is my cue to leave."
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/27/2015 04:29 PM CDT
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As a player I was drawn to Rakash because I like werewolves.

I later had the inevitable moment of horror when realizing Rakash coloration is modeled after domesticated dogs instead of wolves. Then someone told me that it was possible to make Calico Prydaen and a sort of grim balance was achieved in the world.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Calvino Italo
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/27/2015 05:34 PM CDT
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> I later had the inevitable moment of horror when realizing Rakash coloration is modeled after domesticated dogs instead of wolves.

I made a silver-backed jackal with no problem.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/28/2015 08:09 PM CDT
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So some observations.

The relationship with Katamba would be an interesting area to explore more in game, and I don't think it would take the same level of time committment that other ideas (changing the control over transforming) would.

I agree that if you want an "animal race" the S'kra Mur or Prydean are more your thing, so the Rakash are odd sometimes hair humans ... with some attribute bonuses and minuses that I don't think really attract a lot of people.

What Guild wants the bonus to Stamnia, but doesn't want the bonus to Strength that favors Gor'Togs. Discipline and Reflexes? Seem like niche attributes. And the hit to mentals ...

I'm curious if anyone thinks that the Rakash racial bonuses does lead into a synergy with one of more Guilds?

But my Rakash is a Rakash Bard, so that makes no sense.

What factors play into how bad moonskin hits? I found that with my Rakash I've sometimes gotten to the point where it can hit during hunting and I'm not actually automatically dead.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/28/2015 08:10 PM CDT
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>>>As a GM, there are things I want to help flesh out more, and I'd really like to help make Rakash seem like an attractive choice to more players. My other duties have sort of snowballed over the years, and I haven't gotten as much implemented in my plans as I've wanted to so far, but it's all being plugged away at still! Hopefully relatively soon I'll have a few more bits ready for you all.

>>I probably speak for the majority of us Rakash players when I say: We're patient folks. The fact that anything is being done at all, planned or otherwise, is a relief and very welcomed.

Let me second this. A lot.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/28/2015 08:31 PM CDT
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>> What factors play into how bad moonskin hits? I found that with my Rakash I've sometimes gotten to the point where it can hit during hunting and I'm not actually automatically dead.

That got me thinking... Do Rakash have a mechanism to predict how soon before Katamba will be full? If not, they should.


Kneebiter Zhunee just arrived.
Zhunee glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."
Kneebiter Zhunee runs west.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/28/2015 08:49 PM CDT
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There's a warning now before it happens, but you can't really check manually unless you also happen to be a moon mage. Jewelery that shows the phases of the moons exist and having one for Katamba is nice on a Rakash.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/28/2015 09:04 PM CDT
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I think it'd be very nice (and reasonable) to give Rakash a vague sense. Maybe add to HOWL KATAMBA, when the Rakash is not in Moonskin, that does something like this...

When the next full Katamba is more than 6 real-life hours (one Elanthian day) away:
>howl katamba
You raise your head and yearn for your true form, sensing it will be some time before your next transformation.

When the next full Katamba is less than 6 real-life hours (one Elanthian day) away:
>howl katamba
You raise your head and yearn for your true form, sensing that your next transformation will come sometime today.

When the next full Katamba is less than 1 real-life hour (two anlaen) away:
>howl katamba
You raise your head and yearn for your true form, sensing that your next transformation is imminent.

The language is obviously up for modification; it's just what I came up with off the top of my head. In any case, I think it stands to reason that a race that turns to werewolves once every month or so would develop a natural means to predict a general time of their next transformation.


Kneebiter Zhunee just arrived.
Zhunee glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."
Kneebiter Zhunee runs west.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/29/2015 12:16 AM CDT
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I like this immensely.

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/29/2015 08:28 AM CDT
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How does this compare to the jewelry and its ability to track Katamba? I would think even if it is important for a Rakash to know the phases of the moon, doesn't mean they have a supernatural link to its phases.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/29/2015 08:30 AM CDT
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A+! Improves quality of life, already thematically fits, vague enough that it's not Moon Mage moon sense. Great idea!

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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/29/2015 08:32 AM CDT
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>>doesn't mean they have a supernatural link to its phases.

I agree, but your character is, presumably, alive and kickin' even when you're not playing, so I see this as an educated guess. If I were a werewolf IRL, I think I'd pay attention to the waxing and waning of the moon and know roughly when the full moon was coming.

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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/29/2015 08:34 AM CDT
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It could make sense in a "You can feel your body beginning the smallest bits of changes" kind of way. Like getting tingly in the mouth after you eat something containing something you're allergic to.

Maybe not super precise, but enough to know when to be ready for it.

- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 06/29/2015 08:40 AM CDT
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>> I would think even if it is important for a Rakash to know the phases of the moon, doesn't mean they have a supernatural link to its phases.

Well... they... do have a supernatural link to Katamba's phases. Like... when it's full, they turn into werewolves, so...

>> How does this compare to the jewelry and its ability to track Katamba?

I actually don't have any of the jewelry to know how it compares; my intention however was to make the innate Rakash detection sense vague, so that there's still a reason for them to want to acquire said jewelry. So, however the Rakash sense works, it should be less specific than other means that already exist. In my opinion.


Kneebiter Zhunee just arrived.
Zhunee glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."
Kneebiter Zhunee runs west.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 07/01/2015 09:02 PM CDT
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Is anyone familiar with either Glenn Duncan's The Last Werewolf trilogy or Brian McGreevy's Hemlock Grove, which got turned into a miniseries? Much more of a fan of Duncan's trilogy, which is using profanity and obscenities every other word, but it touches better on the "twitchy" sense of the werewolf before transformation, the growing hunger of the world, etc.

The problem is that the Rakash aren't transforming into wild animals, they are returning to their true selves. They are cursed or fallen in Human form. But every indication is that the Rakash in moonskin were fully capable of building a major civilization or culture, not just running around crazed in the woods. So what is unique about the moonskin? Just "Gee, it's great to be hairy again!"?

I recognize the desire was perhaps meant to be counter to typical tropes, but just leaves me a little confused as to the mental state of a Rakash in human form versus moonskin. What's so unique about moonskin anyway?

In some ways, Rakash have been cursed twice. Cast out of their moonskin, with a few exceptions, and then cast out of their homelands. Would expect a race of the clinically depressed.
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Re: Why did you pick Rakash? on 07/02/2015 12:54 AM CDT
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For my own Rakash, I've played it as... not "it's great to be hairy again" but "it's great to look like myself again." Like, the week after a really horrible haircut, you cringe every time you look in the mirror, or you're incredibly self-conscious about it every time you go out in public. You know that you just don't look right, and it's unsettling. It's hard not to think about, hard not to stretch your hand up and pat your hair, as if checking that yup, it still looks awful, and people can still see it, yup.

That's just what I've done, myself. I know at least a few Rakash who RPed that the whole furry thing was just an awkward frustration. There's a lot of room for RP in what's unique about moonskin.
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