Rough Terrain on 04/06/2009 02:23 PM CDT
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So this has been asked many many times over the years and always answered with a yes, however the people in charge have either pushed it off on area GMs or moved on or both and nothing has happened. Now with Z being Superman and everything on the coding side, I thought I would ask again in the hopes that maybe he can code up some quick checks and give them to whoever needs to approve them and get em in game.

I am, of course, asking about getting scouting checks for Rangers put in to handle all of the areas in game where the other guilds who don't know how to navigate the wilds get tripped up or get heavy roundtimes or get hurt or both. We can run full speed through backwoods and fling ourselves up cliffs and through swamps if all of the trail messaging is to be believed, but we can't walk through a room with roots on the ground without faceplanting into the mud. It's just kind of embarassing when you're 100th circle and you slip and break your leg on some ice.

Rooms to be looked at include:

Roots in the boar area out the east gate of Riverhaven
Roots? on Hara with the seords/dolomar, before the polo maze
Ice in P5 past frost angiswaerd, Himineldar Shel area
Moving up the hill in blood wolves near El Bain's in Theren, as well as falling constantly in rams in the same area
Falling into the pit in Heggarangi Boars outside Throne City
Possibly moving through the muck on the NTR north of Dirge (with enough escape on top of scouting to not learn anything anyway)
Keeping us from tripping and busting our heads on the rock when we take the backdoor north through the undergondola (the one for mid-ranks, not the branch)

I'm actually feeling really stupid right now because I know there are more and I'm blanking on where, but I know that everyone else will chime in on the ones I missed. Anyway, even if it was a ridiculous check, 400 scouting to not trip on a root, it would go a long way to helping our guild identity. Of course it would be even better if it was paired with an evaluation of RTS times to make them faster than walking by hand (hint hint) but just skipping the 3 second pause in a room and/or not falling flat on our face is a nice perk and hopefully not something too terrible to code up and get QC'd.

Sorry for the ramble, thanks for reading.
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