Skinning on 05/05/2003 10:35 AM CDT
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Any ETA on when skinning is gonna get fixed Raenek?

Gotta start my training for the Kaith Kirm, and it would be SO much easier if you would flip the little switch and fix it.


-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia

"Back off man, I'm a scientist."
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Re: Skinning on 05/05/2003 04:32 PM CDT
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<<Any ETA on when skinning is gonna get fixed Raenek?>>

Skinning is working just as it was intended to work. No major resources will be dedicated towards it in the near future.



For a start take two Grant Harts and call me when you die.
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Skinning Rewrite? on 03/29/2006 01:52 PM CST
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Will Rangers be losing arrange? What is the scope of the proposed changes? Will rangers still be the number one at skinning?

Da Madd Webba aka Da Truth aka too Real for TV

You might as well pay attention since your behind can't afford free speech

Denial is not just a river in Egypt!"....

I'm like a pee stained mattress, don't sleep on me!
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Re: Skinning Rewrite? on 03/29/2006 02:45 PM CST
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<<Will Rangers be losing arrange?>>

No, but it's going to change. Arrange will be used to prepare a carcass for one of the special hides. Everyone will have access to this feature. Here's an example from DEV.

>arrange rat
You examine the ship's rat and determine you could arrange to take its pelt, ear or tail.

>arrange tail rat
You arrange the ship's rat to skin its tail.

You skillfully peel the rat tail off a ship's rat.

You glance down to see a carving knife in your right hand and a rat tail in your left hand.

<<What is the scope of the proposed changes?>>

Given that arrange will be used to pick the specific parts we're going back to the "old school" method of skill translating into quality. It will no longer be necessary to arrange first to get above "average." So if you have the skill, you'll get a superior hide. Experience per action will go up to accommodate higher end skinning. The skill progression (difficulty vs. quality) will likely be setup a lot like stealth. Rangers will be on the top (best progression) followed by other survival primes, secondaries, and then terts.

Penalty will no longer factor into the experience (holding 2H sword is just going to reduce quality, it's not going to count toward EXP.) If you want a high quality skin you're going to want to use a skinning knife. As a perk for Rangers, you will not be penalized by the tool you use like other guilds. Example: You will still be able to get a high quality hide if you use a longsword (assuming you have the skill) where as someone else will have to bust out the skinning knife. Very high utility in that ability, you don't have to swap out your weapon for the skinning knife to go above "average."

<<Will rangers still be the number one at skinning?>>

Rangers will be most efficient, though everyone will have the same potential. I'm going to keep the quality bonus you get for the "infused with pride" message for very high end success. That will stay ranger only. =)


"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." -Albert Einstein
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Skinning, Barges on 09/02/2006 09:29 PM CDT
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okay, having looked back at this folder since 2004:

1. first question - in regard to skinning: the question was posed 2 years ago in regard to making it possible for default arranging to go to the creature just skinned. The GM at that time answered that no, the thought was that it was too "precise" a move to default. <although I would tend to disagree - it seems like more a typing issue for the PLAYER than something that would affect our characters - our characters SEE which critter they just killed, and for them to mistakenly try to arrange a different one is more a problem with system parsing than one of lack of IC knowledge our characters would have>.

The next post on this issue from a GM was in March, and said basically the opposite - that it would be no longer necessary to type arrange first wolf, arrange third wolf, etc - rather, that different PARTS of the animal would become skinnable; with rangers getting a bonus as to it being easier for them to get the best parts. The posts I've seen recently on priorities and upcoming Ranger releases don't include any skinning rewrite. I'm wondering what is the current thinking from Team Ranger on the priority of a skinning rewrite, and in lieu of that a fix to arrange where it would automatically default to the critter just killed.

My ranger character <the one i've trained the most is in TF>- can bypass the "wrong" critter by utilizing an arrange script - but it seems it would be much more pleasant for it to default. So any information you folks can give me on the progress of this issue would be appreciated.

2. Barge- I'm specificially speaking of the Theren Barge. I realize there is a Ranger Trail system that can bypass the Theren barge. However, my ranger can't use it yet because the swimming skills aren't quite on par - additionally running through 40+ level barbarian critters plus mesmerizing ones with a 30 second roundtime in which nothing can be in the characters hands, etc - is quite scarey for a sub=30th level ranger. Yet, on the barge, pacing like a trapped animal isn't a good thing for her ranger bonus. I mean, i know the barge is a built thing, and i can understand the busy dock being city. however, the ranger has no choice but to use the barge, and so i'd think the boat itself could be neutral akin to the ferries that ply the waters between crossing and leth. Any plans on looking at this issue?

thanks. schvartz in TF -da bad ranga wit more steal dan forage. heh.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: Skinning, Barges on 09/10/2006 11:28 AM CDT
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The trail around the barge is alot easier to go from Langen to Haven than it is the other way back. I personally dont find it that off I mean it is a river at the top of a hill, you would think the currents would be pretty fast. I just spent alot of time swimming around Aesry and crossing the fald a few times a day. That and CAIS makes it even easier. Personally I see it as more of a training goal than how you see it.

Scout Alexii.

>snugg racc
I think you've been out hunting too long if a baby raccoon is starting to look like good snuggle material.
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Skinning on 10/20/2006 03:05 PM CDT
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Has there been any progress on rewriting skinning? I know that's this is not a ranger only system, but we are the ones that seem to be the most impacted.

I know that you can't give any timeframes, but it'd be nice to know if the rewrite is at the front of the list, in the middle, at the end, or its not even in the ballpark yet.

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Skinning on 05/07/2007 02:33 PM CDT
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Is this the next thing on the list to be fixed? I really think it should be. The longer this goes unfixed the further my skinning ranks fall behind... :(

I often think about how many ranks I'd have in skinning if it weren't "broken" (so to speak) to begin with, and it makes me sad inside.

" do not deserve Ability X just because another guild received it." -Armifer

"Sabbra Caddabra" your skill/title/ability is now mine.
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Reqs-Skinning on 04/29/2008 03:36 PM CDT
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I keep looking over these new reqs and seeing where my defficiencies are as I see it nothing will eliminate the new armor req. Ok fine... but my problem is specifically with Skinning at this point. I have enough skinning to be 8 circles lower then my current circle. With that it almost feels like a double penalty. The requirement for it and the way we learn it. Toss in our broken bonus and maybe it is a triple threat to the negative. Are you going to be providing any kind of relief with Skinning prior to the change over. Some of us already had a huge back log of secondary armor we are trying to full fill but to then get hit with the debilitating power of skinning on top of it makes the changes even more in poor taste.

One could say well learn a different survial to make up for it. That would include a larger back training of harder survivals to learn in order to make up for it which gives the quadruple negative to skinning.


Knowledge is like manure, it's only good when spread.
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