Since there are changes on the horizon, i was curious if some abilities and restrictions for rangers were going to be revisited. Mostly I wish to inquire about expanding our secondary armor skillset to be more fitting for an armor secondary guild.
Armor hindrance: At least give rangers the ability to work off the penalties for having a small and medium shield. I don't think that is too much to ask considering we are armor secondary and the few abilities we do have.
Shield boosters: I would like to see petrify extended to cover shields. Increasing protection and durability would be fine.
With the changes to beseeches, and that have been made to other areas IG. Do rangers still have to suffer extra penalties for every bonus we gain? I'm at a lost for words when thinking about it but we trade off a lot currently in comparison with other guilds.
We can boost absorption, but we lose spirit/(nature's pool) and then with that absorption we gain added hindrance to all the armor that is affected. As well as needing to clear hands to align properly.
Refresh regains some of our lost vit, but the winds take spirit and knock us down to the ground with a 20 second round time.
I used to be for penalties in my initial joining of the guild. I didn't mind the cost vs reward model but it seems that the equality of this principal is obscure in the light of magic. I wouldn't mind if the beseeches all gained a agreeable downtime.
Also will there be any more defensive beseeches, or offensive ones as well. Maybe something that unbalances the area, or makes a ranger harder to target or advance.
"So like I said, don't take it personally. All cultures have their share of fools. It's just that we always felt yours had a lot more than ours."
~~Warrior Mage Guild Leader Senfrislor, The Prydaen in Their Own Words~~