Beseeches on 02/01/2005 05:26 AM CST
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Edahla, is there any chance of letting Tomma tell us what beseeches we qualify when we go ask her? IE like we do when we ask any guildleader about magic? It doesnt make a lot of sense to me to make us play the syntax puzzle game with her just to learn where we need to go to learn the darn things.

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Re: Beseeches on 02/02/2005 08:07 PM CST
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Hi there,

I agree that it would be nice since you need to know the name of the beseech in order to ask about it. I'll look into this and see what I can do :)

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Beseeches on 03/21/2006 11:21 AM CST
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I have a few more ideas for some Beseeches, but we are pretty good with them right now, I believe. However, the Nature's Pool system is something I want to put in place, too. There is no timeframe on when this will be done, but it is up there in my personal preference list.

This is from Paklin's post back in October. I was just wondering how many rangers actually agree with his assessment of the current status of beseeches?

I personally believe that beseeches should take precedence over the spell review. We need to one get a firm stance on what place beseeches have in our guild. With the upcoming additional of the nature pool, rangers are going want to start using the beseeches more often, and what's the point of adding natures pool if the system will just go unused?

So first things first. What's the actually definition of a beseech? What are it's limitations? What type of penalties must be associated with it? Is it allowed boost skills? If so is it allowed to reach global caps?

Da Madd Webba aka Da Truth aka too Real for TV

You might as well pay attention since your behind can't afford free speech

Denial is not just a river in Egypt!"....

I'm like a pee stained mattress, don't sleep on me!
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Beseeches on 09/03/2007 09:49 AM CDT
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Forgot in the first post, but what are the conditions of beseeches as well and how is that coming along.. AND EVERYTHING else you guys can share.

"So like I said, don't take it personally. All cultures have their share of fools. It's just that we always felt yours had a lot more than ours."
~~Warrior Mage Guild Leader Senfrislor, The Prydaen in Their Own Words~~
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