Titles on 08/01/2003 10:25 AM CDT
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Will it be possible at some point for us to earn insignia's, emblems, badges, et cetra from our Guild Leaders to wear to actually have IC reason for titles. Just a thought, as when the craft skill splits and jobs come out, I intend to do everything within my power to either earn the craftsmen title or shield crafter (maker) , should they ever be allowed to exist.

The shield crafter
Harome, until our next encounter
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Titles for the needy on 09/20/2004 04:13 PM CDT
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Any plans for us getting any new titles soon? Seems like something simple and much anticipated. I sent a list of potential suggestions a while back... I don't have them saved I don't think, but I'm sure I could send a list again if need be(though it probably wouldn't be exactly the same... most of those were off the top of my head).

Anyway... any updates on this would be appreciated.

Thank ya
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Re: Titles for the needy on 09/20/2004 09:30 PM CDT
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Hi there,

It's doubtful there will be any new Ranger titles added in the foreseeable future. We somewhat recently added some in that became available with the 100th circle celebration in prime. The next new thing with titles will probably be a system-wide skill based type thing that's been talked about - perhaps with careers. Until something has been released with those, please don't hold out hope for other new Ranger titles.

Sorry to be the bearer of not so good news,
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Re: Titles for the needy on 09/20/2004 10:58 PM CDT
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any way the play.net website could be updated with the new titles? i'll never be able to have one, but it'd be cool to just see em there.


"i'm no good at small talk! watch! ask me how the weather is!" "how's the wea--" "JEFF!"
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Re: Titles for the needy on 09/21/2004 08:09 AM CDT
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Update barbs at the same time ::runs::

I am --- Navak
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Ranger Titles on 02/14/2006 08:15 AM CST
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>beseech edahla to change a Ranger Title

You stretch your arms out to the sky and chant,

"Mother Edahla! Hear my Plea!"
"Make a title work for we!"
"Please allow us that are Magess' to also be Nature Magess'"
"Help make a change to to last all the agess?"

We can be Huntress and Magess, Clubswoman, Swordswoman, Bladeswoman, Axewoman can we also be Nature Magess, as it stands now all we can be is a Nature Mage. Any help to change that would be much appreciated!

-kivi, Nature Magess!!!
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Re: Ranger Titles on 02/21/2006 06:13 PM CST
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Hi there!

I'll pass the suggestion along to the one in charge of all things title related :)

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Titles on 05/12/2006 01:00 AM CDT
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I was just wondering, I noticed some other guilds getting titles. Is there any plans for us getting a bunch of titles added/released? From the looks of the warmie guild, it seems to be a really quick and easy process now.

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Titles? on 06/29/2006 04:57 AM CDT
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Thanks for the response to my last post about the animal paths Daethar!

One more question, since it seems like other guilds (WM and Barb...traders down the pike, iirc) are stocking up on their titles, are there any plans in the near or very near future (post-soon) for Rangers? We've suggested plenty over the year, and I'm sure we could suggest more if necessary.
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Re: Titles? on 06/29/2006 06:47 AM CDT
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There "was" no immediate plans for this, but Ill take a lookie and see whats what.



When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. -- Albert Einstein
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Titles on 08/20/2007 09:13 PM CDT
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Is there a standard by which you decide if a title is in the guild's category (like Trailmaster) or in another category but requiring a guild only skill or ability (like Tree Hugger)?
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