Zen Archery on 02/26/2008 02:35 PM CST
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Whatever happened to the ability for Rangers to catch projectiles in an empty hand? Is this still planned, or was it scraped?
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Re: Zen Archery on 02/26/2008 03:44 PM CST
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>Whatever happened to the ability for Rangers to catch projectiles in an empty hand? Is this still planned, or was it scraped?<

As I just posted elsewhere, it's probably best to assume that there is nothing planned and start asking for what you want to see.

I don't personally have any problems with the concept though, and I can put it on my list of things to look into.

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Re: Zen Archery on 02/28/2008 04:23 PM CST
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stares in awe at the 8 foot piece of parchment labeled "to do"
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