[North Roads Caravansary, Campfire] on 03/07/2013 11:27 PM CST
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[North Roads Caravansary, Campfire]
Set upon a small tower of chiseled stone overhanging the fire is a small grill where an enterprising young cook works to earn odd coin.
You also see a playful dog (calmed), Charpig and a waste bucket.
Something stirring in the brush sets flight to a large group of colorful butterflies that float in the air with grace and beauty.
A raccoon trundles up to the bucket, rearing up on its hind legs and scattering the trash as it searches for its dinner. What it doesn't eat is hopelessly lost in the surrounding shrubs.


This room appears to be a non-ranger friendly room, as in, it's urban enough that some rangers spells cant be cast in it (EM for one). Yet, the room has messaging of wild animals running through and would make it seem like it would be more wilderness than urban. Can someone take a look at it see if it can be adjusted. Its not completely wilderness, its much more like a typical campground, but it is certainly more wilderness than urban.

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Re: [North Roads Caravansary, Campfire] on 03/08/2013 12:10 AM CST
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>>This room appears to be a non-ranger friendly room

Would you mind submitting a bug report while standing in the room? This will ensure that someone takes a look at it. Not necessarily that it will be changed, but it will at least show up on someone's to do list for evaluation.

Our choicest plans
have fallen through,
our airiest castles
tumbled over,
because of lines
we neatly drew
and later neatly
stumbled over.
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