Ranger Bonus? on 01/28/2008 08:44 AM CST
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Pardon my ignorance, I'm sure someone must have asked this somewhere before, but I can't find the answer; my question is:

In areas where the wilderness bonus is 'you smile slightly at the refreshing familiarity of the area', does that mean that our bonus is slowly deteriorating, or just not getting the boost it would in a pure wilderness area where you get the pace message "paces back and forth like a large cat"?

In other words, does it work this way?:

Pace like a large cat - big boost to bonus
Neutral - no change to bonus
Smiling at the refreshing familiarity - small hit to bonus
Scowling - bigger hit to bonus
Trapped animal - huge hit to bonus

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Ranger Bonus? on 01/28/2008 05:36 PM CST
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Will 'blue' rangers be permitted to make replies here?


Where would we be?

Jack: Bobby, I've had enough of Nikita, I'm ignoring him from now on!
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