Ranger stealing on 04/25/2008 06:10 AM CDT
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So, in light of the slips coming and the fact that some of them require stealing, I need to start stealing from the hard working shop owners and people of the Crossing (or any city)

I intend to use this knowledge to help younguns.

Where do I start? I've tried stealing from the Halfling Sailor in Riverhaven and got caught, ditto for the blind beggar, the war veteran and stout thread in the Crossing Tannery.

10 ranks or so in stealing that I got from helping older rangers with their perception way back in the day. Hiding of 165, 25 mana SotT and EM...

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Re: Ranger stealing on 04/25/2008 10:40 AM CDT
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Steal multiple envelopes, charcoal, water. Expect to be caught on occasion. Especially since New Justice is almost here, soon the fines won't really be that much trouble.

Research the weight and value (not price) of items, and use that as a springboard to what you want to steal next. Use your buff spells.

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Re: Ranger stealing on 04/25/2008 06:13 PM CDT
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<< Use your buff spells. Z>>

With our bonus all shot to hell in towns, will our buff spells really work or help any?

And would you please tell us about New Justice? I never heard of it until a few days ago. What's that about and what will it do to the current state of justice?

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